Winner of Writing Prompt Contest #36 : Dungeons
The Sole Skull will be rewritten in the future!
A group of people found themselves in an 'Elevator.' They didn't remember anything but their names.
None of them knew, but a giant labyrinth world that filled with monsters was the first stop in their new lives.
A boy named Dante was among the amnesiacs. By chance, he obtained a weird Hidden Class called 'Skull,' and the legend began.
Join Dante as he clears the dungeon and finds his memory fragments inside of the monsters.
good start, we need more chapters ;) good start, we need more chapters ;) good start, we need more chapters ;) good start, we need more chapters ;) good start, we need more chapters ;)
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Main character has a mysterious background which is one of the my favorite things in a story. Fluent storyline also makes you forget how the time passes away when you read so i can not wait to see more chapters already. Give this novel a chance if you seek something different, something curious in dungeon stories. It fills up all of it's requirements and adds much more to genre. Good job!
Please more chapters, MC is smart and calm nice development please more chapters please more chapters please more chapters please more chapters please more chapters please more chapters
This story is so good please don’t drop it author you have done and amazing job stupid 140 characters ...........................,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.,..,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,m,,m,,,m,,,mm,m,mm,
A good story so far! Feed us pls. MORE!!MORE!!MORE!!MORE!!MORE!!MORE!!MORE!! MORE!!MORE!! MORE!! MORE!!MORE!!MORE!! Fucking 140 characters
Amazing start need more chapters and please please don’t drop this novel it is so good and has so much promise —————————————————————.—— damn 140 characters
nice start, calm and clever MC sometimes even cruel one, nice side characters, good world cruel an interested, even some romance nice start, calm and clever MC sometimes even cruel one, nice side characters, good world cruel an interested, even some romance nice start, calm and clever MC sometimes even cruel one, nice side characters, good world cruel an interested, even some romance
good one, interesting start more chapters needed good one, interesting start more chapters needed good one, interesting start more chapters needed good one, interesting start more chapters needed good one, interesting start more chapters needed
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
This one here is one of the best novel so far that I have read, but sadly it is also under rated. This one deserve a better ranking than what it have right now. I pray it get what it deserves, and more attention to the readership.
I really like this one. There is not much about to say about the story but it is good to see that not everything goes the way Mc like it. Keep up the good work, please raise your update speed.