How dare you call me a kid

Sony stared at him and retorted "I know you have insecurities and yes you are a kid, atleast to me".

The car came to a stop with a sudden jerk and he almost yelled at her "Do I look a like kid to you ?" and she retorted with the same angry bear face "Actually you act like one". She struck her tongue out and teased him.

Barun sighed and got out of the car and said "Come let's go" as soon as Sony got down she saw a familiar place. She know that place and it's his home.

Barun walked in the front and she followed behind and both were silent all the way. They entered the elevator together and she asked after staying silent for all that time "why did we come to your place ?" and he said "Relax, I am not going to kill you. Your man, no, actually my brother wants to buy an another apartment here and he wants your opinion."

He then looked at her and said in a warning tone "Don't you dare to say you like here. I want some privacy" He then wore his indifferent face again.

When they reached their floor they got out and just when they stepped outside he turned towards her and said with a pitiful face and in a begging tone "Actually I don't hate you, but I really hate you guys being all lovey dovey infront of poor single me and he is a very over bearing brother and I can't stand him being right next to me always watching over me".

Sony looked at him and asked him with an enquiring tone "I always had a doubt that you have a woman, actually you do. Don't you ?"

He starred back at her with horror in his eyes and yelled "don't bull!!it me." With that he walked away, she looked at his retreating back and mumbled "I was just kidding. why is he all worked up ?" She shrugged her shoulders and followed him.

He opened the door for her and she saw Kunal and Pumpkin sitting on the couch in their causual clothes but the atmosphere looked a bit tense as they are arguing about something.

As soon as she saw her man she sighed in relief and seeing her face, he enquired "What happened?" and she just smiled and replied "nothing, it's just Barun."

They sat and Pumpkin went to bring refreshments for all of them. Kunal side hugged her and said "I was thinking to get an apartment for us. I thought of a few places, first at the same apartment as Abhi's but we both didn't like the idea as we know you will neglect us so I dropped that thought."

Everyone chuckled and he continued "May be here, this apartment also has a very good security and it's near to the beach with a good view and when I'm away with shoot Barun can take of you", when she heard that she involuntarily looked at Barun and she can see his displeased face. She didn't reply to her man immediately but looked like she was okay with it.

Both Barun and Pumpkin are not happy with this and Pumpkin said "No, you guys can stay with us. grandma will be happy" and Barun agreed with his sister "Yes, I think it's the best idea". Sony countered him "But that place is far from College and this place near".

Barun looked like he was about to explode with anger while Sony had an amused expression on her face. Kunal asked "Okay, now tell me what's happening between you two fellas?" Barun said "Go complain, if you do, you will be a kid". He was about to say 'not me' but couldn't and stopped.

Sony retorted with a chuckle "I told you, you are the kid here and you proved it by complaining first". Kunal asked "So you guys are arguing who is the kid between you two? Great."

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh when he saw these two adults bickering like kids. Now Sony is the first to complain "He almost got us killed just now, he is such a rash driver" She said that with her eyes open wide.

Barun retorted almost immediately "I drove very slowly, if you are afraid of this then you will definitely die when you see brother drive" He teased her and smiled. She looked at her man and the latter said looking towards his brother "not as bad as him".

Pumpkin who was silent all the while snorted like a bear and complained "I told you, you will stay with us and this is final" She looked determined of her decision.

She then looked at her sister in law to be and asked with a pout "You will stay with us right?" Sony thought for a moment, she was hesitating and Barun said to his brother "bhai actually the villa next to our grandma's is vacant and I think it will be a good choice. Sony can stay near to grandma and at the same time you guys can have your own privacy. What do you think?"

Kunal looked at Sony as if asking for her opinion and she asked the doubt which she has in her mind all this while "Aren't we going to stay at your family house?"

All three siblings looked at her and Pumpkin explained "Actually grandpa and dad doesn't stay here. They stay in our home town and even if they did come here, bhai doesn't want you to stay there when he is not around and we have been staying outside for a while and our families are okay with it."

Kunal explained "you already know we are not so close with each other so we stay separately in our own houses."

Pumpkin opined "if you want to stay near to your parents you can. Tell bhai" and Barun shook his head saying "That area is not a right choice for bhai and we might have security issues there.".