MDZS - Miss Universe Costume Portion

"First group of contestants from the GusuLan Sect! Number 1, Lan Qiren!"

Lan Qiren appears wearing a white sports shirt with a blue cloud logo on the left chest, blue knee length shorts with white cloud logo on the left knee, white sneakers with blue lien streaks and the iconic forehead ribbon with drifting clouds pattern.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." are we going to attend a gym class or exercise class or something? They thought.

"Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!!" Wei Wuxian laughed, holding his stomach as he pointed Lan Qiren on the stage, whose head is filled with popping veins right now and is glaring at him. "It's not the sports' attire yet - ! ow!" he cried after Lan Qiren, who was embarrassed, threw both his shoes to Wei Wuxian.

Lan Qiren walked out.

Everybody, including the judges. "..." good thing we weren't the one who pointed the problem to him – they thought, relieved, and silently thanked Wei Wuxian.

"N-Number 2, Sect Leader – Lan Xichen!"

Lan Xichen appeared wearing a snow-white gown with drifting clouds pattern, and a blue high-heeled shoes with cloud patterned ties. He's wearing a cloud crown.

"C-cute - !" the female crowd exclaimed, eyeing the high heels and the cloud crown.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." is light flashing behind him? They thought and looked as if enlightened by a goddess.

Someone's seriously set the light behind Lan Xichen, making him looked like a goddess descended from the heaven.

This time, everybody forgot this is a costume portion, not long gown portion.

"N-Next... Number 3 – "

Lan Wangji appeared in his usual snow-white mourning uniform, flying on his sword. But, somebody put big fluffy white cottons on his feet, making him look like he's riding on a cloud. They even personally fanned him, making his hair flutter by the wind.

No need to guess who it was who put the big fluffy white cottons.

"Lookin' good, Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian said and gave two thumbs up of Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji just nodded at him and silently left, but his ears are red.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." this power couple... they thought, referring to Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. (A/N: cute <3)

"E-err... next is, Lan Sizhui – "

Lan Sizhui forced a smile as he shyly walked down the catwalk wearing his uniform, but a big cloud prop on his head.

"... jiayou!" Jin Ling said, his face flushed, and shrunk back to his seat when Jiang Cheng glared at him.

Lan Sizhui grimaced and nodded, then silently left, his face so red in embarrassment.

Everybody, including the judges. "..." he's pitiful. They all thought.

"Next, Lan Jingyi – "

"Hah!" Lan Jingyi yelled and skipped in the catwalk while turning in his every skip. He's wearing a giant cloud prop on his body. "Whoa - !" he exclaimed when round lines appeared on his eyes and on top of his head.

Not a second later and he fell down the catwalk, dizzy.

Nie Huaisang let out a soft laugh. "... cute – " he muttered, covering his lower face with his fan as he smiled, staring at the unconscious Lan Jingyi lying on the cold floor.

Not a second later and he silently walked towards Lan Jingyi and carried him to the dressing room, princess carry style.

Everybody, including the judges. "..." we didn't expect an idiot in the Lan Clan. He must be the one who made the previous contestant wore that cloud headdress – they thought and did a face palm.

"E-ehem... next is the YunmengJiang Sect – sect leader, Jiang Wanyin - !"

Jiang Cheng marched down the catwalk wearing his uniform. He's holding a bunch of lotus flowers on his arms while a small lotus tattoo was on his right neck and under his left eye.

"H-hot - !!!" Lan Xichen gasped, covering his nose that's profusely bleeding as he stared at Jiang Cheng.

Lan Qiren could see his first nephew's eyes are going heart-shaped.

"Kiyaaaa!!! Sect Leader Jiang!!! Wanyin - !!!" Lan Xichen can't hold back and squealed as he waved a lotus flower, calling the now leaving Jiang Cheng.

Everybody, including the judges. "..." the sect leader is idiot, and so his members. They thought, referring to Lan Xichen who's still calling Jiang Cheng.

At the dressing room of Jiang Cheng, a deafening silence is heard as the sect leader silently wallowed in his delight because of his lover calling him earlier.

"Err... next, Wei Wuxian – "

Everybody turned when they heard a flute tune. Their eyes went wide and their jaw dropped to the bottom of the abyss – where the one that's walking on the catwalk came from (damn this sick joke of mine -_-), saw Wei Wuxian appeared, donned in his stylish black robes, the Stygian Seal dangling on his waist while the Chenqing is on his lips, playing an eerie melody.

