My possessive man 3

All the hair on Naveen's head and skin stood up straight and he was shocked to his wits. Naveen stood up and bowed to the Abhi who was holding his woman in his arms and was kissing her head lovingly.

Naveen greeted Abhi but his voice was struck in his throat not letting a word to come out of his mouth. He said in a frightened voice "Good Evening Boss".

Abhi looked at him with an indifferent expression but nodded his head in response. He walked infront and sat beside his woman. Shriya was still laughing not minding the men who was frightened to his bones and the one who was giving out a cold aura.

Naveen looked at the woman and cursed in his brain "This brain less idiot, is she blind ?'

'My job is on the line and so is my life and still she has the nerve to laugh now. Is her heart made of steel or what. Don't she have any concern about this poor bodyguard of her ?'.

Shriya looked at the man who was standing with his head held down and she laughed even more. She said to Naveen holding her stomach in her hands not minding the person who was looking at her with confusion and curiosity "Why did you stand just now ?" then she said knowingly with a nod "Ah respect for your boss."

Naveen looked at her with a grim expression and he didn't say anthing else. He just wanted to run away from there for now, but he know he can't.

Abhi said in an indifferent expression to Naveen "Sit" and the latter immediately followed the order and sat in the couch. But he felt a bit relaxed but it didn't take much time to understand that she was targeting him intentionally.

Abhi asked while holding her in a side hug "What are you laughing at so much ? Did something funny happen today ?".

When Shriya heard his question, her face blushed and she coughed with embarrassment. He looked at her even more curiously and he stared in silence waiting for her answer.

She said with her head held down and her eyes were fixed on the floor. She explained in a calm tone and Abhi listened to her blabber with too much attention as if they were discussing something important.

"Today I wore this top because I wanted to hide those hickeys on my neck and skin because last time all these three people teased me to no end and I ended up crying atlast".

Abhi knew that she was making up stories to frighten Naveen and she was playing a game. He also knew that last time, Naveen bought her a scarf to cover those marks and she liked that concern very much. Moreover he was careful last night not to make any scars or marks at visible places.

But he decided to play along with her. He will do anything to make her happy and this is just a piece of cake for him. He need not even use his acting skills in this. He just gave a death stare to Naveen and the latter was practically trembling with fear.

When Naveen heard this, his mind went blank. He was so frightened that his face became pale with all the blood rushing in the opposite direction. He cursed in his brain "This ungrateful witch."

Shriya laughed seeing his tensed face and struck her tongue out to tease him. She said with a proud and confident look "This is for teasing me earlier. See perks of having a powerful boyfriend".

Abhi was happy seeing his woman acting like a kid leaving all the worries behind and a beautiful smile painted on his lips. He asked in a curious tone unable to keep his cool anymore "So ?" and she replied "So today both Brahmini and Sony also wore the same kind of shirts and you know the reason behind it is the same, their men."

Abhi was not into gossip especially into private matters but he listens to everything his woman says and she was explaining it with so much enthusiasm that he didn't darw to stop her. He couldn't help but listen to her blabbering.

So he tried to act a bit enthusiastic though he was not actually "So ?". Naveen was flustered thinking what she will say next and thinking of some ways and means to stop her but he know it's impossible with his boss by her side.

Shriya continued "So, Kunal and Sony enjoyed a bit in the car on their way to her home and you know what Kunal actually met Sony's father. How sweet." Her face was glowing and her eyes were twinkling like stars.

Though Abhi knew about this and even he visited that old man that very day, he acted dumb in front of her and said "Really, that's great, so ?".

Shriya was in her own train of thoughts and said "But when we were teasing Brahmini about the same," with that she stopped what she was saying and looked at Naveen with a teasing smile and he held his head in his hands and covered it.

Abhi observed everything and the woman was no way near to stopping her gossip. "He started kissing Brahmini in the car and just then a man knocked on the door and he frightened and stopped what he was doing".

Naveen couldn't take it anymore and said in a low whisper "I thought it was her dad, he looked similar from the back".

Shriya laughed out even more loudly and said "He left her and then started apologizing to that random person. You know he even promised that person that he will not do anything out of the line again".

Abhi also couldn't help but laugh. He knew Naveen for about four years now and this was the first time he saw him so flustered and embarrassed.

Shriya asked ""What exactly did you say to that man?".

Naveen gritted his teeth but couldn't say anything to her not atleast infront of her man So he replied "I said I will be careful next time".

He wanted to save some face infront of his boss but Shriya didn't let him. She stood up waving her hands in the air in disagreement. "No, I will show exactly what he did".

With that she stood infront of them facing Abhi and she bent a bit low. She started acting with her hands folding infront of her chest and with a pitiful face.

Abhi looked at her woman curiously and he always wanted to see her acting. Raju recently said to him that she will be a great actress if she enters the industry.