
The only reason I wrote this chapter is because I lost connexion to my internet (Thank you MT)

Pray so I can loss connexion to internet more often so I can release more chapters


Not much of progress in this chapter


At the house of the braveheart family in Mimiria city. After rushing to their son and meeting him, Maria and Roger felt a huge amount of stress disappear in an instance when they saw their son's goofy smile and lazy expression, as always and never changed

Maria is sitting on a couch in the living room and embracing Ace, she is running her fingers through her son's grey hair while Ace is enjoying his mother's love

There was always something mysterious about a mother's love for Ace, no matter what she did it always made him relaxed and always felt good. She can just touch his head and peace will come to him, he never understood how can this be. Finally coming with the conclusion that every son in the world will come up with; there is no love more pure than a mother's love for her child

Roger was reading a few papers he found on Ace's disk in the study, he thought it's something important but it turned out to be a story and quite good one on top of that

Just like this the humanity in this world, there is a wall that prevent the huge monsters from attacking them, in this story too, there is a huge Ice wall prevent another type of monsters to kill them

Roger put the papers down and said with confused tone " What happened to you?? Almost two years passed since that tragedy "

"I was under a rock" Ace replied with an expression that says ' That was a tragedy'

Maria cracked up laughing her heart out " S-So you were living under a rock " she couldn't help but add " Are you dumb now?? You know, because you were living under a rock Hahahaha!!! "

Roger chuckled a little at that but Ace wasn't having the same fun ad they're " Please, that's a dark past that I don't want to remember " his face looked grieving " Anyway, where is Mikasa and the others "

" *Sight* Those brats, they didn't want to come and live with us" Roger touched his head as he feels headache whenever he remembers the kids " they say they want to be soldiers, I told them they can live until they enrol in the military training but they still refused "

Ace had expected this but he still hoped they won't go to live under the mercy of another one else

The lands are his father's but they aren't being supervised by him and the management is left to someone, so they will most likely experience some unfairness

" I will go see if I can bring them here, Mikasa will come with me but the problem is that suicidal bastard "

" Hey!! Mind you language " Maria slapped Ace on his head lightly, Ace apologized with playful tone " Sorryyyy~"

" please do, The kids are too young and they lost their parents so we need to take care of them " Roger stood up and put his coat on

" Where are you going?? " Asked Maria

" To the king's castle, the four nobles said they want to talk to me"

Maria became worried as she heard the words " Four nobles ", Roger noticed that and he gave her a crafty smile " Relax, Remember how much of the wall's economy our family hold, if we fall the walls will fall too, we're already beyond their reach "

Hearing this Maria relaxed as she almost forgot their new position from her long lasted fear from the king and his followers

Ace was surprised that his father became this much powerful in 2 years but he didn't mind it too much

" The most they can do now is giving me so much work to keep me busy and not take any further actions " he then left the house with those words behind him

Ace is still in his mother's embrace as he realized something " AH!! I forgot to give him these papers to publish them as a book"

Hearing her son Maria said " Why do you want to publish that?"

" There will be nothing to do for the next 4 to 5 months so I thought of spending time writing " he stood up and stretched his body a little bit " I will go see Mikasa and the others" and he left the house too leaving Maria sitting in the house alone with a lonely expression "Cruel bastards " she said with a cold tone towards her husband and son who left her alone

Ace got outside, It was still snowing, he wrapped his scarf on his neck and looked at one of the servants who followed his father here, he went to him and said " Go bring the cart, we're leaving to the north of the wall at the farm lands"

The servants quickly went to the stable and brought the horse out with the cart, he stopped in front of Ace and got down to open the door for Ace

They then left to the north, the journey was kinda long, about 3 hours until they reached the farm lands