Bodyguard Mission

Hazard got out of his seat and walked over to the C ranked quest board. Most of the quests we're exactly as he expected, goblin nest subjugation, wolf pack extermination, and slaying a bandit caravan. But there was one quest that piqued his interest a body guard mission. Protecting a 14 year old girl, the quest said she was the daughter of a noble with undisclosed name or rank. It seemed suspicious but it also seemed kinda fun. Hazard ripped the paper of the quest wall and walked up to the reception desk. Jenna, who happened to be working today, eyed Hazard's chosen quest.

"Not the best choice for a beginner, but from the kick you gave the Guild Master before, you are plenty strong." she said while grabbing a stamp from below the desk. "Approved."

Jenna handed the paper back to Hazard and sent him on his way.


Hazard ran for three hours over to a private piece of land owned by the mysterious nobleman. The place he arrived was a large grassland and a stone path. After following the path for awhile Hazard arrive at a large gated mansion, it was beautiful, the building looked better then most of the houses he had seen in America, with white marble walls and gold playing with little dragon sculptures on each window.

Upon reaching the gate there were two guards with steel armor and a halberd each, upon seeing the icy haired boy they turned their halberd on him. Hazard held up the quest paper and said. "I'm here with the Adventurer's Guild."

Hazard was lead into a large room with a throne like seat at the front. Seated on the throne was a old and slender man with a white beard and wrinkled face. To his left stood two girls one with a pale complexion and blonde hair the other looked more healthy also with blonde hair, both of them wore elegant white dresses. To his right a man wearing a purple set of armor and two scimitar (Type of fancy sword) he had his helmet under one arm, he had blonde hair as well. They appear to be related and Hazard had no idea how he was needed here when the man had such a strong son.

"Kneel before the Lord Kremaris ruler of this territory, commoner." The man beside the throne asked.

"Forgive me for my disorderly conduct but I would like to ask who I am guarding and why."

The man was stunned he had clearly never seen anyone so rude and disrespectful. Although Hazard had tried to be less rude then normal it was still difficult.


The man pulled his scimitars out and yelled. "Disrespectful brat, how dare a lowly commoner speak to us like that." He attempted to cut down Hazard but he dodged by bending himself backward and using his covered gravity defying wings no maintain balance.

Hazard stood back up and smiled at the man and then turned to look at the man on the throne. He expected the man to have a crown but he just was bald, he spoke. "Please clam yourself my son, I invited this young adventurer to protect your younger sister."

"May I ask why?"

"Depends if you are strong enough to know!" the young man yelled as he slashed downward at Hazard with both scimitar.

Hazard caught both swords with his fingernails, one sword in each hand.

Hazard didn't intent to catch the swords, what he wanted to do was block his blades with his hands, mostly out of fear. It seems that Hazard's strength was much greater then anything he expected, he was slightly impressed with himself.

"Please continue." he smiled at the three remaining by the throne. Hazard broke the scimitar in his right hand and let go of his left.

"Impossible... it was... legendary class..." the young man muttered. He looked to his last remaining sword and tried to break it over his knee, obviously he fell to the ground his hands bloodied and his knee broken. He was to stupefied to think straight, but that's what happens when your absolute trust in your strength is crushed in an instant.

Two knights rushed in and ran over to the young man and carried him off, the young man was laughing hysterically in a craze trying to claw off his own armor. "That was not my fault." Hazard said plainly as he looked at the blood stains on the floor.

'Never thought he'd end up like that though.'

[He was known as the [Sword Prince of Arrogance] so after beating his skills with your bare hands it is possible that he broke, intensive therapy might help him though.]

"Umm, is he... the one... here for... me?" A small voice came from behind the throne, and the head of a child popped out from behind the chair. Lord Kremaris picked her up and placed her on his knee before saying, "this little one is the one you will be guarding, she has been targeted by some of my enemies vying for my fortune." He paused for a minute before continuing. "If an attempt is made on my daughter's life I expect you to kill or defeat those attackers, protecting her life is of the up most importance. When you succeed you will be rewarded appropriately." he finished with a smile, his wrinkled lips cracking from lack of moisture.

"Very well." Hazard said clearly.

The girl hid in her father's arms while Hazard used [Appraisal] on her.


Name: Anna Kremaris

Race: Human/???

Age: 7

Class: Holy Priestess

Level: 15

Hp: 1034

Mp: 2167

Str: 128

Def: 70

Int: 207

Agi: 96

Luck: 25

Skills: [Holy Magic: Level 2] [Curse Magic: Level 1] [Intelligence Increase] [Forced Telepathy]

Titles: [Reincarnate] [Lolita] [Priestess] [Sly Beast]


'Interesting little girl isn't she...' Hazard thought.

[Yes, I agree this little one is strange, like you in some ways but she seems dangerous in others.]

'She can hear thoughts I'm assuming, that forced telepathy can she hear us?'

[No, she can't hear us... but, she can hear you.]

Hazard looked towards her just in time to see her licking her lips seductively.

'Shit. I need a higher pay for this job.' He grumbled in his head. He regretted accepting the request now.

'Who are you talking to?' The girl's voice resounded in his head.

'My my aren't you smart little one.' He responded with his mind.

'I'm older then you ya know." She retorted.

'Not in this world.' He smiled.

"Looks like I'll be in your care." Hazard said.

'Marry me!' She thought.

'Nope.' he responded before turning back to the Lord.

"Then please, Sebastian give this man a tour!" Lord Kremaris shouted.

'Sebastian, wow I'm disappointed in this fantasy world already.' Hazard just face palmed.

'Yeah, I was disappointed as well, it's so common and cliche that I almost cried.' she thought back.


After about a two hour tour Hazard was finally able to sleep. That butler was serious about fulfilling his orders. Sebastien lead Hazard to his room and said he'd be back in fifteen minutes with a towel for bathing, they really we're trying to make it seem normal here, but they just didn't want to show weakness to their enemies, that was clear.

In order to prevent showing weakness they hired an adventurer from the guild although he was only a C rank he could hold my own against basically everything, except maybe that guild master, or some others he didn't appraise, it was a breach of privacy so he only did it when curious or when Sam told him to.

The three girls that saved him, despite being A rankers, were at least 4 times weaker then him, this from the levels for sitting in a wolf's stomach for multiple days. He could barely imagine what would happen if he started to fight really... before Hazard could finish his train of thought, Sebastian walked back in with a pitcher of water and a large white towel.

Sebastian motioned Hazard out of the room and less him to the public bath, technically it was not public as it was for guards and servants rather then the populace, upon arrive Hazard was surprised to see a modest bath similar to a pool. Hazard went to the changing area and stripped, wrapping the soft towel around his waist before entering the bathing area, he walked up to one of the washing areas as it was basic etiquette to rinse himself before entering the bath, or so he read. Lord Kremaris said that he would close the bath temporarily so he wouldn't have to bathe with his servants. The bathing was similar to Japanese customs of nude bathing. He finished rinsing himself and got in the bath. The water was warm and the air was like a sauna. The bath was lovely, and afterwards he plopped in the bed which had been given to him temporarily and fell asleep immediately enjoying the first bed he had slept in, in quite a long time. The perfect amount of firmness and softness. (Not a mattress commercial)

Sleeping in a wolf's stomach is much less comfortable especially the burning toes in stomach acid. But for now he slept and enter his wonderful dream world of mysterious mayhem.