Assassin's Poison

In an undisclosed location a gathering a mysterious people took place. Everyone wearing pitch black cloak and speaking in hushed voices. There were only two people not wearing cloaks, a man and a woman, The woman wore a red dress with feathers circling one of her shoulders and a red masquerade mask with golden decorations and a golden boarder. She held a wine glass in one hand and flaunted golden bracelets on the other. The woman was talking with a butler like man, he had white hair and a tuxedo. He wore a black masquerade mask with silver trim.

"Is it ready?" The woman asked and a robed figure appeared behind her.

"Yes, it will happen tonight ma'am." He whispered and then faded away into the darkness of the room.

"Good..." She mumbled, "If this doesn't work we are as good as dead."

"Are you sure you will go through with this madam?" The butler spoke up.

"Who knows... but it's to late now, we need the money"

"Very well, I will of course follow you." He bowed and then continued speaking to her casually.


Hazard's POV:

Hazard woke early in the morning and put on clothes that had been provided by Lord Kremaris. When he saw what was given to him he was so excited that he immediately put the outfit on and looked in the mirror.


"Thanks" Hazard giggled.

He looked wonderful, he wore a white dress shirt, black pants, and black vest. He checked to see if his wings were hidden, which they were, and then folded his robe and placed it on the bed. He put on a belt and hung his gauntlets from the side of them. This was still a protection mission so he needed his weapon. He continued to look in the mirror for a few more minutes adjusting his collar until there was a knock at the door.

"Sir Hazard the young miss would like to have breakfast with you in your room, she requests entry." Sebastian said courteously.

"That's fine, let her in." Hazard yelled to the door across the room.

The door opened and Anna walked in and said, "Sebastian will bring us breakfast in here."

"Lovely, may I ask why you are here?"

"Can't I have dinner with my husband." She giggled.

"Never gonna happen." He said flatly with disinterest.

"Waaaaa I want to cry now." She said while pouting and the licked her lips before continuing. "I won't give up you know."

"Don't care. I'm getting paid for this, and I'm not a lolicon." he retorted.

Food arrived a few minutes later delivered by two maids, they had pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage. he was a little excited by getting a normal breakfast for once but then Anna began to drown her food in syrup.

'So this is what everyone's taxes are going to.' Hazard thought to himself.

'Haha, don't be like that my father is a good man, everyone complains about the high taxes but no one knowns why they are taxed so much.' Hazard immediately regretted thinking, he forgot she could read minds within a certain range, but he let her continue anyway. 'We are at war with the demons...'

Hazard cut her off with a simple response. 'Doesn't matter, who cares if you win the war against the demons if all your citizens are either dead or dying from starvation, or revolting trying to fix the tyranny in their homes.' Hazard thought while moving his remaining eggs around the plate.

She was speechless, or thoughtless rather, 'Never expected you to be like that.'

'Like what?' Hazard questioned.

'Like, smart or thoughtful.' She said simply.

'Ouch, well I'm whatever I need to be for the situation.' He smiled.

Their conversation ended since Anna needed to work on her daily duties so Hazard followed her around until evening to provide protection.

When evening rolled around Hazard was on high alert, he suspected something would happen after his arrival and this night would be the perfect night to do it.

Hazard was invited to dinner with the Lord's family, even his son joined and he kept sneaking glances at Hazard like he wanted to say something, Hazard was aware but ignored it as he was working for now.

When the drinks were brought out Hazard appraised the liquids, lucky their was no poison, it was just regular water and red wine.

Everything was going smoothly, that is until the maids brought out the food with Sebastian bringing the Lord's food. Everyone stood up and chanted a prayer to some goddess named Ilfriet, saying things like bless our food and protect us from harm, that kind of mumbo jumbo. Hazard of course didn't waste any time, he used [Appraisal] on everyone's food until he found something peculiar, two people's food we're poisoned, he could feel malice in the food.

Hazard waited until everyone finished their prayer as to not offend them before he acted, but after they finished he threw a fork directly at the Lord, landing in his food with a loud thud, it had gone straight through the plate, everyone looked at Hazard with disbelief.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lord Kremaris questioned, and Hazard just said one word. "Poisoned."

Everyone froze nobody dared to touch the food, so Hazard stood up and took the Lord's plate. He then walked over to to Anna's plate and took that one.

"Everyone else can eat they aren't poisoned," Hazard said flatly and then muttered, "but these two are."

