



---------------------To the chapter++++++

" how can you do that " Curiosity is killing Eren as he wants to know how he can do that? no human can do that.

Ace throws his back head on the couch, looking at the ceiling " I have powers, just like you..."

"Me? I have powers?... How?" Eren became confused, he looked at his hand and took the knife. Armin caught his hands before he does anything stupid

"STOP!!! what're you doing??" Armin shouted at him

" didn't you hear him? he said I have powers, I want to try" Eren tried to reason with Armin

"Just because he said you have powers doesn't mean you can take a knife" he looked at Ace "What do you mean by powers? Ace."

Ace now was in great fear, he almost ruined everything, it was just a slip of his Taung in a moment of carelessness, he almost ruined everything for himself, thank god Armin was here

"W-well you see, I was talking about determination, I have the power to heal myself and Eren have the power to grow stronger with his determination, that what I meant, yes that what I meant" being flustered and in a pinch situation, even the #1 Assassin will be like this, he said the first that come up in his mind

Eren looked at him with suspicious but he somehow believed him, if he had some kind of power he would have noticed that a long time ago but he still has a curiosity about Ace's power

"Then how can you heal yourself? no human can do that, it's not normal" asked Eren whose question made Armin interested too while Mikasa doesn't care anymore as she got the answer she was looking for

Ace got irritated at Eren's continues questions, that was the only part he hates about him. Deciding to end the discussion here Ace said: " There are Titans outside of that wall, the last thing you should be curious about is a human with self-healing ability. if you thing titans are normal then I think you have some screw loose " Ace stood up " we're done here and don't dare talk about this outside, do you understand?" he went near Eren's face and grabbed his neck " Do you understand?" he threatened him

Cold sweat ran down Eren's back as he felt Ace's killing intent, he understands that this is a great secret that shouldn't be leaked outside, it may cause Ace family's destruction. He nodded his head slowly indicating he will do as he was told

As for Armin, Ace know that he is smarter than he looks, he didn't need to be told to stay quiet about this, he understands that alone

Meanwhile, Maria came down from the second floor, she was wearing some fancy clothes that made her look as beautiful as the moon, she wore a white long dress with a big blue ribbon on the waist

She looked at the kids with her hands on her waist " We are going shopping, to the carriage now" she ordered, she may have forgiven Mikasa but Armin and Eren are still in the danger zone

The kids didn't dare to disobey as they lowered their heads and did as she said

Maria looked at Ace who is still standing in his place " and you?" she questioned

" Have fun, he said while scratching the back of his head. Maria didn't press him on the matter as she never liked to force her son to do things he doesn't like, she followed the kids to the carriage and they left after that immediately

Ace was left alone in the mansion, his indifferent expression slowly changed to a pained one, he touched his forehead as sweat started to fall down on his cheek

' Damn, it hurts' he thought. His vision started to get blurry quickly, he supported himself with the wall so he won't no fall down

[ I told you to rest as soon as possible and here you are ] a deep and powerful voice came from Ace's head, it was the King Titan [ Your soul is exhausted from all that healing, get to bed and sleep ]

" Sorry about that... I will do it now" he made his way up to his room with great difficulty, he didn't want to make his parents worried again after just meeting them, that is why he never showed any expression of being tired. it may have only been 2-3 days but sometimes get this great headache, it gave him a lot of pain in unwanted times and situations, like now, he focused on relieving the pain that he almost gave Eren's power secret away

' Yesterday's sleep wasn't enough ' he thought as he covered himself with the blanket and tried to fall asleep to relieve the pain


[ Wall Sina ]---

[ The King's Castle ]

In the throne room, Five men can be seen standing around one man in a huge throne. the king supported his head on the throne with his arm, his eyes never moved, never had any emotion in them and in front of him a one-man is kneeling

He was Roger, the father of Ace

" Lord Breavheart " Duke Reiss stepped forward with his hands behind him causing Roger to look at him

" stand up, I will be speaking on behalf of the king" he looked at the king who gave him a nod in response

" the 5 councils and the king decided that you...Lord Roger Braveheart should be promoted to a Nobel rank " said Duke Reiss making Roger shocked, of all the possible scenarios he thought of this wasn't on his list

" I know that you're confused about this but you should know how much power your family hold, it's equal to one of us in terms of land and money. so a power like that shouldn't stay in the hands of a merchant "

Roger nodded at Duke Reiss words, it is true that his family's power is big and not that of a normal merchant, this is also the reason why the royal family had been on Roger's neck for a long time

' So instead of getting rid of me, they decided to let me in huh?' Roger wasn't stupid to not realize this, he had been in this game for so long, they gave him what he was looking for all these years this easily

Roger stood up and bowed " I shall accept this promotion humbly your grace "

" there is condition first..." Duke Reiss said causing Roger to narrow his eyes while bowing ' Of course there is..' he thought

Roger raised his head " and what that might be?"

" Our families should get together, meaning a marriage between your family and mine" Duke Reiss smiled at Roger with a gentle expression " You have a son and I have a daughter, what do you think?" of course he wasn't asking, his smile meant that Roger has no chance of refusal

Roger looked at duke Reiss for a moment " Why duke Reiss family and not the others??" asked Roger

Duke Reiss already know that this question is coming but the answer was the most obvious one " Because the king wanted that "

The man on the throne who never leaked a single sound nodded again

" I will talk with my son about this, will his grace give me time?" asked Roger, he couldn't bring himself to force his son on something he doesn't want

" This is a direct order Duke Braveheart, the king gave his orders, go back and prepare for the wedding day, the wedding will be held in the castle at the end of this month " Duke Reiss's eyes became cold as ice, he addressed Roger with a noble rank meaning that it's already decided which caused Roger's face to twitch at that

' They got me...Damn' This was Roger's greatest fears, he never wanted to get close to them this much, when he heard that he will be a noble he thought they will make him a Barone or something else. being a Duke is the worst, he will be so close to them that he won't be able to move without them noticing him and what is worst is that the king decided to tie his family with another noble family. The Reiss family


I learned some new stuff in school that will make writing chapters much easier to me, I became a happy student today, a happy student I tell you something you don't see every day