Charles's POV,

Bhishma left for Hastinapura. He told us to go to Magadha. At lest he told me to do so.

I am the apprentice of Ashoka- the ruler of Magadha, the man whom I idolize. He rise to the level of Maharathi without any elemental affinity. He rose to that level purely based on skill.

After being reborn, he chose a wind affinity. He is the fastest man I know. I have been training under him for quite a while now. But to learn his techniques, I require strength of 1000, minimum and a minimum speed of 2500.

After the level boost I got, I am currently at level 365, with speed 2400 and attack power 26693. I still have ways to go before I can learn anything.

I look up at the sky. The sun's getting real low. I suggest, "Hey guys, shall we camp here tonight, just enjoy the nature for one night without anyone bothering is?"

Adi hmms as he thinks and says, "Eh, why not? Let's set up a camp fire. Bhishma and NavRavan even set up a good ol' camping ground for us!"

The archeress says, "I and Ch- Kharthik shall go get some firewood"

I look at her; put my hands in my pockets; lift my shoulders and say, "Fine. By the way, it's provided Ka- r- thik"

She nods her head knowingly and beckons me to follow her. She starts running in a playful manner.

I remember that run! I need to remember her! Who is she!

Her voice whenever she tells me to pick up the pace tells me she is laughing. If I didn't know better and/or want married, I would say that's flirting and return her actions. Considering that I am married, and the fact that half the country, mine, knows this fact, her behavior puts me off and makes me speechless.

I look at her as I walk ahead and keep pace. She does one thing continually- keep her face covered. I tried to sneak a peek at her face but every time I tried, she starting calling me a perv.

The only one who's allowed to call me that is my wife. So I stopped the moment she started and kept a good distance from her from where I could still stare at get oh so beautiful arse while keeping my dignity. Hey arse is also similar. Like I should know it.

'Why are you feeling this you bloody jerk- you're married! Worst case- This girl might be your EX' I think to myself in a horrified voice. If that voice is right, ugh. I can't imagine the rage of my wife when she figures out. Thank God my wife ain't here!

After about happy an hour of walking, we reach the forest which isn't already burnt and start collecting firewood. I manage to get a sneak peek at her rack. Oh, I remember her, she was the archer who thought she could take Adi AND me. Now I know why one part of her body feels familiar. Perhaps even get face. But why the others?!

I corner her and ask, "You're that archer from the war, aren't you?"

She looks up at me and says, "Yes, I am. Shall we go back? I feel we've collected enough wood."

I snort, "Like hell. Your trying to kill us, aren't you? What are you gonna do? Poison our food? Even today morning, you would've tried killing us if not NavRavan! Tell me the actual reason why you're here!"

She pushes me behind and walks ahead; she says, "I have no such ulterior motives. You may, azure, not I!"

She underestimates me again. I am right in front of her the next moment. I say, "O really! What am I to understand from the words, 'He is mine and only mine to kill!' Isn't that a death thereat?"

She says, "Firstly, those weren't my words. Secondly, I did NOT give a death thereat. Thirdly, I am very bad with poisons. Forgot, I have honor enough not to poison someone in their food. I am a warrior, not an assassin."

She pushes me aside and walks towards where we came from.

When we reach there, we see Adi and Dharmendra holding up a fire beside a considerably large tent. We put in our firewood and we set up a campfire.

Ashwaraj and Rahaas come back with bucketfuls of fish.

The archeress offers to cook up a curry but I vehemently refuse. She may say she doesn't want to pain us, but I'm not buying it. She finally agrees to eat fried fish without cooking it.

We talk about speed, fire, lightning, wind, strategize in the case that we face NavRavan again.

Finally we get ready to sleep. The archeress calls me, "I want to talk to you in private. About today"

Hmm. She wants to give me her ulterior motives and surrender after seeing our awesomeness!

I walk behind her. Once we are a reasonable distance away from the others she removes her mask.

My curiosity takes over me and I go to see her face. But before I am able to get a good look, I am blinded by her scarf and feel a pair of lips on my own. I push her tongue away saying, "I have a wife and son. You can't do this"

She says, "So do I. Stay quite and ease into it"

I struggle for a while, but eventually, her tongue and the familiarity of it makes my mind let go of restraint.

No wonder everything feels so familiar. I now remember who she is and I'm damn sure as hell my dear wife wouldn't mind if I did this, for she was right in front of me, violating my mouth like she owns it, well... she does kinda own it.... I grab her ass as she moans into me ..... Her tongue fires through my mouth through each and every crevice. I start ripping off her clothes....

Details.... Details ...

The sun shines on me as I rise from my slumber. I hadn't truly slept after the light beam, which has been dubbed the Apocalypse.

Part of me believes that all of that was one hell of a dream and that now, I'm in reality, my holidays over, back to work. Also if that is gone the moment I see me sleeping in a clearing. The only thing reassuring me is the figure of my wife sleeping next to me.