I Have Power, Just Like You

After traveling through the wall of Rose from the Farmlands to Mimiria city, the carriage arrived at the mansion of the braveheart family, the driver stopped the carriage and opened the door so the passengers can get out

The first to get out is Ace, he stepped out and turned to get Eren on his shoulder after Mikasa handed him to Ace, with Mikasa holding Armin on her shoulder the both of them made their way inside the mansion where the servants are bowing to them, on the front door of the mansion, Maria is standing there with a smile on her face and holding her hands in front of her while her eyes never left Mikasa

'Shit...' Ace know what she was thinking and it won't end well for Mikasa "Mother" he called

"Welcome back Ace....and you too" she smiled at her son but it became fainter when she looked at Mikasa causing her to shudder from fear, she too know what that look means, both her and Ace suffered from that look in the past

"Mother...you're looking great" Mikasa tried to praise Maria so she can at least improve her mood but to her disappointment

"Of course I look great, I always look great" Maria throw her hair back with an arrogant look, she examined Mikasa and then said " But you don't...look at your clothes"

Mikasa looked down at her clothes, all of em are dirty, her dress, shoes only her blue scarf is clean

"I can't believe my daughter is looking like this" she then turned and entered the mansion with anger

" Good luck" Ace looked at Mikasa with compassion " You may feel pain but it's only temporary, your butt will only hurt for a few weeks and she will forgive you" He signaled to one of the servants to take Armin from her allowing her to go after Maria in a hurry


"Mother I am sorry, I was so angry at that time please forgive" Mikasa followed Maria inside, and she found her in a room looking through the window, Maria kept being silent making Mikasa more nervous

"You let me suffer in pain, I lost my son for 2 years and you left the house to go the farmlands, leaving me alone, you think I can forgive?" Maria's voice held her pain for the past 2 years, she couldn't take the loneliness, she missed Mikasa and Ace dearly "Ace had an excuse but you don't, what is it that will make me forgive you?"

Mikasa's heart was in terrible pain as her eyes became red threatening for tears to fall down " You Love.." she said as tears fall down, hearing this Maria quickly turned and was Mikasa crying, she rushed and hug her to feel her warmth

"Of course my love for you will forgive you " she too started crying as it's been a long time since the last she hugged her daughter, Mikasa too felt Maria's love for her and realized how much she needed this but in the middle of their hug, Maria pushed Mikasa a little as she wiped tears from both of their cheeks and with a smile that Mikasa hoped to never see again she said " But a mistake is still a mistake and you need to be punished for it" she caught Mikasa in her armpit and raised her dress revealing her little A.ss, Miasa was shocked, she tried to run away but it was too late

*Smack*  *Smack*  *Smack*


Sounds of slaps could be heard inside the room like thunder, Mikasa's butt quickly became red as she suffered under Maria's secret technique [ The Immortal Slap]


Ace was sitting in another room with Eren and Armin who had just woke up, and the three of em could hear the sound of the slaps and Mikasa's scream vibrating through the mansion, Eren and Armin felt cold sweat running down their back ' I hope I am not next ' they shared the same thought

" that was really stupid of you guys," said Ace as he supported his face with his hand

"huh?" both Eren and Armin were confused 

"I mean, you wanted to be soldiers that's why you went to the north so you can train instead of staying here and asking my father for someone to train you, that's stupid "

both of em lowered their head, it is true, they could do it but something prevented them for doing it, you can say it was pride or whatever but they could never ask something from Ace parents

 " I didn't want to rely on your parents," said Eren

" I don't even have a close relationship with them, how can I ask them for something like this" Said Armin

Ace scratched the back of his head, One doesn't want to rely on his parents because of pride and the other thinks he doesn't have the right to ask them for anything, Sigh~

The door of the room was opened, and Mikasa came in, she was walking in a strange manner with a pained face, she came near Ace and tried to sit down slowly

'Ai!!! Ai!!! Ai!!! That hurts!!" she found it difficult to sit down because of the pain in her butt which made it even more hard for Ace to hold his laughter back causing Mikasa to look at him with a vengeful eyes

 he raised his hand " Don't look at me like that, you did this to your self"

"Just remember it " Mikasa didn't argue with him and just kept silent trying to deal with the pain



Silent got over the room as no one was speaking, Ace was drinking some tea and sweets that were served on the table while the other had things to think about

"Tell me, Ace..." Eren was the one to break the silence " How are you alive??" that day... I clearly saw you smashed under that rock" he didn't raise his head and just kept looking down, even after this time and seeing that his parents recognize him(Ace) and him being living in the flesh, Eren still has doubts

"Huh? you want to know??" Ace took a bite from the last sweet on the table with a narrowed eyes

"Me too, I want to know, Mikasa was so sure that you were dead" Armin pointed at Mikasa who was looking at Ace with an expression that says ' I want to know'

Ace took a breath " This will be difficult to explain..." he took a knife from the table and cut his palm causing blood to gush out, the others didn't understand what is the purpose of this but soon they were shocked as the wound became to heal at visible state

Eren stood up from his place " How!!..." he couldn't believe what he just saw

"It healed, meaning...." he looked at Ace who nodded at him as he knows that Armin had figured it out, Mikasa too had the same reaction as Armin as she understood from that little action that ' Ace can heal his wounds'

" As you can see, I can heal all my wounds and that was no different from that time in Shiganshina" he put the knife on the table and leaned on the couch as he knows that this will do for now

" how can you do that " Curiosity is killing Eren as he wants to know how he can do that, no human can do that

Ace throws his back head on the couch, looking at the ceiling " I have powers, just like you..."