Helping her man 2

After making sure both the girls are listening to him, he continued with a pitiful tone "There are two more reasons for this. Firstly, the more people know about the script the more it affects the movie, we need to minimise the number of people who knows the script and the plot. We can't take any chances in this.

Secondly, as you guys are already aware of the fact that I am new to the industry, the producers aren't that confident in me and we don't have much funds. We can't hire professionals for this job as they charge too much.

Moreover Abhi agreed for a low remuneration because he liked the project and so....." he was still trying to say more to convince them but Shriya interrupted him saying on a calm tone "I am convinced and I agree with you".

Sony said with a nod to show her agreement too "I can't hear any of your blabbering more. You are a true chatter box".

He smiled and said with complete satisfaction and content "Thank you guys. Thank you so much".

Shriya shook her head and said "I am okay with this. But Abhi has the final say in this. If he doesn't allow it, I can't do anything."

Raj said in an even more pitiful tone and pleading eyes "He didn't let me talk to you about this when I first asked for his opinion. He didn't want to stress you with all this stuff.

But he only listens to you and you have to help me in this. I am counting on you in this." With that he ran away not giving them any chance to talk and left them both behind dumbfounded.

He even added that he will use those pictures to promote the movie which is the marketing strategy and they understood the importance of their paintings in the movie.

Sony said "He is one kind and friendly person. He is someone who makes others comfortable around him."

Shriya nodded saying "He is a not judgemental person and a very down to earth person."

* * * * *

Naveen laid on the bed in his room and he was staring at the ceiling and was in a deep thought.

His mother came there and sat on the bed and asked "What were you thinking about son ?". She placed his head in her lap and she stroked his hair gently.

He looked at her with deep eyes and she said "Brahmini, She is a lovely girl and I like her very much. Your dad also likes her and we can't wait to see her as our family member".

Naveen hid his head in her lap and started sobbing in a low muffle and his eyes were bright red with all those tears. He said "I can't do this. This is all too much for me."

His father Ravi came and saw the mother and son duo and he sighed in helplessness. He sat beside them on the bed and asked his son "Why are you crying son ? You are a man and act like one. Usually girls cry when they are leaving their house during marriage, But why are you crying now. You are acting as if you are going to leave us?".

Naveen looked up to see his father and the latter said with a smile "We are happy for you and we can't wait to see you starting your new life and it has always been our dream to see our son's marraige."

His wife said "We are eagerly waiting to see our daughter in law and we can't wait to see her in our home".

His mother said "But tell her everything before hand and I am sure she will understand you".

His father nodded his head and said "I want my son to get married in a month. We will also come with you to Mumbai and talk to her parents."

He then looked at his wife and said "Go pack our bags and also buy some gifts for them. We need to make a good impression on them".

Naveen smiled seeing his father and mother encouraging him and he stood up with a smile. He said "I will be back in an hour. I need to go out".

His father also stood up and said "I will also go with you" and then he looked at his wife and said "Will you join us my darling ?" and she nodded her head.

Ravi said "Archana. Let's go to shopping after this and let's have dinner at our son's favorite restuarant".

* * * * *

Brahmini stood at the store which sells silverware. She then looked at her parents who were busy shopping and picking gifts for Naveen and his parents.

As soon as she said that Naveen and his parents will visit them on Sunday, they were in a different mode, completely excited. They cleaned the entire house, got some new stuff and decorative items for the living room.

They brought her for shopping and insisted her to try some really expensive and beautiful clothes especially sarees and some formal wear. Both of them are busy picking gifts for them.

Though she felt that they are a bit over excited and acting over the top, she still understood their love for her and also their nervousness and she felt a kind of warmth well up in her heart.