Hazard took the plates over to the side of the room and pumped Mana into them, Magical tools were specially designed to store Mana, however normal objects aren't so pumping large amounts of Mana into a normal object will cause a phenomenon called a "Magical Rift" which will destroy every atom that has exceeded it's maximum Mana capacity by a great amount. This little trick, he got from information provided by Sam.

As Hazard began to pump large amounts of Mana through his hands the plate and food began to glow and icy color before vaporizing leaving sparkling particles of left over Mana.

*Skill gained [Mana Manipulation]

Everyone was visibly surprised by this as very few people had the Mana capacity or knowledge to pull the act off.

[Hazard there are people coming, they seem to be enemies.]

"We can either sit here or stop the people coming to kill you guys." Hazard said bluntly.

Lord Kremaris stood up suddenly and motioned me over and whispered. "Who do you think we can trust?"

"You trust me?" Hazard asked.

"Of course you did save me."

"Okay, well the only ones we can trust is Anna."

"They also tried to poison Anna." Hazard said calmly while taking off his vest in case he needed his wings and then thought. 'Anna come over here don't do anything stupid.'

'Geez I won't, I understand our situation.' She thought as she took up and walked over to Hazard and Lord Kremaris.

"Great what's our plan?!" Lord Kremaris said, first I get you two out of here. This was not the time to mess around, he could afford to die or let these people die. They aren't the best nobles but they were extremely good compared to those who don't care about their citizens, This man has to stay in power or everyone in the territory could be at risk.

Hazard decided to take this fight all out, to protect these two with all his might. He started by unbuttoning his shirt.

"I wanted to get you out of your shirt, but this is not a good time." Anna casually mentioned.

Hazard took of his shirt revealing his odd guild tattoo. He then put on his brawling gauntlets and unfolded his wings letting his Mana flow to it's fullest. The wings became large and extremely bright, it was astounding and beautiful.

"What are you?" Lord Kremaris asked with a looked that couldn't be described in words, a mixture of fright and joy, somehow.

"Who knows anymore..." Hazard said with a sad smile, he didn't regret his choice to become an [Unknown] but he used to be human, and he could no longer be considered human, all the changes to his body in the last week had made him into something else.

"Not important we have to get out of here, right Hazard?" Anna had spoken up, she either read his mind or his face but either way she was protecting him from a conversation he didn't want to have.

"Right, we need to move," Hazard stated.

"What about my family?" Lord Kremaris gripped Hazard's arms and held him in place.

"Leave them. They aren't worth taking." Anna said coldly.

"You read them?" Hazard asked. "Is that why?"

She nodded immediately, Lord Kremaris was looking back and forth between Hazard and Anna, It appears Anna never told her father about her skill.

"You will tell him later." Hazard said as he grabbed the back of Lord Kremaris's hood with his left gauntlet and grabbed Anna at the waist with his right.

Hazard ran towards the window at high speeds and jumped into it shielding himself with his larger then normal mist wings increasing the Mana output to increase the temperature which melted the glass shards as he went though. He then lowered the output to normal and the wings regained their normal size and icy luster. Hazard flapped his wings bringing the three of them high into the air. He had to bring the terrified Lord and wiggling pervert to somewhere safe, of course the only place he even knew is the Town of Gabriel.

"Get ready..." Hazard said coldly as he began to pick up speed, nobody answered. Anna was still wiggling mumbling things like "No... I'm not ready... for this yet." She clearly had lost it... On the other hand the Lord was passed out cold with tears in his eyes and he was foaming at the mouth.

Since he didn't have to worry about those two Hazard shot forward at ridiculous speeds and reached Gabriel in a few minutes. He landed in front of the Guild not caring who saw him, this was too important to mess around.

He walked straight into the guild dragging the Lord and still carrying Anna. "James!" He yelled.

"What is it?" James said as he walked out from the backroom. "Oh hey it's you, wait wings and those markings, and who are those two..." He paused for a minute looking at the unconscious man in Hazard's hand. "Is that Lord Kremaris?!" He yelled.

"Yes... I saved him and his daughter. Someone tried to kill them, poison and then sending others to come and kill them."

"Shit... I'll get in contact with the palace." James said with a grunt.

"No." Lord Kremaris had woken up by now, "we must deal with this. I want to hire, Jay Hazard, The Triplets, and you, Guild Master James, through the guild."