To gain a foothold

(Ace gave his father his blood when his father started to spend more time with them. Just in case, I don't want to waste a chapter just for that )


Ace went downstairs in the morning, he was early today, he saw his father sitting alone on the table in the living room. Roger saw Ace and called for him to sit with him.

" what is it father ?? " asked as as he sat on the table

" I needed to talk to you about something " Roger put down his newspaper on the table, he looked at Ace with serious eyes and said " I am sure you already know about our family secret, so there is no need to tell you about it "

Ace immediately knew what his father is going to talk about ' this came earlier than I expected ' thought Ace, he nodded at his father meaning he understood

" Son, I want you to know that I will support you no matter and your mother are very happy that you decided to let accompany you in your life...thank you..." Roger looked into Ace eyes, he was really happy, his ancestors all died after their children became independent, he sensed that his life force became stronger and longer like an endless stream. this meant that his son cares for him enough

" what're you talking about father, as son this is my responsibility. besides, I can't bear the fact that I will have to watch you dying in front of me " Ace really hated that, the only drawback of his powers is that he will be seeing too many loved ones of him dying, so he decided to surround himself with people who he really loved and make the his friends and family

" This is not what I want to talk about...Me and your mother had talked before, we are planing on leaving to the inner wall ( Sina I think?) "

" Eh?? why? " Ace was surprised, he didn't expect this

" after my family got in the wall, they have been working constantly to gather wealth and power inside the walls but we couldn't go all out from fear of being killed by the kings and his followers, that is why we only been investing as merchants, but from the past generation we started going inside the government and the military. we became so powerful that we controlled all trades inside the three walls. due to that we made our selves a target of attention from the king"

Ace was listening to his father story with serious eyes, he knew that what his family is doing is dangerous

" we kept a low profile, giving the king an illusion of that we are only after money, if we didn't do that we would have been assassinated a long time ago, we didn't have any chance to have influence inside the ranks of the government. but as soon as we stopped having twins, we knew that we need to make a move. but it was too late, the king was surrounding us from all sides, the moment we will try something funny they will kill us. " Roger said everything with a grave face until he reached this point

" Thanks to you son, we don't need to fear death anymore, I became stronger physically to defend my self from any possible attack "

" This is why, me and your mother, we will life to wall Sina, we will start to gather influence inside the ranks of the government, it won't be a lot but it will guarantee for us to have voice in the most important thing " Roger looked at Ace and said " it pains me to leave you but we need to "

Ace was a little sad, he is going to be separated from his parents after he got used to their presence, but he knew that this important " I understand father...but when will you leave??"

" Probably tomorrow " said Roger

Ace and Roger talked a little more before Maria and Mikasa came down, Maria knew that her husband talked with Ace about their leave, this why she went to Mikasa and informed her, Mikasa was sad at first but she pulled herself together since she promised Maria that she will take care of Ace when she is gone, Maria was happy about Mikasa. The family just continued their day normally, they didn't talk about the parents leaving since they knew what they should do and that is for the best.

Just like that the day went by and tomorrow came, the Braveheart family is standing outside their house in front of a cart " Mikasa take care of Ace and yourself okay " Said Maria

Mikasa only nodded with determination in her eyes while Roger said " Ace, you are the man of the House now, protect Mikasa, and if you need something I told Mr.Grisha to help you okay "

" Just leave it to me " Said Ace with confident

"Then, until we meet again " said Roger as pulled Maria inside the cart, the cart moved from it place and started going toward the gate of the wall, Maria looked from the window for a last time to check on Ace and Mikasa who are waving at them

"enough, Maria, think about what we are going to face, Ace will be Okay... we must not miss this up " Roger said to maria without looking at her, he was dead serious, Maria looked in front of her and thought ' Yes, we need to have a foothold inside the walls quickly. For Ace '




the remaining time before the Wall is broken is 7 months





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