
As soon Abhi picked up the call he heard his brother's whin like a kid "Bhai, Gouthami just called me to say that she was boarding the plane in LS. She is coming to India and she will be here by tomorrow evening. What should I do ?" He asked everything in a single breathe.

Abhi was annoyed tone and yelled at his brother in a cold tone "Till when do you plan to whin like a girl to me. Toughen up and be a man.".

Rahul heard his brother's cold advice and he responded at the very next moment. He sounded a bit serious and said with determination "Okay bro." and after just a second he asked his brother's help in a very pitiful tone "Tell me what should I do now" leaving everything his brother's advised earlier on tha schedule.

Abhi couldn't take this anymore and said "Let her come first and then we will see. Pick her up first, from the airport and take her to our mansion."

Abhi didn't want to talk to his brother any more and was about to hung up the phone when he heard a shrill voice of a young girl in the background and a smile painted on his lips.

He asked "Is that Preeti with you?"and in response he received a "hum" from his brother and he also heard some rattling and other noises. He understood that and observed the sounds on the other of the phone are not at the Mansion.


He asked "Where are you now".

Rahul said with a deep sigh "I promised this little witch, that I will take her to an amusement park and we are here now".

Abhi said with a stern voice "Did you take any bodyguards with you?".

Rahul asked with a quick irritation when he heard his brother "Why do we need a bodyguard?. When Barun called me this morning he also insisted not to take this witch anywhere without proper care and protection".

Abhi was annoyed to his bones and asked in a chilled tone "Did you take one with you or not ?".

Rahul was frightened and answered almost the next moment "Of course, Barun sent two of his best men with us. Rest assured she will be fine".

Just then Abhi heard the little girl's sweet voice from the other end "Hello, my dear prince. Happy new year".

In the background Abhi heard his brother yell at the little girl "You little bear, you can't snatch my phone just like that."

Preeti snorted angrily at him "I have my own brand new phone my prince charming. He promised to get me an I phone for me as new years gift.".

A smile appeared on Abhi's handsome face and he promised to the little girl immediately "Alright, Whatever my princess want, it will be there in your room by this evening. Happy new year my princess".

Abhi heard the girl's giggle happily and his heart became gentle and warm. Rahul's helpless voice could be heard in a low voice in the background "Such an asskisser, you are good at buttering up people".

Preeti ignored the man behind her who was mocking her and said in a Honey sweet voice "I know, my prince is the best."

Abhi said "Okay, but you need to promise me one thing."

Preeti was truly curious and asked "What is it ? I will do anthing for you."

Abhi said in a gentle and pleading tone "You have tobe a good girl. An aunt will come and stay there with you and Rahul for few months. And if you feel any discomfort wuth her or others you have to tell me right away."

Abhi knew what kind of a girl was Preeti. Even though she acts like a spoiled brat infront of Abhi, and always teases Rahul she is still a sensible girl. She is very sensible and mature than many other girls of her age.

If she felt some discomfort because of Gouthami, she will not complain about it to them, instead she will go through that suffering or hardship, so he decided to inform her in advance.

But he also didn't want to take her out of the Palace. He knew she already became accustomed to that life and if Gouthami really stayed with Preeti, then she will be a bit happy if she stay at home, afterall a child can make a house lively and if the child is as energetic as Preeti, it will be a heaven to any busy person.

Preeti nodded and said "Rahul already told me that Gouthami sister will be here tomorrow and I will be good to her."

She then turned to look at Rahul who was standing beside her and listening to her cute words with a bright smile on his face. She said word to word "I know she has a little baby inside her stomach and I promise I will take good care of her and entertain her as much as I can".

Rahul walked upto her and kissed the little girl's cheeks and said "This little witch is acting like a grown up now." His eyes has a layer of gentleness and adoration for that little girl.

Abhi also complimented her "That's my princess. we will visit you guys tomorrow evening and we will have dinner at the Mansion".

Preeti smiled in happiness and said "Bye, my prince charming. We will wait for you. Bring didi along with you. I miss her so much."

Abhi said "Okay," and he hung up the phone. He went into the room and got freshen up too and he went into the kitchen and started preparing dinner for his woman.

* * * * * *

Barun was driving while Kunal sat in the front passenger seat of their car. Barun said after a deep thought "I think we should investigate Varun's college", to which Kunal nodded and Barun continued "I think we should tell Shriya about the relationship between her brother and Sony's brother and then I think we can ask if she knew anything about this".