Helping her man 1

After making sure Abhi went to his work, Shriya settled down in her bed wanting to take some rest. She smiled when she remembered how her man promised to come back to her by the end of the day.

After spending an hour in bed, she was about to go to the study when she heard her cell phone ring. She saw the unknown number and after a bit of hesitation she answered the call.

Shriya answered "Hello" and she heard a hesitated voice "Hello, this is Raj. Am I talking to Shriya".

She soon remembered him and answered "Yes, what's up ?" and he said "Nothing. How are you ?" and Shriya said with a chuckle "Well it been only a few days since we saw each other last and no need tobe formal. Tell me what's it ?" She understood that he must have wanted to say something to her otherwise he wouldn't have called her.

Raj said "First, I am sorry. I took your number from Garima without your permission" and he continued after a moment of silenece "I need a favor from you and your friend".

Shriya didn't understand what he was trying to say so she waited for him to continue and he said "As you already know Abhi was playing the role of a student in our film. He is a financially poor student but he is also very good at painting and stuff. He even makes his living by that small painting shop which he rented near the campus.

Shriya already heard the entire story and she was aware of the plot. Abhi plays the character of an orphan but a brilliant student. He is good at painting and sports and also a college student president.

He owns a small shop near the campus and his other job is that he completes the project works especially drawing specimens in the lab records of science students and stuff.

Drawing snakes and stuff takes a lot of time for the students and it will be a waste of time for them. So he draws it for them for money. Especially those old people who want to complete their studies at their old age or after retirement. He helps them with their notes, records and stuff.

Shriya nodded her head "Yeah, I remember" and he said "So we need paintings for the set of the painting shop and also a few scientific diagrams and records.

We approached a famous artist but he was so experienced and his paintings are too good for us. After seeing them we understood they don't suit our movie. We want some talented but crude painters who are not so trained."

Shriya listened to everything though she is getting bored and annoyed as he is lagging it too much without coming to the main issue.

When she was about loose her cool he said "I saw your gift to Kunal on his birthday and also your friend's. So I thought it would be great if you guys help us with this."

Shriya was shocked with this. She didn't get time to absorb the complete information when he added "Actually l want to talk to you in person. Will that be okay for you ?"

Shriya thought for a moment and said "I am free and at home." and he soon replied "I will be there in an hour and can you invite your friend too please".

Shriya accepted his request and called her friend Sony to her home. She wanted to call Naveen too but he didn't answer his phone.

She sent a text message to Abhi informing him about Raj's request and arrival but he didn't reply to her.

Shriya sent a text to Sony asking her to come home saying she already sent a driver to pick her up.

Only after an hour time both Sony and Raj reached the Malhotra Mansion. She took them to the study room on the second floor and asked the servants to bring some snacks and refreshments for them.

Abhi also sent a text saying "Okay". All three of them sat in three single seater chairs around a glass study table.

After introductions, Raj said "Thank you miss Sheren for this. Let me speak first and later you can ask me questions if you have any".

Both the girls nodded their heads and Raj said "As I alaredy told you before we need freshers who are not so skilled for this job but have their own style of making sketches."

He then turned towards Sony and said "The sketch you made of Mr. Rajput was so good. And that animated one it was so beautiful and funny too if I might add." And the girl just thanked him with a smile.

He then turned towards Shriya and said "The pencil art you made of Mr. Malhotra and Mr. Rajput was also good and you guys got your own styles and creativity.

Sony asked "You could have found someone with the same qualifications. It's not hard then why us ?"

Raj said "Well there are two reasons for that too". He continued with a sigh "Moreover it's not so easy to find people that easily. It's not so easy with you guys too. Abhi was not okay with this because he doesn't want to disturb you guys as your exams are just around the corner.

That's the reason why I have to go through all this pain of finding your number from Garima. I am asking you now beacuse we got a plenty of time because we postponed the release date of our film.

I also heard that you guys will be free for almost one and a half month after your examinations, so I took a chance to meet you guys".