A few secrets revealed 5

Barun nodded his head and asked "We want to know the exact relationship between those two men. I mean everything about their friendship. "

Pratap said as a matter of factly "Well my son was a graduate from NIT Bhopal in computer sciences and he was also a gold medal holder in his university. He also done his diploma in ethical hacking along with his engineering."

"Varun was his senior from his college and they were both best buddies back then. Varun was a great student too and he was also good at sports and other social activities too. After they both met, Varun persued Rishi to participate in NCC camps and other activities and they both became members of some social group activities."

"Varun became a member of some disaster relief campaigns in Dehradun and took Rishi along with him to those camps. He stayed with us for a while at our home and that was when he became close to our entire family."

Abhi asked Pratap "Does Sony know Varun ?".

Pratap nodded his head and said "Yes, he doted on her as much as Rishi did and he really treated her as his own sister."

"Sony was a very introverted girl and she rarely interacted any other boys outside, but she was really comfortable around Varun just like when she was with Rishi."

Barun asked "Do you know any other specific details about their work?".

Pratap shook his head and Barun asked him for further details "Do you mind if we see Rishi's things gir those ?".

Pratap looked at Kunal and the latter nodded at him reassuringly and Pratap said standing up from his seat "Okay, I will show you to his room".

The three men who looked like three handsome models for some brands also followed behind him with indifferent expressions on their faces.

Pratap led them to a room which is in the far end of the house. It was locked and the old man grabbed a set of keys which are hidden in the flower pot placed on the table right next to that room door.

They just followed him inside and then he unlocked the door and showed them inside. The room was neat as if it was cleaned and used regularly. The walls of the entire room are filled with many pictures and most of them were of Sony and Rishi together and a few of them are family pictures.

But there were two pictures which grabbed the attention of these three. One of them were a picture of both Rishi and Varun in some kind of uniform. The background in the picture was some rural area and one could see a few more youngsters with the same uniform in th picture.

Pratap followed their gaze and he explained "That was when Rishi and Varun went to do some volunteer work at a village in the Eastern border." They just looked at each other and they both nodded.

While the other was a picture of three, Rishi, Varun and Sony holding each otherand laughing brightly. They were somewhere in an amusement park. Kunal just looked at the cute girl in the photo who was simg brightly with his eys wide open and there was a layer of gentleness spread over his face.

He didn't evade his stare from the photo and kept staring at her. Abhi placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and said in a low whisper in the latter's ears "What a cute little girl, she is full of nativity."

Kunal forgot that his friend was teasing him and he replied sub consciously "No she is so innocent and it is her uniqueness and charm".

Abhi said with a grin "Narcissist".

Pratap heard their conversation and his expression fell immediately. Barun who was beside Pratap coughed in embarrassment and he said to Pratap in an apologetic manner "Please forgive these dumb brothers of mine. Always prefers their women over work."

Barun asked Pratap to divert his attention from his dumb brothers "Do you have any thing that belongs to Varun at your house".

Pratap thought for a while and replied "Yes, I think we have his bag here. Let me see where it is ?"

Barun nodded his head and followed behind Pratap. After searching for a while they only found a photo of Varun and Shriya in a cupboard.

He said "I only found this with now. As for the bag it must be at our family house in Dehradun".

Abhi saw the picture and he stared at the girl who was smiling brightly in her brother's arms and his expression became as gentle and as it could be.

Kunal looked at his friend and Abhi became a bit emotional and said "It's been so long since I saw her smile so brightly. This is the Shriya I fell for and what her to be".

Kunal nodded in agreement "It's just like how she was five years ago. Bright and lively, full of confidence and purity. I still remember that moment".

Pratap looked at them and he could see their emotions. He asked Barun "Since when did you guys know that girl ?".

Barun answered honestly "Bhai fell for her at first sight five years ago. But we couldn't find her back then and we have been searching for her for a while and found her recently and now she is staying with Bhai".

Abhi asked the old man "Can I have this photo?" and the latter immediately accepted his request "Take it".

Barun said "Sir, we will leave now, We don't want Sony to know about this yet. So please kept our visit here a secret".

Kunal added "Uncle, we will take our leave now. I will meet you again."

Pratap nodded brightly at Barun but when Kunal said that he made a poker face and said "If you are not serious with my daughter, stay away from her. I don't believe you rich people especially celebrities".

Kunal said in a determined tone "I like Sony and no one can stop me from seeing her and I am serious about this".

Pratap's face relaxed a bit seeing his determination but he still said in a authoritative tone "Even so, maintain distance from my daughter".

Abhi came forward and hugged the old man. He said "Thank you so much Uncle. I truly am thankful to you for giving me this picture."

Pratap couldn't help but say "She is also like my daughter and I hope you guys will always be happy with each other. Take good care of her."

Barun once again reminded "If you go to your family house, please see for that bag and if you find inform me. We need it."

Paratp nodded and said "I will see and inform you".

After that the three men left the place and went to their respective houses.

Just when Abhi entered his house he got a call from his brother and seeing the caller Id he knew that something must have happened with his mother or Gouthami.