Tease - MDZS XiCheng fanfic

(A/N: omg this just popped in my head. This will be angst, so please get your tissues ready! T.T )


"If Lan Zhan and I got together – " Wei Wuxian said, playing with Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon. "Why can't you and ZeWu-Jun be together, too?" he asked and looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng's face flushed.

"You're both single – " Wei Wuxian continued, didn't see the impending danger coming from his brother. " – you two also are not committed to any relationships and only have your sect to attend to – "

Lan Xichen laughed as he wrapped his arm around Jiang Cheng's shoulder and pulled him. "Well, why don't we try, Sect Leader Jiang – ?"

Before he could continue, the Zidian that's originally coming for Wei Wuxian went his (LXC) way and struck him. But, Lan Xichen is faster as he jumped away from Jiang Cheng, laughing loudly.

Jiang Cheng, blushing furiously, murderously looked at Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen who are laughing.

"Scram!" he roared.

Daweng Mountain.

"Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen said and smiled brightly when he saw Jiang Cheng walking along with his disciples.

"Ah." Jiang Cheng said, his face went blank when he saw him. "Sect Leader Lan." He said and looked away. "You're here for night hunt, too?" he asked and looked at the GusuLan Sect juniors standing behind their sect leader – Lan Xichen.

"Yes." Lan Xichen answered. "Wangji told me there are corpses here that're frequently seen by the locals – " he explained.

Jiang Cheng frowned. Great. Wei Wuxian told me this, too. He thought. I should've known... he sighed. "Since our sect are both here why don't we work together?" he asked, disinterested.

Lan Xichen smiled. "Thank you, Sect Leader Jiang." He said and bowed.

They turned to their disciples and told them to start their night hunt.

"Sect Leader Jiang doesn't feel awkward being with me?" Lan Xichen asked as they walk in the forest.

"Why would I?" Jiang Cheng asked back. "I know you (WWX and LXC) are just joking – " he said, frowning.

Lan Xichen stopped. Jiang Cheng stopped too and looked at him, puzzled.

"Sect Leader Jiang..." Lan Xichen said, his face serious. "... do you wish for this joke to be real?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng's eyes went wide and his face flushed. ... for real?! He thought.


" – and Lan Zhan said that ZeWu-Jun is sick, and so he can't come out of his room for a few days..." Wei Wuxian said as they walk around the Lotus Pier.

He's accompanying him to buy wine to present Lan Xichen.

" – must be because of the resentful energy on that mountain - ?" Wei Wuxian asked, referring to the mountain they went to nigh hunt.

Jiang Cheng frowned. "If he was infected, then I must've, too." He said. "And why are you telling me about him, anyway?" he asked and glared at Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian grinned and looked at Jiang Cheng. "Right. I almost forgot – " he said. " – what happened between you and him that night - ?" he asked and winked.

A vein popped in his forehead. "I knew you set us up." he said and sighed. "Nothing." He answered and looked away.

Wei Wuxian's brows raised. "What?" he said, surprised. "There's really - ?" he asked, thinking.

Jiang Cheng frowned. "What are you expecting - ?" he asked.

"But – " Wei Wuxian said, then sighed. His shoulder fell and he pouted.

He sighed and looked away as they continued to walk. There really something that happened that night.

"Sect Leader Jiang..." Lan Xichen said, his face serious. "... do you wish for this joke to be real?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng's eyes went wide and his face flushed. ... for real?! He thought.

"W-what are you..." he said, staring at Lan Xichen, wide-eyed.

Lan Xichen stared at him in his eyes. "I like Sect Leader Jiang." He told him.

Jiang Cheng felt his heart stopped for a moment before beating very fast like a raging horse. He... he thought.

He lowered his head. "Sect Leader Lan..." he called as he walked towards him.

"Yes?" Lan Xichen said and looked at him when he stopped right in front of him.

He raised his head... then smiled.

Lan Xichen's eyes went wide and he felt his heart skipped a beat. He – he thought, his face flushed.

"Sect Leader Lan – " Jiang Cheng said, still smiling. He raised his hand and touched Lan Xichen's cheek.

Lan Xichen felt his heart fluttered when he felt the surprisingly soft and gentle hand of Jiang Cheng touching his cheek. His heart is beating faster and faster.

When he thought he couldn't breathe, it finaly stopped. Why? He slapped him.

The slap echoed throughout the forest, startling the disciples of both sects.