Not a second later, Wen Ning – together with the other corpses, appeared and surrounded him.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." doesn't know whether to feel awe or fear towards him.

The Halloween party has already ended and now it's about to Christmas and New Year. Please take away your corpses.

"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji muttered under his breath as he lowered his head, feeling emotional again.

"Lan Zhan!"

Lan Wangji raised his head and saw the Yiling Patriarch's cold face is smiling brightly at him – the same smile he gave him when they were young and studying in Gusu.

"Wei Ying..." he called, his eyes misty. "Come back to Gusu with me." he told him.

Wei Wuxian's eyes went wide when he saw a tear fell from Lan Wangji's beautiful face, his cold demeanor broke and it's filled with melancholy and longing.

"Lan Zhan..." he called, then smiled as he cupped his (LWJ) face. "I will." He answered. "After all – " he said. " – I'm your wife. Right?" he asked and smiled brightly, still wearing the clothes of the Yiling Patriarch. I really can't bear to see him cry... sorry, Lan Zhan, for those 13 years of waiting for me, even if it's unsure I'd come back. He thought and buried his head on Lan Wangji's shoulder.

Lan Wangji can't hold it back anymore and he hugged his wife tightly.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." can't hold back anymore and cried loudly.

The whole stadium is filled with wails for an hour because of the touching moment. (A/N: I'm seated at the right corner, 13th row and 13th seat... kidding XD Wei Ying... the Yiling Patrarch while smiling brightly at his crush – T.T damn it. onions... T.T )

"N – next - *sniff. Jiang Yanli."

Jiang Yanli, her eyes still red like everybody, walked full of grace as she carried a big lotus prop, still wearing the same clothes she wears at Lotus Pier – since her clothes has a lotus design.

"Maiden Jiang..." Jin Zixuan muttered under his breath as he held a wide banner of Jiang Yanli, but hiding it since he's embarrassed.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." can her hair be styled like a lotus? They thought, then looked at Jin Zixuan. A very loving, but tsundere and in denial husband. They thought.

"Next is the LanlingJin Sect. Sect leader – Jin Guangyao."

Jin Guangyao confidently walked, looking both sides as he raised the peony flower made out of golden threads.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." where is he? They thought. Can't see what he's holding because of his height.

"E-hem. Next, Jin Zixuan."

Jin Zixuan smugly walked as he threw all around the peonies made of gold.

Jiang Yanli giggled as she watches her husband leave, his ears are red after he looked at her.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." please reserve some for us, too. They thought, referring to gold.

"Gold – err, next. Jin Rulan, a.k.a Jin Ling."

"Hmph!" Jin Ling said and walked down, frowning, as his eyes looked around, looking for Lan Sizhui.

His face flushed when he saw him and waved at him. Embarrassed, he ran away and left.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." teenage crush. It's really embarrassing all the time.

"Next, the QingheNie Sect."

Dark lines covered everybody's face when they saw 'Nie Mingjue' walked down the catwalk. It's obvious he was just patched up, since his limbs especially his head is swaying as he moved.

"Ahahahaha! Ahahahahaha!" Jin Guangyao laughed, holding his stomach.

Nie Huaisang's face went dark as he took out his saber and stabbed Jin Guangyao from behind.

"Oof – my hand slipped. Oh, my... what am I even doing in this place - ? I don't know!" he said, shaking his head as he slowly walked towards the exit, dragging Jin Guangyao like he's (JGY) just a mop.

Everyone, including the judges. "..." dark lines covered their face, speechless of what had just happened.

"E-err... I think that was the next contestant, - the new sect leader, Nie Huaisang. Next – the Wen Sect, sect leader Wen Ru – "

"Oh. It's this late already?"

"Yes. I'd miss dinner if I won't go now – "

Everybody said and left, ignoring the Wen Sect.

"Wen Ning! Wen Qing!" Wei Wuxian called them over.

The siblings immediately left because they're already fed up of their sect.

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji called his wife.

Wei Wuxian, still wearing the Yiling Patriarch clothes, put Chenqing to his lips and raised the Stygian Seal, after Wen Ning and Wen Qing joined their group.

He called forth the fierce corpses to feed the Wen Sect to.

In the end, nobody won since they all didn't follow the rules. Well, this is what it is everytime.

(A/N: this is how this end to? Well... I just hope you enjoyed this! Hehe v^.^v)