Teenage Love - LJY x NHS fanfic

Koi Tower – All Sects' Meeting.

He didn't know when did he first realized it, but every time he sees him... he takes his breath away.

The fluttering of his sleeves... his hair floating by the wind... and his fan... he thought, then gulped. How I want to be that fan... he thought as he glanced at him.

Nie Huaisang is holding his fan, the tip of the fan on his lips as he laughed with the other cultivators.

"Jingyi?" Lan Sizhui called, waking him up.

Lan Jingyi blinked, then turned to him. "What?" he asked.

"... you're unusually quiet today." Lan Sizhui commented, his forehead knotted.

Jin Ling's just eating beside Lan Sizhui, but listening to their conversation.

"Ah." Lan Jingyi said, then glanced at the pretty man wearing green clothes, fanning himself. "Right. I'm just not feeling well – " he just said and played with the spoon on his bowl, secretly watching the man.

"Is that so?" Lan Sizhui said, his forehead knotted. "Then, we should report to HanGuang-Jun – " he said and was about to stand when he spoke.

"I'm fine. It's nothing serious." Lan Jingyi said and put down the spoon. He stood up. "I'll just rest, then I'd be fine." he told him.

Without waiting for him to answer, he left, passing by the group of that man.

"Sect Leader Nie." One of the cultivators called. "when will you get married?" he asked him. "You're not getting any younger - "

His feet froze. He stopped and looked at them, a few feet away from them.

"E-eh?" Nie Huaisang said, feeling wronged. "Am I that old?" he asked and forced a smile, which turned to a grimace after the other laughed. "Geez. You know this (relationships) isn't just decided on a whim – ah." He said when he saw him.

Their eyes met.

Lan Jingyi calmed himself, as well as his raging heart, then respectfully bowed. He then silently left.

"Oh. The GusuLan Sect's disciples are always well-mannered – " one of the cultivators said, them watching Lan Jingyi walking away.

"Yes, yes. They're also all handsome - !" a female cultivator said.

"Hey. Watch your mouth. You're already old, you hag – "

"Geez! Can't you be more sensitive?! I know that of all people!" the female cultivator said and sighed, frowning.

They all continued to talk about the GusuLan Sect, but Nie Huaisang isn't listening.

That kid just now... he thought when he remembered the moment their eyes met. Isn't he supposed to be more... drastic? He thought, remembered one of the two kids that's always hanging around Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

Just now, he... he thought, his forehead knotted. He looked matured... he thought. Though, for a second. He chuckled.

He fanned himself and joined in the conversation which the topic now changed again.

"Ah – " a voice said.

"Hm?" Nie Huaisang said and looked down, his fan covering the lower half of his face. He saw shining, black hair tied in a ponytail.

He couldn't help himself but raised his hand and touch that shining hair.

"... Sect Leader Nie." A voice said.

"Hm?" Nie Huaisang said and his hand stopped. He removed his fan and saw a GusuLan Sect disciple.

His hand is still above the disciple's head.

"Oh." He said and removed his hand. "Sorry – " he said and smiled as he fanned himself.

"No..." the disciple said, then raised his head.

Nie Huaisang's brows raised when he saw his face. Isn't he...? He thought, remembered the disciple he saw that day and their eyes met.

"Good day, Sect Leader Nie." The disciple said and bowed.

Nie Huaisang looked at him. "... mn." He said, his face covering his lower face. "... what was your name again?" he asked.

The disciple stood straight and looked at him. "Lan Jingyi of the GusuLan Sect." he answered.

To Nie Huaisang's surprise, the disciple smiled brightly at him. He stared at his boyish, grinning face.

"... do you have someone you like?" he asked.

His voice is like a drop of water in a calm lake, then created ripples afterwards.

"... eh?" Lan Jingyi said and blinked, his face flushed.

Nie Huaisang chuckled and fanned himself. "Forget what I just asked." He told him and folded his fan. He tapped it on his (LJY) head. "Continue to do your best for your sect – " he added and silently left without waiting for him to answer.

He opened his fan and covered the lower half of his face again. He looked at his other hand. It touched that kid's hair, which just as he expected, is soft and smooth. He put his hand inside his sleeve.

It's trembling, wanting to touch him again.

