
Shriya washed up and was about to call her man and just then Rahul came with uncle Ram floowing behind him with packed lunch. Rahul brought dinner for Shriya and wanted to spend some time with his baby boy.

Uncle Ram served them all food and Gouthami sat on the bed. She already had some light diet but sat with them. Uncle Ram and the nannies left the room giving some time for their owners to enjoy dinner.

Shriya asked the couple while chewing on her parata "So did you decide on the name ?" and Rahul said cheekily "I am okay with my baby's choice".

Shriya looked at Gouthami expectantly and the latter said "How's Gokul". Both of them looked at each other and then at Gouthami.

Rahul hesitated for a moment but said "Isn't it a bit old ?" and Shriya teased him "Didn't you say you are okay with her choice." But looked at her and asked "It's good. What's your reason for that choice of name".

Gouthami explained to them both "It's a combination of Gouthami and Rahul - Gokul". She looked at her man with love "He is a gift from you and symbol of our love."

Shriya smiled and she is so touched with her co-sisters words. But Rahul, he is on cloud nine and he wanted to hug her tight in his embrace.

Gouthami continued "Moreover, eversince Preeti gave me the idol of balakrishna I started listening to Gita and watching the animated series version of Little Krishna and I have been mesmerized with that face. I prayed that if the baby is healthy and everything is fine, then I will name him after his name."

Rahul said kissing his woman's forehead "I know my woman is amazing, but everytime she amazes me more. I love that name, of course he is the token of our love". He said the last sentence looking towards the cradle in which the baby is sleeping soundly.

After spending some time with them Rahul returned home as he had to go to office. He became even more determined towards his work after he became a father.

There's another bed in the room and also a big couch. Shriya occupied the bed while the nanny took the couch. They also hired a nurse who is well experienced in gynecology department for 24/7 service.

Gouthami was still in daze and she couldn't fall asleep. Shriya asked her "Are you not sleepy ?" and the latter shook her head "I slept the entire afternoon".

Shriya also sat up on the bed and out of the blue she asked "Gouthami, do you want to go to Sony's engagement ?" and the other replied "I don't know. Maybe I should bail on this one, it's only three days away and I think I will be staying here".

Shriya nodded her head saying "I think the same too." She then asked hesitantly "Can I ask you something?"

Gouthami sighed and asked "What's bothering you ? and Why this sudden hesitation and formality ?"

Shriya said "The dress I got from Ayush for you for the ceremony, Can I borrow that ?" and Gouthami replied "That's it. Ofcourse you don't have to ask you can have it".

Shriya smiled and said "Thank you". But the next moment Gouthami asked with a confused look "But you have the similar dress. Didn't you like the color of yours ? wait that can't be because you choose them".

Shriya said "Actually I want to give it to Garima and I want her to attend the ceremony. She looks a bit similar to you, complexion and personality. It suits her."

Gouthami was listening and nodded asking her to continue "And ?" Shriya continued "I wanted her to attend that ceremony at any cost and I will tell you the reason for it later.

She said she can't attend because of the busy schedule but I insisted Sony to invite her at all costs.

So there's a high chance of her arrival as ahe has a day off that" She then whispered "I found out that from her manager" and said "if that happens I wanted her to feel as a part of us and not a bit uncomfortable or left out. The reason she said last time is she doesn't have a dress."

Gouthami asked "If she doesn't want to attend, why are you insisting ?" and Shriya asked with a smile that's very sarcastic and one can hear the self mockery "Am I being nosy ?" and her co sister replied "may be, actually kind of little."

Shriya nodded saying "I think so too. But My gut feeling is that if she doesn't go, she might regret it later and I don't want her too."

Gouthami nodded "If you feel so but remember Abhi doesn't like nosy people and to meddle in other's matters".

Shriya nodded but she felt bad. Gouthami smiled and said "If you feel you are doing right, then go ahead and don't hesitate but don't do anything that you might regret later."

Shriya nodded and Gouthami said "I am feeling sleepy. Let's go to bed. Good night" and Shriya greeted her too. She then asked Nanny to close the door. The security is very high at the top floor and no one can enter other than authorized personnel.