In Mimira City

A lot of you have been wondering about the reason of me separating Ace and Mikasa

Well the reason is, I wanted to give Mikasa a good reason to fight against the titans not just fight because Ace is fighting

Also to save useless chapters in the 2 years period


After spending the night in his father's house and the snow stopped falling in the morning bring in out the beautiful sun to shine on the walls

Ace looked around the house and saw that it was used recently meaning that his parents were here, he also found some money to use and move around the wall

Knowing the his parents must've been worried he decided to write a letter and send it to the HQ of his father's company where he will be mostly be

He finished writing the letter and gave it to the mail delivery service

" and now what??" He wondered about what should he do until his parents come to him after reading his letter, he then remembered his dirty clothes that he still wearing from a long time ago with many holes and blood all over it

" Shopping it is then " he said as he picked some money and went to the market to look for new clothes

Growing around the city, he didn't find anyone of the merchants opening yet but he still kept looking for someone until he reached the Noble's area ' Ah!! Those guys never close' he thought

It's true for the merchants in the Nobel area it's always a never ending business, who knows when some noble lady will desire some new clothes or some nice Jewelry, so closing will mean a loss of selling opportunity

Ace made his way towards one of the shops and entered. Immediately after that an angry and loud voice come out

" HEY!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??? " it was the shop manager, he come at Ace and stood in front of him preventing him from going in any further

Ace was surprised at first as he didn't know what he did wrong " I want to buy clothes, that's what I am trying to do " he said

The manager looked at Ace from head to toe, he had to admit that Ace was a good looking boy especially with his grey hair and eyes but when his eyes looked at his clothes the manager's eyes started hurting him

" This shop belongs to the Braveheart family, it's a place for nobles and higher-class citizens, a beggar like you can't enter it " he crossed his arms and said with a strong voice

" No this place is for the people who can afford to buy meaning that as long as I have the money I can buy anything " Replied Ace, since this was his family's shop he naturally know about it's policy's

The manager wasn't surprised by that since it was true but no one aside from the nobles and rich merchants came here " Then do you have the money???"

" Of course I have, Bring me Two T-shirts with full sleeves, one grey and the other black and two black pants with one silver belt and a pair of shoes from B.H series, Also give me a silver necklace from the Lion series with it's matched ring, Also, a scarf will be good in this winter. All the money is calculated in here " he gave him a bag of money filled with a few gold and silver

The manager was surprised and just held the bag if money a d looked at Ace with a baffled expression, he didn't know that this kid had this money, and it was even calculated, plus the kid knows about their recent series of shoes, no commoner know about them since it was so expensive ' Can it be he is a noble's son??' That single thought sent terror through the manager's soul ' If that is true then I am done for'

" RIGHT AWAY!!!" The manager ran inside the shop to get what Ace demanded and brought the back to him with heavy breath

Ace was setting on the waiting chairs with his legs and arms crossed, he looked at the manager who had a nervous smile on his face, he took the bags that had the clothes in and went to the changing room and started changing his clothes, he already took a shower yesterday so he only need to change his clothes

After changing his clothes, Ace came out with a full black clothes with his silver Belt, Necklace and ring, the clothes looked good on Ace, Black and silver were always his favorite colors

" Wonderful!!! You look very handsome my lord!!' The manager praised Ace clapping his hands. Ace gave him no attention and just said " The survivors of the Shiganshina district... Where are they??"

The manager got surprised at first for not expecting this kind of question out of the blue but he still answered " They're in the northern lands of wall Rose in the lands of the braveheart family my lord"

"I see...then see ya" he tossed the man a small bag of silver coins and before he leaves he said " I will forgive what happened earlier for that question " he then left

The manager was sweating from head to toe "He was a noble's son after all, I almost ruined my career " To offend or please a Nobel son means a lot for people like him, with just a word you will raise up or fall down to play cards with the king of hell

After leaving the shop Ace walked through the snowy roads of the city with his black silhouette as he was in deep thoughts ' I just hope Mikasa is with my parents and Eren and Armin too ' they were his precious friends and he didn't like for them to suffer, he wants to meet them. His friends and his parents

Ace made his way back to the house after buying a few refreshments like juice and fruits, so he can spend the night

" There is so much time ahead for me, I think things will be boring before I join the military...Should I start writing some kind of story or book to pass some time " Ace talked with himself and struggled to decide either to write or not and in the end he decided to write something from his world

So when Ace got home, he went to his father's study and brought she juice and a bag of paper to start writing

" Game Of Thrones it is then " Ace said as he started to recall the TV series he watched and turned it into writing


The next morning in wall Sina. At the manor of the braveheart family, Roger was running through the hallways of his manor with a heavy breath as he shouts

" MARIA!!!? MARIA!!!!" he was calling for his wife with all his might with an opened letter in his right hand

He made his way to his bedroom where his wife is resting, when she heard her husband's shouting, Maria thought something happened and she got out of her bed with a nervous face as she asked " What's wrong Roger?? "

Roger stopped in front of her with his chest raising up and down, he didn't speak and just handed her the letter

Maria took the Letter and started reading, from the first words her body started trembling, the longing in her heart for her son is raising like it never did, she could recognize it, her son's playful writing



It's me Ace, Just in case you forgot I am still alive, I am now in the old house of the Mimira city in wall Rose

Missed you :-P


As always, short and playful, he never respected the rules of writing letters

Maria looked at Roger with her face filled with tears and she just smiled at him, a smile that made the house look more cheerful than ever and just said one word that she didn't say in a year and half " Ace!!"

Roger smiled back at her and said " Let's go meet our son " he gave her his hand and pulled her out of the house after changing their clothes

Finally the braveheart family that was separated for long will reunite after a long time, The father, Mother, Son and daughter have all suffered in their own way, be it physical pain, worrying, heartache,hate and sadness those are all feelings that hurt the braveheart family

And now they finally can stop those emotions from eating them