"Jingyi?" Lan Sizhui called. "Why do you keep touching your head?" he asked. "Is something wrong - ?" he asked.

Lan Jingyi shook his head. "Nothing." He said, then half-heartedly withdrew his hand from his head. that person just touched me, earlier. He thought and glanced at Nie Huaisang who's listening to the sect leader in front that's talking.

Earlier, he was lucky to meet him and talk to him.

"Do you have someone you like?" he remembered he asked him earlier.

"You.", was what he wanted to tell him earlier. But, before he could answer, he (NHS) already left.

Argh – he frowned and rubbed his face with his both hands. I'm such an idiot! Why did I get nervous earlier? I haven't answered him! He thought, frustrated.

"J – Jingyi." Lan Sizhui, surprised of Lan Jingyi's frowning face, called. "I-Is something wrong?" he asked him. "Y-You can talk to me – " he told him and forced a smile.

It's unusual for the always cheerful Jingyi to get frustrated and frown. He thought and grimaced. He's been acting weird since this morning. Something's wrong with him – he thought, his face went serious. I have to tell this to HanGuang-Jun. He nodded and focused on the sect leaders' meeting after seeing Lan Jingyi finally calmed down.

But, his face is so serious and his eyes are focused, which is unusual for him again.

Lan Sizhui grimaced. I must really report this to HanGuang-Jun, might as well as Senior Wei, too, fast. He thought.

"Qinghe?" Lan Jingyi said when he heard what his fellow juniors said.

"Yes." They nodded. "There's less disciples there, and so the QingheNie sect leader requested for assistance from Senior Lan (LQR) and ZeWu-Jun (sect leader)." He explained.

"Oh." Lan Jingyi said then looked around. "Where's Sizhui?" he asked when he didn't see Lan Sizhui.

"We saw him left earlier before we received the order (mission)." One of them answered.

Lan Jingyi grimaced. Could it be Sizhui left because he knew there'd be work? He thought, then frowned. He's not a slacker. He thought and sighed. "Alright." He said and turned to them. "Let's leave now, so that we wouldn't reach night when we get there." He told them and mounted on his sword.

He flew first.

"... hey. Don't you think he's (LJY) acting matured lately?" one of them asked as they prepared to leave.

"Idiot! If you think like that, then you should also think of following his (LJY) example!" another said.

They sighed and followed Lan Jingyi – their leader for this mission.

"Thank you very much for helping us." the leader of the QingheNie Sect said and bowed.

Lan Jingyi nodded and bowed. "We're glad to be of help." He answered and looked around.

"Oh. If you're looking for our sect leader, he's not around." The leader said. "We deeply apologize if we're the only ones to welcome you." He said and bowed again.

Lan Jingyi wanted to grimace. He's so like their (QingheNie Sect) sect leader to repeatedly apologize. He thought, remembered Nie Huaisang apologizing multiple times to other sect leaders.

He sighed and waved his hand. "Don't mind, don't mind." He said. "It's not like it's him we came here for – " he joke and laughed.

But, they didn't laugh with him.

"Is that so?" a voice said behind him.

Lan Jingyi's eyes went wide and he felt his heart leapt. He's never forget that voice. He turned and saw him standing a foot away from him.

He held his breath when he leaned down on him, his closed fan on his smiling lips. "How daring of a junior to tell a joke like that." Nie Huaisang said.

Yes. It's really him. He thought, his face flushed and he took a step back, his heart beating so fast because he's so close to him.

He respectfully bowed. "This disciple deeply apologizes, Sect Leader Nie." He said and stood straight. "Please forgive this disciple. I'm willing to receive any punishment you'd give me." he said and lowered his head. "I hope Sect Leader Nie won't take this against our sect..." he said and bit his lower lip.

Damn. I'd be screwed if this'd reach HanGuang-Jun's ears! He thought, then frowned. No. HuanGuang-Jun is lenient. I'd be seriously screwed if Senior Lan will hear this! He thought and grimaced, remembered Nie Huaisang personally requested help from Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen.

He gulped and lowered his head when he saw him walked towards him.

Nie Huaisang stopped in front of him. "Then – " he said and turned to the disciples of both sects. " – he'll be left here. You all, go and do your work." He told them.

"Yes!" they all answered and bowed. They immediately left.