Lan Xichen felt his cheek that's swollen, the same color as the uniform of the one who caused (slapped) this. "He's really ruthless..." he muttered and chuckled, remembered Jiang Cheng's frowning face when he left after he slapped him.

"You deserve it." Lan Wangji said, applying the healing cream on his cheek.

"Why?" Lan Xichen asked.

"... don't you think you should stop your game now?" Lan Wangji silently said.

The smile on his face disappeared.

"... I already told Wei Ying about this. You've gone too far on your own joke – " Lan Wangji said and looked at him, his light-colored eyes boring on his deep, dark eyes. " – brother." He said, his face serious.

Lan Xichen froze on his bed, speechless. "... I'm sorry." he said and lowered his head. "... I'll end this all tomorrow." He covered his eyes with his arm.

"... yes." Lan Wangji answered and nodded. He stood up and walked towards the door.

His usually blank face became indescribable when he opened the door. Wei Ying... he thought when he saw his wife. Then, his eyes fell to the one standing beside his wife. ... and Jiang Wanyin. He thought.

"... Lan Zhan..." Wei Wuxian called, scratching the side of his head as he looked away. "Sorry... I didn't tell you I'd be back sooner... and with – " he said and glanced at Jiang Cheng whose face is as dark as the jar of wine he's holding. "Jiang Cheng..." he called, his eyes full of worry.

"... Jiang Wanyin – " Lan Wangji called.

But, Jiang Cheng cut him off as he raised his head, his face blank. "What?" he asked, his face blank. "I'm here to deliver a present." He said and raised the jar of wine.

The two (LWJ and WWX) fell silent.

Jiang Cheng continued. "Don't worry..." he said as he put the jar on the floor when Lan Wangji, shocked speechless, hasn't taken the jar. "... there's no poison in it." he said and smiled. "Well, too late for me to put one or dozen on it." he added and left, the Zidian ring is sparking purple on his hand.

"... will he be okay?" Lan Wangji asked.

Wei Wuxian grimaced. "Let's just hope so." He said and took the jar of wine.

They went inside the room, only to have another shock when Lan Xichen is gone.


"Sect leader!" a disciple called and the door opened.

Jiang Cheng raised his head. "What is it?" he asked.

The disciple bowed before he answered. "The GusuLan sect leader is here." He said. "He said he wanted to see you." He added, then paused. "... shall we let him in?" he asked and looked at their sect leader cautiously.

Why didn't they immediately let a sect leader in? It's because, lately, every time the sect of that certain sect leader was mentioned, their very own sect leader would either get angrier, or clumsy, or... just unusually quiet.

See? There's something wrong with their sect leader! The disciple thought. And it's that sect's leader! He added, balling his fists as he frowned.

"Tell him I'm sleeping – " Jiang Cheng said and continued his work.

The disciple blinked, shocked. Wait... if I'd tell that sect leader that our sect leader is sleeping, will he might - ? he thought, an image flashed in his mind.

"W-what the hell are you doing here - ?!" Jiang Cheng said, his face flushed and wearing only thin inner robes, asked the certain (won't name) sect leader who suddenly barged in his room in the middle of the night

The certain (won't name) sect leader evilly grinned as he pushed Jiang Cheng on the bed. "I am here to eat you – " he answered as he lowered his head.

"Nooo~!" Jiang Cheng said.

The disciple's face flushed and his head exploded. He immediately looked at their sect leader, his eyes determined. "Sir!" he called. "Please. Anything but that -!" he said, balling his fists.

Jiang Cheng looked at him. Though somewhat puzzled, he just nodded. "Mn. Just don't let him in – " he told him.

"Yes!" the disciple bowed and immediately walked towards the door.

But, before he could open it, the door suddenly opened. The disciple was blown away.

"You don't want to see me that much?"

Jiang Cheng raised his head and his face went serious when he saw who entered. "... Sect Leader Lan." He said and put down his brush.

He stood up.

Lan Xichen walked towards him. "It's been days we haven't seen each other..." he said and stopped in front of him. "... you just didn't miss me... you even don't want to see me." he said and looked at him straight in the eye.

"I don't have any reason to miss you." Jiang Cheng answered, staring back at those deep, dark eyes.

"I do." Lan Xichen said. "I missed you... since I like you." He told him, his face serious. He took out a bunch of purple flowers and gave it to him. "I just don't like you... I love you – " he said and took a deep breath. " – Wanyin." He said, his voice soft and gentle when he said his name, sounding like a smooth water flowing on his lips.

