Operation, Kidnaping...

Sorry of taking so long, my head was in a mess about how to deal with reincarnators. Now everything is clear, Also I was busy with Patreon since there were many people signing up for more chapters in my other Shokugeki no Soma FF.


When Ace noticed the girls in the warehouse due to their turn in cleaning the equipment, he decided to wait for his target now and deal with her today's evening.

Since the warehouse is near the forest, Ace went to the nearby bushes and hide his body there and increased his presence.

It was sunset time, the sun is still going down and the male recruits are doing some last minute exercises while the ones who had given up are getting inside the carriage to leave today too. That makes 53 Recruits since the day they started.

Ace spend quite the time in his place, just him, the bushes, and the wind. Quite boring in fact.

After a few hours and darkness came down on the camp and the moon illuminating the area, the girls started coming out of the warehouse with torches in their hands after making sure everything is clear. Mikasa and Krista are with them. The both of them went to the dorms with Ymir and few other girls while the rest went to the big hall to eat before sleeping.

Anna, Ace's target is with the girls who are heading to the big hall, she was at the end of the line.

The girls passed by Ace hiding location, he could hear their meaningless chattering, he focused on erasing his presence and waited for the last girl to pass by him.

Anna passed by him after a few moments, Ace picked a little rock and throw it behind making her halt in her place and look behind her. She went back to inspect the sound and found it was just a rock 'Strange...' she thought as she shrugged it off not realizing that Ace was sitting at her feet. She turned to leave and follow the girls who're already far away and immediately felt danger behind her. She moved sharply to block whatever it is but it was too late

Ace struck her Anna in the back of her neck making her lose consciousness. The last thing she saw was Ace's grey eyes lighting in the darkness of the night after that she hit the floor.


"Where is Anna-san?" Questioned Sasha who was with the group who was heading to the big hall to eat.

one of the girls with her looked back to see Anna missing, she was confused as she swore that Anna was behind them just a moment ago "Maybe she went to sleep!!" said teh girl, she doesn't know any other thing that Anna could do.

"EH?!! but she promised to share her food with me!!" Sasha felt her heat and stomach being ripped apart by this new, a portion of her food is missing now.


At the boys' dorm, the recruits are preparing their beds to sleep, the oil lamps are limited to use so they have to prepare quickly. Armin looked at the bed next to him and wondered " Why hasn't Ace returned yet? Captain Levi will get angry if he came didn't see him." he said.

Eren looked at him as he spread his sheet on his bed " He probably is being punished by Captain Levi like the last time, probably moving or cleaning something" he said, that happens a lot lately.

"If only you can stop fighting then he wouldn't need to be punished." Said Armin, all of Ace's trouble comes from Eren, each time he gets in trouble Ace comes to help him but Ace gets the final punishment.

"It's not my fault that Noble Idiots are full of themselves." Eren jumped on his bed and laid on his back

"He should just let you get in trouble alone then maybe you can stop, the worst part is they outnumber you." Armin took off to his bed to sleep.

"Don't be harsh on him Armin, Ace and Eren are friends, it's natural they help each other." Said Reiner, he was sleeping on the bed above Armin's, he popped out of his bed and looked down at Eren and Armin with a smile.

"Friends or whatever, Eren should learn to control his anger," Said Armin, he was kind of pissed at Eren, Ace, and his parents had given them so much after their own parents died, so at least he could do something good and lay back for a while " I find it a miracle that Captain Levi hasn't punished Eren after all this time."

Reiner, Eren, and Armin went into a heated argument about Eren's recent behavior and reckless actions. As they are arguing, a green haired boy mad his way through the dorm to one double bed at the corner of the room.

He looked down at one Black-Haired boy sleeping in his bed, after that he heard someone growling from above. He looked up and saw another black-haired boy with his long bangs covering his left eye, he looked at Julius in a beastly manner which earned a chuckle from Julius.

"What do you want?" The black haired boy on the lower bed opened his eyes and looked Julius with an indifrent tone as he asked.

Julius smiled sweetly as he said, " Care to hear me for a second? Raven."