A long silence fell upon the two of them. A sweat broke in his (LJY) face when the other (NHS) is still isn't speaking.

He raised his head and looked at him. He saw him staring at him. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when he (NHS) leaned down on him.

He opened his fan and covered the side of their face just as his lips fell on his.

Lan Jingyi's eyes went wide as he felt his heart fluttered when he felt the soft and slightly wet lips touching his (lips). He looked at him and saw he's staring back at him, their lips still moving.

What's happening...? He thought as he closed his eyes, can't take it anymore and he followed what his heart's wish.

He raised his hand and touched his (NHS) cheek, his other hand pulled him down by his nape. He slipped his tongue inside his mouth, deepening their kiss.

I don't know why he kissed me, but I know this'll only one chance I'd get. He thought as his lips slid down from his mouth to the side of his neck.

The perfectly fixed bed earlier is now messy because of them. Earlier, without breaking their kiss, Nie Huaisang led him to one of the rooms and locked it.

"Sect Leader Nie..." Lan Jingyi called under his breath as he bit Nie Huaisang's shoulder.

Nie Huaisang cried and hugged him tight.

"... can I call you Sang-gege?" he asked as he brushed his lips from his (NHS) shoulders, up to his neck, then cheek and went back to his (NHS) lips.

"Mnm – " Nie Huaisang moaned as he wrapped his legs around his (LJY) waist.

Nie Huaisang isn't that tall, but the GusuLan Sect's disciples are already taller for their age, and so their (LJY and NHS) height isn't that much of a different.

"... just how could you be this big - ?" Nie Huaisang asked and chuckled when he saw Lan Jingyi's lower half. "You're bigger than supposedly be – ngh!" he cried and felt his whole body trembled when Lan Jingyi slipped inside him. "You... for a junior disciple, you're – ngh!" he cried and his nails dug deep on Lan Jingyi's back as he (LJY) continued to slip inside him.

"Sang-gege..." Lan Jingyi called, catching his breath as he felt he became harder when he felt that soft but tight hole he's entering.

It's so warm... he thought, his cheeks flushed, as he looked at Nie Huaisang's face, feeling dazed.

"... why did you kiss me?" he asked and thrust deeper in him.

"Ah!" Nie Huaisang cried and his legs wrapped around his (LJY) waist became tighter.

As a result, Lan Jingyi went inside him further. He (NHS) groaned and hit Lan Jingyi's back, catching his breath.

He stared at his (LJY) handsome face. He raised his hand and caressed his (LJY) cheek. "Do I need a reason to kiss you...?" he asked, his voice low as he felt him big and deep inside him.

"Sang-gege...?" Lan Jingyi called when he saw Nie Huaisang's closing eyes.

Nie Huaisang didn't answer and hugged him tighter. He pulled him close to him, their chest touching. Skin to skin, from top to bottom, he kissed him.

All those scheming behind... he thought as a tear fell from his eye when he felt him filling up him inside. They both came.

My eyes have always been following them (WWX and LWJ's group)... but didn't notice that along the way, my eyes have caught him.

That boy with the brightest smile... he thought as he stared at Lan Jingyi. ... he's now in my arms. He licked his (LJY) lips, tracing every contour of it.

"I want that bright smile of yours..." he whispered and bit his (LJY) soft, red lips. "... I want you to smile for me..." he said and kissed the corner of his (LJY) lips.

Yes... I fell in love with your smile... that smile that looked like the rain won't break down... won't darken...

I have fallen in love with him. He thought and closed his eyes as a smile formed in his lips.

He fell asleep in his (LJY) arms.

"Thank you very much for helping us." the leader of the QingheNie Sect's disciples said and bowed.

"No... I didn't even do anything – " he said, then sighed. He bowed back. "We'll be taking our leave, then." He said and unsheathed his sword.

"Too soon?!" his fellow disciples said and frowned, feeling wronged. "We still want to chat with them - !" they said and pointed the QingheNie disciples.

Lan Jingyi grimaced and blew out air. "If you want to stay, I won't stop you. We don't have work left here, anyways, and we're already done..." he said, then paused. His face went serious as he remembered that man's (NHS) smile.

"Jingyi-xiong?" his fellow disciples called.

