Time together 1

Shriya stayed with her co-sister and nephew for a day in the hospital and the other day Abhi asked her to go home. The nanny stayed with Gouthami and Mrs. Malhotra visited her that afternoon.

Shriya went to college half day the next morning and saw Sony and Brahmini. Sony wanted to ask something but Shriya stopped her from doing so by saying "Don't ask me anything now. I will tell you everything after your engagement".

Sony shook her head saying "No idiot, I am not going to ask you anything. I was just about to tell you that I have successfully convinced her to go to my engagement."

Shriya nodded with relief and then Sony continued saying "But just as you told me she tried avoiding with the excuse of not having a dress but I told her that she must be there and I have already bought the similar dresses for all my friends and for her as well. She couldn't say no to me and agreed but I had to put an emotional act for her to do that." She giggled like a baby proud of herself.

Shriya smiled and thanked her for doing all this without asking for any reason. Sony said "Though I am curious, I will not ask you anything because I know you will tell me everything, and if you didn't then it means you have a reason for doing so".

Shriya asked with a smile "What a understanding nature baby girl ? It seems like you have turned into your past sensible self".

Sony said after a quick thought "That's actually what Kunal said when I didn't tell about Rishi bhai to him and Varun bhai always used to say me this, there will be a reason of your loved ones are hiding something from you." Sony smiled but her eyes showed her pain.

Shriya hugged her friend knowing she is missing her brother "He will be happy for you and I am sure he is proud of you seeing how his little sister turned into a sensible fine lady."

Sony smiled and Brahmini said "You guys are leaving me out again." They embraced each other and it turned into a group hug. Brahmini said "They are both proud of you".

* * * * *

Kunal was silent all the while, he just sat in his chair looking at the actreess who was busy practicing her dialogues. He seemed disinterested there but had to sit there because he had a scene to shoot next.

But the actress is taking too much time to complete her scene. She is just a sister character of the female lead but they have a scene to do together in that day and he is becoming restless.

Kunal wanted to go visit his girl and surprise her. He heard from his sources that she is a bit nervous and he wanted to take her out and calm her down. But he was forced to stay back because of this delay.

That evening Shriya went to the hospital to accompany Gouthami. Sony was in her room talking to her cousin on call when she got a message from Barun "Come down. I am waiting for you downstairs".

She was a bit shocked but went downstairs and saw Barun in his causual tracks and a black tee. He is talking with Mr. Pratap, he saw her and informed waving his hand "Let's go".

She asked "Where ?" and he replied "Soon you will know". She looked at her father for permission and he nodded with a smile. She informed "Give me a minute, I will go change".

He shook his head saying "Don't bother with all that. Just come". She hesitated but he urged "Come on, hurry."

She just put on a shrug over her tee and knee length tracks. Pratap called behind them "Try tobe back before your mother comes home" and she nodded.

After sitting in the car Barun started racing his car. Sony asked "Where are we going ?" and he remained silent. He increased the speed of the car to the maximum limit and she had to hold the side to stay calm.

She asked "Why so fast. Are you trying to kill us or what ?" She was both scared and angry.

He looked at her with confusion and then asked with a smrink "How do you know that ?" She was stunned for a moment and yelled "Don't joke idiot. I am afraid of speed".

He looked at her questioningly "Since when did I started jokinig with you. Actually I don't like you at all and I don't want anyone to go close to my brother. He is my brother and my everything and ever since you came into his life he started neglecting me. So....." he stopped mid sentence."

Sony looked at him sweat trickeled down from her forehead. He glared at her for a while and she didn't say anything. She just looked back at him as if she is trying to look into his eyes as if checking for the answers to the questions in her brain.

After a few seconds he decreased the speed and asked her with a chuckle "Did you really think I will kill you ?"

She shook her head and he said "Your face is a sight. All the blood muat have rushed back to the brain. I can see the horror in your eyes and you are trying to lie to me right in my face."

She shook her head again and said after calming down a little "Actually I can see that you meant those words when you said your brother is your everything and he is neglecting you and that angers you".

He chuckled and retorted "Do you think I am a kid to feel jealous and insecure just because of a girl".