Jiang Cheng stared at him for a long time, then sighed. "Until now you're still running with that joke - ?" he asked.

He cut him off. "It's not a joke!" he said, his voice slightly raised. He paused, then took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Jiang Cheng frowned. "... leave." He told him. "This is all the respect that I can only give you – " he said and walked past him.

But, Lan Xichen grabbed his hand and pulled him. He dropped the bunch of the purple flowers. The purple petals softly touched the floor just as their lips touched.

The wind blew and the purple petals were blown away, scattering all around them, just as the door opened again and two people came in.

"Jiang Cheng! Sorry I just went here at this time. We still searched for ZeWu-Jun, but in the end didn't found him and so we only brought the letter he left for you before he disappeared - !" Wei Wuxian continuously said and caught his breath.

He stood by the door, together with Lan Wangji.

"Ah." Wei Wuxian said when he finally saw what's happening. His eyes went wide and he held his breath when he saw Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng kissing.

Time stopped for all of them, and so the falling purple petals. Lan Xichen's gently looking at Jiang Cheng, whose tears are falling as he looked back at Lan Xichen – his eyes are full of pain.

He finally let go of the emotions he felt.

"At first, it's really just a game for me. You're so cute when you're mad, and so I went along with Young Master Wei to tease you. But, that night... when you smiled... I realized that everything I did isn't just to tease you. I love seeing your every expression. You're always mad every time I see you, and so, I secretly wished I could see you smile. And I am so happy when that time, my wish was finally granted. Just like I thought, your smile is breathtaking. It's more beautiful than the moon in Gusu. I wanted to see you smile more. I felt like I was dreaming and so when you slapped me, I woke up. In reality, I want to see you smile, not only in my dreams, but also every day. I want you to smile, only for me, as you lie on my side, in my bed, while looking straight into my eyes and tell me the words – "

" – good morning." Jiang Cheng said, his cheeks flushed, and shyly smiled at him. "I love you." He said and closed his eyes as he reached his face and kissed him.

Lan Xichen smiled and kissed his wife back, the silver ring on their fingers sparkled by the sunlight when they intertwined their fingers. "Good morning." He greeted back. "I love you, too – " he said and hugged him tight as he kissed his wife's temple. " – Wanyin, my dear wife." He said and closed his eyes.

It all started with just a game. Now, they can play this game every day, until forever, since they have now a lifetime contract, anyway.

(A/N: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Antsssssssssssssss!!!!!!!! *0* all in my mind is Xicheng! *0*)

Extra: where did Lan Xichen went for the days he was absent?

"Hm~" he hummed as he picked flowers on his way to Yunmeng. "I hope he'll love these purple flowers... the same color as his sect~" he said as he picked all the purple flowers growing on the roadside.

He then set off to Lotus Pier.

Flowers: T.T

Gray Dragon: ... LXC is confirmed an M (masochist).

Another extra:

WWX: *eyes sparkling, expectant. Say, Lan Zhan. Do you think can we do that slow motion thing, too? *referring to when LXc and JC kissed.

LWJ: *nods. Mn. (wife wants me to stop time. I must train harder to become immortal - )

Gray Dragon: ... I wish I have someone like LWJ in my life. #jealous #NBSB #foreversing #singlesincebirth

Another (last) extra:

A certain Yunmeng disciple turned when he heard his fellow disciple giggled.

"Wait. Stop - !" the disciple said after his friend ticked him on his sides, he's half-hugging him on his back.

"I won't. You little - !" the other one said and frowned at the one giggling.

The certain disciple's mind wandered far, far away as he watched them two.

"Hey – " a voice called him behind.

"Hm - ?" he said and turned.

His eyes went wide and his face went red when he saw his best friend pushed him to the wall and locked him on both sides. A second later and a group of their fellow disciples carrying water over their shoulder passed by.

If his best friend hasn't saved him... he thought and looked up to his best friend.

His friend turned and looked at him, his hands still both on his sides, locking him. "What?" he asked.

The certain disciple's face flushed. Am I becoming gay...? He thought and lowered his head.

He certainly is.

(A/N: ahahahahahaha! I got too much sidetracked and even went and wrote this 'somewhat' entirely different fic XDXDXD but somewhat related? XDXDXD anyways, I might use this on my original work – The Daily Life of the Scum xDXDXD ;) XDXD)

Thank you so much for reading! *^0^* please bless for my brain so that more fanfics can come – oops... no pun intended XDXDXD ;)


HaiRyuuKi ;)