He blinked and turned to them. "Anyways, you can stay here. I'll tell HanGuang-Jun, ZeWu-Jun and Senior Lan you stayed here a little longer for some follow-ups." He told them as he lit up his sword. "You've done your best." He told them and smiled.

Their eyes went wide.

"I'll be leaving first." He said and mounted his sword. "Please tell Sect Leader Nie – " he said and flew away.

"Wait, Jingyi-xiong." The leader of the QingheNie Sect disciples called. He sighed when Lan Jingyi already left. "He could've said some words to our sect leader..." he muttered, his shoulder fell. "Hm?" he said when he saw the surprised faces of the GusuLan Sect's disciples. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Err..." they said. "It's just... Jingyi-xiong... his smile... is less bright than usual." They answered.


They turned to him. "Jingyi-xiong is always fooling around while laughing and smiling goofily." They said. "But now..." their face went serious. "He's so matured..." they said, frowning.

Obviously, they want the cheerful (LJY) him to be back.

"Eh...?" the leader said, still puzzled. "Anyway, anyway – " he said, waving his hand. " – why don't we continue what we're talking about - ?" he asked them.

The GusuLan Sect's disciples lit up. "Yeah!" they answered and laughed as they followed the QingheNie disciples.

Nie Huaisang silently watched them, then his gaze looked at the sky. He smiled, a bitter smile. Why can't I still be honest... even just with myself - ? he thought and lowered his head as he pulled up his sleeve. He just finished dressing up.

He didn't voice out his thoughts earlier, much less told Lan Jingyi he loves him. If only he did, Lan Jingyi wouldn't leave without seeing him.

Now, he lost his chance to see him again.

Lotus Pier.

"Jingyi!" Lan Sizhui called when he saw Lan Jingyi. He waved his hand to call him over.

Lan Jingyi nodded and sat across the two – Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling. "I heard you are here." He said.

Lan Sizhui smiled. "I didn't see Ah Ling at the Koi Tower, and so he'd definitely be here." He said and smiled at Jin Ling.

Jin Ling's face went red and he looked away. Lan Sizhui smiled. Lan Jingyi watched them two, felt an itch in his heart.

He lowered his head.

Lan Sizhui saw him silent. "Jingyi?" he called. "Is something wrong?" he asked. "Right. Why did you come looking for me?" he added when Lan Jingyi didn't answer.

Lan Jingyi looked at him. "Hey." he called, then paused. "Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Hm?" Lan Sizhui said. Jin Ling's just watching them two.

Lan Jingyi took a deep breath, his face is serious. He looked at his friends, then asked, "Is it possible to fall for a complete stranger?" he asked them.

"... eh?" they said.

"I think... they might be awkward." Lan Sizhui said after a while.


He nodded and looked at him, his face serious. "They're older than you, and so they'd consider that aspect. Also... they'd be insecure of it." he explained.

He fell silent. I... didn't think of this. he thought.

"Jingyi." Lan Sizhui called.

He looked at him.

"Do you truly love them?" he asked, his face serious.

His face went serious. He remembered his (NHS) face when he kissed him. He remembered his touch, his warmth...

"... if this isn't love, then I don't know what to call this (feeling)." He said. "He's older than me, yet I fell for him of all people." he told him. "Everybody doesn't have a good impression of him, yet I still think positive of him. He's..." he said, then gritted his teeth. "I know he might just be playing with me, since I know he's a schemer. But - !" he said and bit his lower lip, his cheeks flushed as he catches his breath. " – my heart still beats loud and fast when he's near me!" he said and looked at the two – who're looking at him in shock. His tears are streaming down his cheeks. "Tell me... am I not in love with him?" he asked and lowered his head as he sobbed.

"Jingyi..." Lan Sizhui called, pity in his eyes.

"You do." A voice said. "The question is, do they love you?"

They turned.

Lan Jingyi sighed as he descended on the ground.

"You're the one who brought them, so you're the one responsible to bring the back." Lan Wangji said after he told him of his fellow disciples staying in QingheNie.

He blew out air and looked around the sect. It's still the same as when he left.

When he didn't see anyone around, he went inside the hall. He stopped when he saw a figure kneeling by the altar.

"Big brother..." he called after he kowtowed. He then stood up and turned.

