TPP, with NavRavan,

He lands in a desolate island. He grips his mask and rips it apart. His face, if you could call it that, was burnt apart. It sported many 3rd degree and even some fourth degree burns.

His coat vanishes to reveal a partially burnt armor, burnt right onto his skin, so much that it was practically another layer of skin. The part that isn't burnt is white in color. The other one has lost all of its color. He wears a small dhoti under his waist.

A very deep voice comes from the mask. It is like a mountain growling.

It says, "You have failed in your endeavor! Give me a reason not to kill you where you stand!"

NavRavan says, "I did not FAIL!"

The voice grumbles, "You promised me Hastinapura and then more. You return after the death of just a few civilians. Last time I checked, a few civilians did NOT equal 'Hastinapura and more'. Whatever makes you feel that you didn't fail?"

NavRavan snorts and looks at the mask, "You-- You have no right! NO right whatsoever to blame me! To claim that I failed! What makes you believe that YOU have ANY power over me?!!"

The mask growls, "You shall not question MY AUTHORITY! Or, are you forgetting our agreement?"

"Soo much good THAT agreement did me!" Says NavRavan.

"Is that sarcasm I hear?" comes a mask growl.

"Yes it is, o All Powerful WEAKLING of a mask! I did not break our agreement! I shall not break our agreement! The fact that your power can't beat Bhishma is not MY fault! It's your bloody weak mask's bloody fault!"

A surge of energy comes from the mask as an intangible figure emerges from the mask. It is dark red in color. It reeks of hatred. It seems to suck in all the good. The man, it so it seemed to NavRavan is clothed in a red hood, the face too dark to make out.


NavRavan felt a large force on his shoulders and legs. He resisted as much as he could but his body budged. There was only so much the human body could handle.

The red man says, "You don't know the power the wearer of this mask wields. You should be thankful to even wear it! Be grateful that I can't come to your realm right now. But that shan't be the case for long. In time I shall be able to come back to the surface. Prepare it for my arrival and rule as my trustworthy second in command or betray me, and no place in the multiverse shall keep you safe!"

Saying so, the hologram vanished.

NavRavan gets up and curses under his breath, "Bloody ******. Only a little while longer. I'll make the power of this mask mine own. Then let's see who's laughing o wonderful matter o' mine.

Soon... Very soon. ... I'll get my revenge on you all... Starting with you, you bloody Carnage!

After everything, I'll come to you o dear 'master'."

NavRavan's flashback, 2 years ago, In a village on the Indo-Afghan border,

It was a bright sunny morning. It was a good day in our small village.

The people were very lively. There was nothing great but there was nothing to be sad about either.

Then, three people came. We welcomed them. We had always been good to the warriors of this nation protecting these border villages.

We knew that our village meant practically nothing to the country. It was so close to the border. Even if it was lost, it would be useless to the enemies. Our village was very small in comparison to others in the nation. There were barely fifty houses here. I myself was a soldier of sorts here.

So whenever some soldiers and warriors came to our village, it made us feel good that someone cared for all our lives.

It was the same that day. We were happy to receive these warriors who were here patrolling the border. We had the same feeling of happiness that these people cared for our lives.

We were so wrong. These Persians came. The warriors on our side said they were apparently dark mages who had to be put down. We urged then onward. They began their battle. We left them in a clearing.

I was in the village street going about my daily business when a few of these dark mages were thrown across the street breaking through many houses. My house had also been one of them. The warriors and mages started exchanging blows in the middle of the street.

There was fire flying are around everywhere. The shops, houses, trees were on fire. It was my duty to protect everyone. There were many people here running away. Many were stuck in the fire. I helped them all. Then I realized, my wife and children were still in the house.

I ran to my house to see if they were fine. By the time I had reached, the house was already on fire. I went inside to see that my wife and children had been sleeping when those mages and that bloody golden warrior broke through the wall. My wife, she was in two. I knelt down beside her. My children, who were no older than 2 years had both been burnt to a crisp. My wife was unconscious.

I took her head and buried it into my chest as I cried. The fire burnt through me.

I thought I would die with them. It would have been better had I died there. I survived thanks to the help of my friends in the village. That day, I saw those two fight their friend, the mace warrior. They dismembered him and hanged him in the village center. The blue one said that that was what happened when someone defied the Bloody Azure and the Golden Carnage.

I had niether the power of nor the courage to go against these people.

They claimed to be doing things for the greater good but they didn't even care about the lost lives. They didn't apologize. They didn't help us rebuild our village. They left us broken and alone. None more broken and alone than me.

There were many others like myself. But thanks to the burns I received that day, bit by bit, the villagers started to distance themselves from me. Eventually after an year, I was completely alone. I would never have a place in the village again. I went to my family's graves one last time and then left on a journey to get stronger. I struggled everyday for an year until I found the mask in a dark cave in the Bandipura forest in South India.

I made an agreement with it. It gave me power and I did it's bidding.

I agreed and slowly but surely, I gained power. Soon, I will also have my revenge!

[Mythological Titbits: Arjuna spent time in Dwarka's gardens as a saint with Subadhra taking care of him. His eyes were always on her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Even Subadhra noticed this but she wasn't able to match his gaze and she would walk away.

Subadhra had also heard a lot about Arjuna and was an avid admirer of his and was in love with him before actually meeting him the same way he'd been in love with her without meeting her. She noticed that the saint's features were similar to the descriptions of Arjuna she'd heard.

One day, she asked him about his travels as Arjuna had claimed that he was a saint traveling the country. Soon they talked more frequently and for longer. Their minute long talks stretched into hours, hoped stretched into days. One day, Subadhra asked about Arjuna. Arjuna then told her that Arjuna was dressed as a saint in front of her not knowing what to do. She figured he was Arjuna and was practically head over heels for him. Sure got a fever of love. When the doctors weren't able to figure out the reason for her fever, everyone decided that if they did a twelve day long prayer to Lord Rudra then it might go off.

They all left Subadhra with Arjuna. That night, Arjuna eloped with Subadhra to Indraprastha. When Krishna and Balarama received wind of this, Balarama wanted to go hunt Arjuna and bring back Subadhra..

Krishna stopped him and said that this was for the best as the both were head over heels for each other and Arjuna was a respected man who was a good friend to them both. Balarama agreed to it and they all went to Indraprastha to get Subadhra and Arjuna married.

In Indraprastha Subadhra meet Draupadi and the both of them became fast friends and Draupadi was fine with Arjuna married another woman.

Everyone arrived at Indraprastha and Arjuna was married to Subadhra with pomp and glory.]