Raven looked at Julius for a moment before going back to sleep not minding Julius at all.

Julius just smiled and turned around " I'll wait for you at the well, if you want to know who is the winning side here, come and find me." Raven's eyes shot open at the leaving Julius' words. He slowly stood up from his bed while looking hesitant at the door where Julius just left.

The boy above his bed looked at him and made some sounds like a beast making Raven ruffle his hair " Don't worry Lucas, I'll be back after a minute." Lucas grabbed Raven's clothes preventing him from leaving making the latter smile at him

"Don't fear anything yet, All we need to know is who is the winning side, if it's this island or the outside, with that we can choose where to live. The three of us." Raven finally slipped of Lucas' hand but he Lucas just descended from his bed and followed Raven, the two of them followed behind Julius who was already at the well.


On the other side of the forest, One horse is walking through the darkness of the night with one single rider a passenger.

Ace was heading towards the nearby deep Canyon, fully equipped with blades and gears, he was taking the unconscious Anna with him, he was whistling and humming through his way trying to waste as much time possible as he can. Riding on a horse alone in the forest especially in the night is not pleasant at all.

"♪♪♪" He was swaying his head from side to side not caring that he was basically kidnapping a maiden behind him.

After a few minutes, the maiden behind him groaned as she opened her eyes slowly, she tried to move her body but it was tied with a rope tightly. She looked to her side and saw Ace's back and shining grey hair. She immediately realized her situation and tried to go back to sleep to not get Ace's attention.

"Good morning...Or evening?" Said Ace, he was still looking in front of him but he clearly was talking to Anna behind him.

She sighed and responded " Good Night." and closed her eyes.

"I hope you are uncomfortable there, I tried to make the ropes as tight as possible." Said Ace as he laughed a little.

"What are you planning on doing? if i'm allowed to ask?" said Anna with a monotone voice, not even panicking at the situation.

"Probably kill you, but that is not decided yet, I still need you to tell me a few things." Ace responded, in front of him he could see a large and deep cliff. That was the Great Canyon. A very deep and large scabland where a large River bank goes from here to Wall Sina, its waters are one of the cleanest inside the walls.

"Can you not kill, please." Anna "begged" for her life but her voice and expression seems like she didn't mean any of it.

"That depend's on you." Ace stopped the horse as he lifted Anna's body and throw her on the ground " Wait for a moment here." He took the horse back inside the forest leaving the girl laying there like a worm at the edge of the Canyon. Her blank eyes are following him until he came back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Ace came back and took his blade that he reinforced with his Crystal-Hard ability. With a fast swing he cut Anna's rope, she stood up casually and removed the remaining ropes from her body.

"Eyaa!!! This is my first time kidnapping someone." Ace was scratching the back of his head with a slight blush " How was it? did I do great?" he asked.

"Mediocre..." Anna said as she finally got rid of the last rope. " Then what now??" she asked with a monotone voice as she looked at Ace in his eyes who was still laughing like an idiot.

"Nothing much. I ask a few questions, you answer them, if I don't like the final result, you die." Ace was smiling as he said these words." Without any delay, the first questi-" Before he could complete his sentence, Ace was thrown back with a crystal spear in his stomach, he was pushed back to the nearby tree and he was implanted on it with the spear sticking from the other side of the tree.

"I don't like answering questions, especially for an enemy." Said Anna as she pushed the spear deeper inside Ace's stomach. The spear was attached to her hand as if it was part of it.

"GHA!!!" Ace throws up a bunch of blood as he looked at the girl with disbelieve, his eyes say that he wasn't expecting any of this.

"Y-you...H..ow!!" Ace struggled to speak as he looked at Anna in front of him whos silver eyes are cold and shining under the moon, it gave her a terrifying vibe, she gave Ace a slight smile and said.

"You're not the only reincarnation with powers." Her grin gave a different vibe than earlier when she was tied down.

As if she is a completely diffrent person.


The next chapter is out on patr-eon.

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More chapter will be posted there in respect the first patr eon who donated in favor of this story.

Please look forward to more chapters.

My tests are over and I have two months to write, basically, i'm free.