A faint smile crossed his lips when he saw him. He opened his fan and walked towards him.

"What brought you here?" Nie Huaisang asked and stopped a few feet away from him.

Lan Jingyi's face went serious. So he's distant to me again... he thought, remembered how they were before.

He respectfully bowed. "Sect Leader Nie." He said and stood straight. "I came here to fetch my fellow disciples." He told him.

He stared at him. "You didn't even say a word to me when you left before after finishing your (GusuLan Sect's disciples) mission. You want to be punished again?" he asked and smiled.

Lan Jingyi didn't answer.

Nie Huaisang laughed. "I'm kidding. The GusuLan Sect's disciples are so serious..." he said and sighed as he walked towards a chair and sat. "I remembered you weren't like that before..." he muttered, his voice low.

But, it's enough for Lan Jingyi to hear. His eyes went wide and his hand twitched. He balled his fists. "Where is my fellow disciples?" he asked.

"They're with my disciples. Probably in the plaza... dunno." Nie Huaisang answered and shrugged as he poured his cup tea. "You may now leave." He told him, his voice cold.

Lan Jingyi's eyes narrowed. He can't hold himself back anymore. Frowning, he marched towards him and grabbed his arm. "After what happened between us... you – " he said and took a deep breath to prevent himself from screaming at his face.

"What?" Nie Huaisang asked. "Didn't you top me? So why are you acting like a maiden that's been aggrieved – " he said.

Lan Jingyi gritted his teeth and pulled him towards him. The table rocked and the tea spilled. But, he doesn't care.

"What?" Nie Huaisang asked when he saw Lan Jingyi's just glaring at him. "You want to hit me? Go on – " he told him.

He cut him off. "Just why the hell did you kiss me?!" he asked, mad, and glared at Nie Huaisang.

Nie Huaisang's face went blank. "Oh. Just that question?" he asked. "I thought it's more ser – "

Lan Jingyi's eyes became misty. Why is he so cold? He thought, gritting his teeth as he stared at his (NHS) blank face. Am I that unimportant to him? he thought, feeling like his heart has been stabbed.

"Sang-gege..." he called, his voice low and full of pain.

Nie Huaisang looked at him. His eyes went wide when he saw his tear-filled face.

"You're hurting me..." Lan Jingyi said as his grip on Nie Huaisang's arm tightened.

It's him (LJY) hurting him, but he (NHS) fully knows what he (LJY) meant.

"... kiss me." he told him.

Lan Jingyi raised his head.

He looked straight in his eyes. "Kiss me." he told him.

Lan Jingyi's lips trembled as he reached his lips. He closed his eyes tight as he slipped his tongue inside his (mouth), his tears falling.

They both catch their breath after their kiss.

"... why did you kiss me?" Nie Huaisang asked.

Lan Jingyi looked at him. He looked straight in his eyes.

"... it's because I love you..." Lan Jingyi answered. ".. Sang-gege..." he called and cried as he fell on his knees.

He can't take this pain anymore. Every second that passes it just makes him want to die because of pain.

But, before he could fall, strong arms caught him and lifted him up. before he could speak, he felt that familiar soft and moist lips touched his (lips).

"... why did you kiss me?" Lan Jingyi asked, staring at his (NHS) eyes.

Nie Huaisang stared at his eyes and wiped the tears off his cheeks. "Why do you think?" he asked and caressed the flushed cheeks with his thumb.

"... because you love me, too?" Lan Jingyi asked.

Nie Huaisang smiled. "Idiot – " he whispered as he hugged him tight. He closed his eyes, feeling his (LJY) warmth. " – you shouldn't have asked that." He said and cupped his face. "You should've said that." He told him and smiled.

Lan Jingyi's eyes went wide and his tears fell once again. He buried his face on his (NHS) chest. But – he thought as he smiled, watching his tears fell to the ground.

This time, it's tears of joy.

Extra: News

"Jingyi..." Lan Sizhui called, his face serious, as he walked towards his friend.

"Hm?" Lan Jingyi said and turned.

"Jingyi. Tell me the truth." Lan Sizhui said, staring straight at Lan Jingyi's eyes. "Are you in love?" he asked.

"Yes." Lan Jingyi answered and nodded.

