You sow what you reep 2

Abhi just moved away and a few bodyguards helped her sit on a chair. Everyone stared at her and she started stripping her own dress infront of all those people.

She stripped her upper layer of the dress and her lacy innerwear could be seen. Despite a few female workers trying to stop her she wouldn't listen to them and the scene was so embarrassing and x rated that even the reporters stopped taking the pictures of her.

Abhi signalled a waiter and he brought over a cloth to cover her up and a glass of water for her to drink. He tried to cover her up but he wouldn't keep it.

Shriya and Sony were shocked and dumbfounded when they saw what was happening before them. They moved towards their respective brothers in law tobe and looked at them with confusion.

Sony asked with her eyes wide in shock "why is she behaving like that, stupid b*'ch ?". She was still in shock and didn't add filters to her words.

When Shriya was a lot more composed than her friend and she could guess what would have happend. She looked at Rahul and asked the obvious question "Is she drugged with aphrodisiacs?"

Sony looked at her friend understanding what was happening there and asked "Did you people do that ?".

Barun nodded his head slightly in agreement and Sony muttered "Isn't this a bit too much ?"

Though she acted all tough and clever, deep inside she is just a innocent and naive girl.

Barun looked at her with a mused expression and said "You are really naive. What we gave her is only half the concentration of what she used on Shriya".

"Abhi bhai drank only a little and he puked out everything as soon as he sensed something is wrong. Just imagine what would have happend if Shriya really drank everything just as that stupid wench hoped for. Bhai can stay calm in every situation that was why we didn't see much effect on him".

There was not even an ounce of guilt on his face. Shriya also stood with an indifferent expression on her face. She is not a saint to forgive such an woman who dared to play with an innocent woman's character.

Sony understood and nodded her head and looked at Geetika who was trying to hug the guard who just helped her drink some water and sit straight by holding her hand. She said with a disgusted face "Serves her right, Stupid b^!ch".

Shriya looked at Geetika and said with a calm face "She is reaping what she has sown. No one can escape from their karma".

Sony looked at her friend with a surprise and thought to herself 'This girl sure is cold just like her man'. Shriya understood the meaning behind the friend's stare and explained to the latter's unspoken comment "You must have seen what condition Abhi was in when that incident happened. I can forgive someone who attacks me but not those who tries to attacks my loved ones and she harmed my man and that serves her right".

Sony looked at her friend with admiration in her eyes and said "I admire you from the bottom of my heart girl".

Shriya smiled and said while looking at Geeetika "Now enjoy the show. Afterall our men went through so much for planning this so that we can see this".

Rahul looked at his sisla and smiled. He admired her for her correct guess. Abhi truly managed everything so that Shriya could see Geetika's downfall.

Geetika completely lost her senses and rationality. She started unbuttoning the shirt buttons of the waiter who was passing by and he was dumbfounded by this sudden attack from her. She was trying to force two men at a time.

He tried to move away being afraid to threw the woman away and she started placing kisses all over body.

Just then Barun who went somewhere came there with a bucket full of ice cold water and threw it over Geetika's head and she was completely drenched.

She cooled down a little and she became a bit clear headed. She looked around and saw everyone staring at her with judgemental looks. Just as she was trying to get a scene and understand the situation another bucket full of ice cold water was again thrown on her and her dress was also completely drenched and face and hair was all messy with akk her make up ruined.

The waiter who she tried to force helped her sit properly on the floor when she fell from the chair. She got her senses back and when she understood what was happening to her she cried in shame and in embarrassment.

She looked at the media reporters who are busy taking pictures of her again after the waiter helper her cover up with a cloth.

They are all staring at her with shock and her heart almsot dropped out of her throat with shame. She then looked furiously at the man who was standing not far from her with an indifferent and cold expression on his face.

She turned her face a bit and saw Kunal who had a layer of disgust on his face when looking at her. She saw the two girls who are standing not far behind from these two men.

She sneered looking at the Abhi and blamed him "You did this. Didn't you ?". Though she was not so hot anymore, she was still under the influence and her brain was playing with her rationalism.

She yelled in a loud voice and revealed everything on her own without them asking her anything "I know I put the drugs in your drink but you can't do this to me."

A few reporters were allowed at the commotion site and they started their live telecast again. This was a piece of news that can shake the entire entertainment industry for atleast a month.

Abhi was calm and asked in an even more calm tone "Why would I do something like that to you ?".

Geeetika looked at him and gave a mocking laugh "Because you wanted a revenge. I made you drink the drugged drink earlier at Rajput's birthday party and now you are doing this to get back at me."

Before she could say anything more she was dragged out of the hall by the bodyguards and the medical staff whom the hotel manager called.

She looked at the two men especially Abhi and yelled like a crazy woman "I am going to get back to you for this. You will definitely pay for this".

The guards brought over the bag which Geetika carried earlier and threw it on the floor. Abhi calmly said while Naveen went through the items on the floor "She accused me and I man not the kind of person who takes blame for others. I will prove myself. But let us first investigate what exactly happened before I clear my name".

There were so many things in the bag and everyone looked at them with curiosity expecting some new drama to unfold.