
Kunal replied "No we shouldn't do that now. We have to know the exact reasons and incidents behind the entire accident."

Barun asked "Bhai, I think there was something wrong with this entire case. No matter how hard I try we couldn't find anything about it."

Kunal asked "Why are you so hooked up on this particular case and wrecking your brain over it continously. Is it because it's personal ?".

Kunal has been observing Barun for a while now. He know his brother more than anyone else. He is very dutiful towards his work. He solves any kind of case only in a matter of few days, no matter how difficult it is or how powerful the other party is .

But ever since he took up this case, he was acting so different. He was being restless and was so focused on this particular case. So Kunal was a bit curious about this weird behaviour of his younger brother.

Barun put on an expressionless face and it's very difficult to read his mood. He said "I don't know. Though the accident seems like a natural one, like any other fire accident, I definently feel something is weird about it. Something is definitely fishy but I couldn't pin point what exactly is fishy"

Barun was never wrong in his investigations before. He has a strong intuition and was always head right in his guesses.

He said holding his head in his hands in frustration "But no matter how hard deep I dig into the matter, I couldn't find any lead and I stood where I was at the start and it's reallly getting on my nerves."

Kunal was not an emotional person but seeing his little brother so stressed he couldn't help but console him. He said "It's not like that. you can't be right always. Sometimes even you can a mistake. Take it easy."

Barun nodded his head and said with a defeated face "But I appointed a bodyguard to follow Preeti and another one for Shriya other than Naveen."

Kunal asked questioningly "Naveen is enough. No need for an extra. He is one smart man and he can handle anything".

Barun said "I always feel like both the sisters are being stalked and Abhi bhai also feels like he was being watched lately."

"If that's true then we can't be any more negligent, afterall we don't know what they want."

Kunal nodded his head and Barun continued "If this really concerns Shriya then there may be a chance that Sony was also being stalked so I appointed one man to follow her too."

Kunal asked almost immediately "But she will panic if she finds out she was being followed."

Barun explained "He will follow her from a distance but will be there with her 24/7. So that we can be rest assured." With that he looked at his elder brother "Even you have tobe careful".

Kunal nodded his head but said with a deep sigh after a few moments "I think you are overthinking this time, but I agree with you. Afterall we won't loose anything if we be a bit more careful than before".

Barun nodded in agreement and said "Prevention is better than cure bhai." With that he stood up and left to go to his room. When he walked up to the door he turned around and looked at his brother who was leaning back against the couch and said "I asked someone to hang that picture in your bedroom. It will be fixed by tomorrow morning".

Kunal smiled at the thought of the picture that Sony painted for him and Barun grinned "Now you learned to smile too. Ah, what an eye sore?".

* * * * * *

Shriya and Naveen came to her flat and she fell on the couch in the living room fully exhausted and she was trying very hard to stop her laugh but couldn't. She was holding her stomach with her both hands and was rolling on the couch.

Naveen walked into the kitchen and brought her a bottle of water from the refrigerator and passed it to her after opening the cap.

He sat beside her and seeing her still laughing and her moist eyes he said in an annoyed tone "Shriya, now stop laughing and drink some water. You are acting like a naughty kid. See your messy hair and the way you laugh is so creepy."

Shriya was drinking water and Naveen muttered in a low voice "Poor girl, I already felt sympathy for her last night, now even the media is not letting her off the hook".

Shriya spat out the entire water in her mouth and it fell directly on Naveen's shirt. She giggled seeing his dirty and wet shirt and then at his annoyed face exoression.

She said after a moment "I am so sorry" but she didn't stop her laugh.

Naveen gritted his teeth and said "Boss, he is spoiling you to no end and you became like this."

Just then Abhi came from the study room ater hearing some sounds in the living room. He was in his pajamas and looked at the two people who are busy quarreling like kids. Seeing his woman laugh like that happily and purely, Abhi felt happy.

Naveen said with a poker face "If you continue like this, no one can save you. Girls should act refrained." to which she reaised her eyebrow and Naveen said with a helpless expression "Sometimes I feel Mr. Malhotra is blind to like a girl like you. You are too raw."

Shriya didn't see her man observing her blabbering with Naveen and she replied to the latter sticking her tongue out at him "Bro, He loves so much and he will try to prove his love for me at each and every possible occasion he gets".

Abhi was shocked to hear her bold comments, though he was proud that she feels so and compliments him, he also felt a little puzzled. She was a very introverted girl and never likes to tell others about her private details but now she is so bold, even he felt a bit uncomfortable. Her face is not even a bit red with shyness.

Before his thoughts could run anymore wild he heard her continue "He is not like someone who wastes such a great opportunity of being with his girlfriend all alone at home."

Naveen couldn't take this mockery anymore and he was about to hit on the forehead of the woman infront of him and said loftung his hand "You little girl, wait...". with that his words got stuck in his mouth when he saw who was standing behind her.

Abhi walked upto her and hugged her from behind. Naveen was shocked to his wits and was utterly frightened seeing Abhi at home and if was right Abhi must have heard everything he said to his young madam.