"Oh." Lan Sizhui sighed, relieved. "I thought it's so serious – what?!" he said, shocked, and turned to Lan Jingyi, wide-eyed. "You're really - ?!" he said, shocked.

Lan Jingyi just nodded and walked away. Lan Sizhui gaped at him, still shocked about this news. I am so right to consult Senior Wei! He thought.

"Hm? Acting weird? So serious? Focused?" Wei Wuxian said after hearing what Lan Sizhui told him. (A/N: in the end he consulted Wei Wuxian instead of his rich father – LWJ XD well, cheap father knows a lot more for being poor pft – XDXDXD)

"Yes!" Lan Sizhui answered and nodded, serious.

Wei Wuxian looked at him. "... aren't you looking at yourself?" he asked.

"Eh? What do you mean, Senior Wei?" Lan Sizhui asked, puzzled.

"Aren't you like this, too?" Wei Wuxian asked back. "Being in love?" he added.

It took a whole minute for Lan Sizhui to digest what his cheap father just said. His face went red as if he eaten a bowl of red peppers.

Lan Sizhui's cheeks flushed, remembered how he fell in love with Jin Ling. "Ah~" he said as he stopped and looked at the mountains, his gaze looking beyond it. "Should I make a surprise visit - ?" he muttered and smiled as he mounted his sword.

He flew to the direction of Lanling.

Extra: Scheme

"Ah! Senior Lan! Sect Leader Lan!" Nie Huaisang called and ran towards Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen.

"Sect Leader Nie." Lan Xichen smiled.

Nie Huaisang smiled back and bowed. "Xichen-gege... Senior Lan... can I ask for a favor?" he asked, then made his face looked pitiful.

Lan Xichen wanted to grimace, but held himself back and so he just nodded. "What is it?" he asked.

Nie Huaisang made his face lit up (is this possible? xD). "Thank you, Xichen-gege." He said and smiled brightly. "I just wanted to ask for some disciple of yours to help my disciples subdue some fierce corpses found in our area – " he explained.

Lan Xichen nodded. "Sure, Sect Leader Nie." He answered and turned to his disciples. "Where's Sizhui?" he asked them.

"Sizhui-xiong left few minutes ago, ZeWu-Jun." they answered.

"Jingyi it is, then." Lan Xichen said and turned to Nie Huaisang. "I'll send our juniors to your place later after they'd gather." He told him.

Nie Huaisang smiled and covered his lower face with his fan. "Thank you, Xichen-gege." He said and bowed.

Lan Xichen nodded and watched him leave.

"Xichen." Lan Qiren called, combing his beard.

"What is it, uncle?" he asked.

"... do you think he's planning something - ?" Lan Qiren asked, suspiciously looking at Nie Huaisang who just left.

"... I don't know." Lan Xichen answered. "Maybe he's going after Jingyi, seeing Jingyi's the only one left in our clan –aside from you, who doesn't have a pair?" he wanted to ask, but kept quiet of this.

Also... Nie Huaisang deliberately asked this request after Sizhui left. So – Lan Xichen thought.

" – he's after Jingyi." He muttered.

"What?" Lan Qiren asked and looked at his nephew.

Lan Xichen smiled. "Nothing, uncle." He answered.

Lan Qiren suspiciously looked at the direction where Nie Huaisang left, having a bad feeling about this. "Even if he has, I won't let him succeed." He said and frowned.

He left.

"Uncle... he already succeeded – " Lan Xichen said. " – if not, then for sure he will succeed, seeing how much of a schemer he is." He said and shook his head as he smiled.

He'll just leave these all to fate, or should it say... the author's hands? XD

Extra: Advice.

"What do you mean?" Lan Sihui asked, then suspiciously looked at Lan Jingyi. "You're really in love?" he asked.

Jin Ling's eyes went wide, shocked. "He is?!" he asked.

Lan Jingyi calmly looked at the two. "What would you do if you fell for a stranger older than you, who you always look at from far away, and then they suddenly kiss you. Then, you kissed them back and then do it with them without even still confessing with each other – mmph!" he said when four hands covered his mouth. He looked at them.

Their face is so red, looking at him in shock and embarrassment.

"Jingyi!" Lan Sizhui called, mad and embarrassed and shocked. "You're really in love?!" he asked.

