More Training

Ace life now is a very disturbing one, in the day he will spend time with his family and go out to beat the shit out of the other kids while in the night he will get the shit kicked out of him by the king of titans, and some times hear some wise words about life from him.

Ace now was just about to die by another stomp from the king before he abandon his titan form and got out of it and ran away. he saw what happened to his body " Man, it looks like a piece of meat that got crushed by a hammer. shit!!"

"hey, go easy on me okay " Ace walked near the king

" well at least this time you moved... good judgement... you have finally remembered that you can leave your titan form huh? " said the titan king with mockery

" I would have remembered that days ago if you didn't kill me instantly every time " Ace was screaming at the king with anger " You are the worst teacher "

" The purpose of this training is for you to get used to your titan form...not teaching you how to fight... you already know that...and I have to say, your movement are smoother than before...and with this we are done with physical training... now to your blood " said the king as he sat down with his huge body

" Yes, I was Waiting for this " Ace was excited, he was thinking of a lot of things to create with his blood in the future... for himself not for other... or maybe he is going to share some of his creation to the survey corps since he is planing on joining them in the future.

" Now comes your blood training, you will need to train your blood abilities... instead of giving all your blood abilities to someone, you can limit them. for example, you can heal someone's injury or missing limbs...etc. Remember your blood is your will" Said the king as extended his giant arm to the Forest, he brought back a deer that was inside it, he crushed his limbs and put it in front of Ace "Now heal his bones "

' there are animals inside the Forest!! I didn't know that ' thought Ace " But how do I know I succeeded in controlling it " he asked with confusion

" I will tell you if it succeeded or not...just will for his bones to be healed "

"OK " said ace he made a crystalized knife with his ability and cut his Palm, he brought his hand closer to the deer's mouth, after a few a seconds you can see the bones are moving and connecting together, the deer stood up and ran away. " How was that " Asked as with hope in his voice

" Congratulations, you just made an immortal deer " said the king with mockery

Ace was annoyed at the king's mockery, he asked for another chance but just like time he ended with an immortal cow and a painful sarcasm from the king

this continued for days until he could finally control his blood

" Yaaaaas!!! how is that huh? no mockery this huh? say some?...say some?? " Ace was overjoyed with his achievement he was racking his brain day and night to think about a solution to this shit

" Congratulations, for an old man like you to take all this time for such a simple task...I would have ignored it if you were really a kid " Said the king as he directed his nuclear mockery at Ace

Ace eyes became empty from life as his face is frozen from shock when the nuclear mockery of the king hit him ' I think I did an oopsie ' thought the king

" Good job for now, in the next time we will talk about a few of your titan powers and that girl Mikasa's curse" the king waved his hand, Ace disappeared from this space. his consciousness returned to the real world. but strangely the same face he had inside the space appeared on him in the real world. a frozen shocked face with his eyes filled with despair.





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