Lan Jingyi frowned. That's what I've been telling you. He thought, but just kept silent.

"And... and he – " Jin Ling said, his face even redder than Lan Sizhui.

Lan Sizhui cleared his throat and looked at him, face still flushed. "So... who is it?" he asked.

Dark lines covered Lan Jingyi's face. That's what you're concerned about?! He thought.

He face-palmed.

Extra: Protective parents

"It's him, isn't it?" Lan Wangji silently said.

Wei Wuxian nodded, his face serious as he looked at Lan Jingyi crying. "Yes. Could only be him." he told him. "Eh? Wait. What are you doing - ?" he asked, surprised, when he turned he saw him (LWJ) unsheathed Bichen.

"I'd kill him if he won't take responsibility (of our child)." Lan Wangji answered and looked at Lan Jingyi still crying.

Wei Wuxian grimaced. "You..." he said and sighed. He hugged his husband. "I think he loves him (LY), too – " he whispered. " – after all – " he said and looked at Lan Jingyi. He smiled. "Which child of ours isn't lovable?" he asked and winked at his husband.

Lan Wangji stared at his wife's face. "Wei Ying..." he said, then kissed him.

Wei Wuxian just laughed and kissed him back, playing with his husband's forehead ribbon. "Lan Zhan~" he said.

I'll let him (NHS) off for now, since he made me meet my wife again. Lan Wangji thought as he brought his wife back to their room.

Extra: Couples

Lan Qiren coughed mouthful of blood as he looked at (the new couple) Lan Jingyi and Nie Huaisang standing in front of him, hand-in-hand.

They're smiling brightly at everybody s everybody (except LQR) gave their blessings on them.

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji called.

"Hm? Mmnm~" Wei Wuxian moaned and smiled when his husband kissed him.

He kissed him back as he played with his husband's forehead ribbon, twirling its tip on his finger.

"Wanyin. You want one?" Lan Xichen asked and smiled at his wife (JC) as he handed him food.

Jiang Cheng's face flushed as he frowned. "I'm not an invalid - !" he said and looked away, but he's smiling.

Lan Xichen laughed. "Then – " he said as he pulled his wife (JC) by the waist. " – you want me?" he asked.

Jiang Cheng went red from the roots of his hair up to his neck. "Shut up - !" he said as he smacked his husband's (LXC) handsome face with his hand. "... isn't that a given...?" he muttered as he lowered his head, embarrassed.

Lan Xichen laughed as he kissed his wife.

"Ah Ling." Lan Sizhui called and handed Jin Ling with a stick of candy.

Jin Ling stared at it. "... this looked too sweet – " he said, referring to the candy.

"Even so, I'm still much sweeter than it." Lan Sizhui said.

"Ah - ?" Jin Ling said and turned.

Lan Sizhui smiled as he pecked Jin Ling's lips. Jin Ling's face went red. Lan Sizhui chuckled as he hugged Jin Ling. (A/N: damn ANTSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! *0* *0* *0*)

"Sang-gege." Lan Jingyi called. "I'll take food for us – " he said and was about to leave when Nie Huaisang stopped him. "Hm - ? Mm." he said when Nie Huaisang kissed him.

"Mnm~" Nie Huaisang said and licked his lips. "No need. This is the most delicious for me – mmph!" he said, his eyes went wide when Lan Jingyi pulled him down by his lapel and kissed him.

Lan Qiren's already pale face paled as he felt like he's going to faint. "... just what did I do to deserve this?" he asked as he looked at his nephews and the juniors together with their partner. "Just what did I teach them for, then end up like this...?" he asked, tears in his eyes.

(A/N: isn't it because you taught them, that's why they ended up like this? XD LQR: shut up! -_-+++)

He froze on his feet when he realized something. Every color (sect) has white (GusuLan) accompanying it. His face went dark as the thought roared in his head, doesn't want to admit it.

(A/N: the GSL- GusuLan Sect are all gays and is infecting the other sects – XD LQR: SHUT UP!!!!)

Extra: Token (of love)

"Oh, right." Lan Jingyi said and stopped. He turned to Nie Huaisang.

"Hm?" Nie Huaisang said.

"Sang-gege." Lan Jingyi called.

They stopped and turned. ... 'Sang-gege'? they thought and looked at Nie Huaisang. Nie Huaisang doesn't know whether to smile or grimace, and so he just let it be.

"What?" he asked.

Lan Jingyi stared at him for a long time. Hm? He thought. He was about to speak when he saw Lan Jingyi raised his hands.

He thought he's (LJY) going to cup his (NHS) face and kiss him, in front of so many people, and so he closed his eyes. But, minutes passed. He didn't feel his lips on him. Instead, he felt something wrapped around his wrist.

He opened his eyes and saw Lan Jingyi is seriously looking down. He turned and saw the others are looking at them, shocked.

Nie Huaisang looked down and saw Lan Jingyi is tying a snow-white ribbon around his (NHS) wrist. "Hm?" he said when he felt the ribbon is familiar.

He looked up and saw the snow-white ribbon on Lan Jingyi's forehead is gone. A few seconds later and he went red from his ears up to his neck.

The forehead ribbon of the Lan Clan! He thought, shocked. it is said it's the most important for them for some reason. "E-err..." he called to Lan Jingyi who's still busy tying the forehead ribbon to his wrist, forming a lump and making his arm heavier. "J-Jingyi... th-this is..." he said, looking at the legendary forehead ribbon.

"Hm? What is it, Sang-gege?" Lan Jingyi asked.

"... isn't this forehead ribbon had some meaning...?" he asked, skeptical. He only heard that the forehead ribbon of the Lan Clan is important and special, but didn't hear the reason behind it.

"Oh." Lan Jingyi said after he (finally) finished tying his wrist. He raised his and smiled. "Our (Lan Clan) forehead ribbon is the most important for us." he said.

"Why is it?" Nie Huaisang asked.

Lan Jingyi looked at him. "We're giving it to our most important person..." he answered. "... our other half (lifetime partner)." He told him.

Nie Huaisang felt his head exploded in being red.

Lan Jingyi continued. "In short, this most important forehead ribbon of us... after we found our person and give it to them... that person is the most important for us." he explained. "In short – " he said and pulled the shocked Nie Huaisang. " – this is the token of our love." He whispered.

Nie Huaisang's face is as red as blood. Fine! He got it, really! He thought as he lowered his red embarrassed face. He (LJY) loves him. He smiled and closed his eyes as he laid his head on his chest.

"... I really can't wait for you to grow up." he said.

"Hm? Sang-gege, did you say something - ?" Lan Jingyi asked.

Nie Huaisang just smiled and shook his head. No matter how many years will pass... you'll be the Qinghe's patriarch. He thought, referring to giving Lan Jingyi all of him (properties, etc.).

"Brother..." he called as he knelt before the altar. He heard the door opened. "... I have decided on him (LJY)." He told him when he heard Lan Jingyi's footsteps as he entered. "I love him... and he loves me, like how you (NMJ) did..." he said and smiled, remembered that even if Nie Mingjue has been so strict on him in the past, it was all because he's afraid something bad might happen to him that's why he wanted to protect him.

Please give us your blessing...

"Thank you... brother..." he whispered when he saw, in the corner of his eye, Nie Mingjue's figure afar.

"... hm? Sang-gege, is something wrong?" Lan Jingyi asked when he heard him sniff. "Sang-gege, what's wrong?" he asked, worried, when he saw Nie Huaisang's crying.

"*sniff My wrist is so heavy - !" he answered and pouted and looked at his wrist wrapped by the forehead ribbon.

Dark lines covered Lan Jingyi's face. "I'll untie it immediately - !" he said and was about to untie the ribbon when Nie Huaisang laughed. "Sang-gege?" he called.

Nie Huaisang smiled and held Lan Jingyi's hand. "I'm fine." he said. "As long as you'll hold my hand." He told him.

Lan Jingyi's face flushed and he nodded. "Mn." He answered and looked away, embarrassed, as he intertwined their fingers.

Nie Huaisang giggled and opened his face. He covered his lower face, then turned to Lan Jingyi and leaned down on him.

They kissed, the fan covering their face.

Everybody clapped, while Lan Qiren spat out mouthful of blood. "... everything's finished – " he said and collapsed, referring to the end of the four clans.

"No... everything's just about to begin!" the author said and smiled brightly.

Her hands over the keyboard is moving fast like she's playing a piano.