Titans' Battle In The Night

Some people were whining about the last part of the previous chapter that I had to post this chapter earlier.

it's annoying that I need to explain my story in comments instead of words and progress.

I hope this is the last time we go through this.

Ace is powerful and that is a fact, don't hold me down because I'm having fun writing something I thought is good.

And do you know what is not fun, ending a fight in a 50 words.

Please read the story and learn what is happening through the story and not me. Also, I'm glad some left leaving only the people who knows how to read a story.


"You're not the only one with powers." Anna looked at Ace who was giving her looks of disbelieve and fear. "You shouldn't have come out now. If you kept on pretending you could've survived for at least 3 more years."She turned around and stood at the Canyon's cliff, she looked down and saw how deep it was. Although there is a river going through the canyon it isn't that much, the water level is barely above a person's ankle.

"Tell me, Are you the one that man called Barbarossa sent here?" She asked without looking back at Ace.

"W-Wha?!!" Ace was shocked at how she knows about Barbarossa. "D-did he sends you too?" Ace was having trouble speaking with a crystal spear in his stomach, he seems to be struggling to remove himself from the tree.

"No...We were sent here by other people, mainly because of you and that Barbarossa." Said Anna as she stood on the edge. "If you weren't here we would be enjoying our life on the other side instead of coming here just to die"Anna's eyes are looked at the moon as she remembered the massacre in her little village a few years back. Ace went into the silent mode as he worked on the spear.

"W-What relation do I have with your reincarnation?" he asked, more blood came out of his mouth and the hole in his stomach the more he speaks.

"Something about balance I think, it's been 15 years since that day, I can't remember everything but the jest of it is that you're too strong for this universe to handle, " Anna swayed her legs on the edge as she recalls what those cloaked people were saying " And something about the need of equal and opposite force for the universe to be upgraded to a higher level....The most important part is that we were needed to reincarnate here because of you." She looked back at him and her eyes widened from shock.

Ace already removed his body from the spear and was sitting under the spear that is still sticking to the tree squatting and looking at her. His wound is healed and there is no trace of his blood at all on the ground.

"Ah!! Please continue, I want to hear more." He waved her with a smile

'Superior regeneration...And maybe pain nullification, I didn't hear him grunt at all.' Anna was thinking about Ace power, the latter is just sitting there not minding that the girl is preparing for another attack.

Anna quickly formed a crystal sword and swung it at Ace who just let her hit him 'Idiot!' She thought, but to her shock, she didn't feel flesh being cut but her crystal sword broke as soon as it came in contact with Ace's body.

Anna quickly backed off to the edge and took a fighting stance, she waited for Ace's next attack.

"Aren't you going to continue your little story, I was enjoying learning about your little mystery." Ace cleaned his clothes and looked at his military uniform that had a big slash in it from Anna's attack.

"Maybe after..."Anna grinned and became excited at the notion of Ace being strong. She readied her self for him at any moment.

"Boo~As you said. After I am about to kill you then.." Ace raised his palm and directed it at Anna who was caution but wasn't ready for Ace's attack.

With fast speed a crystal lance was launched from Ace's palm towards Anna's body, she managed to black it with crossing her arms and coating them with crystal but she was thrown off the edge.

Ace walked slowly to the edge and looked at Anna who was smashed down in the shallow river "You alive?" he shouted. But he didn't receive any respond only his lance coming back at him with fast speed, Ace tilted his head to the side evading it effortlessly.

"The girl is good..." Said Ace as he jumped down, it took him 10 seconds to fall to the shallow river where Anna was waiting for him. His landing made a giant splash.

"You're not bad, you're living to the hype from these 'Gods'," Anna said with a grin on her face.

"Can't say the same.." Ace took off his equipment and gear they were just dead weight to him, there is no tree nor there is anything he can use them for.

"Tell me first, are you the one who was playing some mind tricks on my wife and fiancé?" said Ace, he now remembered why he was attacking the girl.

"....Huh?? I have no such power, If it's mind powers then it's Julius, not me or the others." She said. she spelled the name of Julius like venom from how much hatred she has for him. And that didn't go unnoticed by Ace, he can see vengeance in her eyes.

"Good, then I will go easy on you.." Said as he closed his eyes and breathed deeply and channeled his titan powers.

"Keep talking big...Let's Go!!" Anna dashed at Ace with inhuman speed, her dash left a shockwave behind her. She directed a punch at Ace's face who dodged down, she used her momentum to launch a knee attack.

Ace punched her knee and stomach at the same time, throwing Anna off balance. She fell down causing Ace to jump and ready a punch but she Used her crystal to form a little shield in her stomach.

She managed to block his full force but the little shield was cracked, She used the chance of collusion between them and formed small spears on her elbows and struck Ace in his unguarded shoulders. But he did the same as her and made a little shield there.

Ace formed a lance in his hand and stroke Anna in her abdomen, she didn't have time to reach and the lance made a hole in her.

Anna grunted from pain and launched a kick to Ace's body to throw him off her. Ace spun in the air to gain his balance.

He landed and looked at Anna who rose up from the shallow water with blood gushing from her abdomen "Not bad." She said. smoke started coming from her body as the wound started to close

"And you're bad at this, you never trained using your powers in battle do you?" The usual smile on Ace is gone, he is not having fun now, he is just trying to defeat his enemy for now and he needs to do that fast.

Anna's face twitched at his words, it is true she never used her powers in battle but she trained enough to learn using them. Besides where can she use her powers in battle without causing trouble.

The only time she used her powers in battle was in her Titan Form against two other Titan Shifters.

Ace resumed fighting but this time he went with long distance attacks. He punched down the water implanting his fist in the earth, Anna was about to attack him then but she looked down in shock, a lance comes out from the ground at her almost thrusting her leg. She avoided it by stepping to the side.

But the attacks didn't stop there as more lances came from the earth, she tried to avoid them as hard as she can. The user of these attacks is still in his place watching her struggle to not get hit by them.

Ace smiled as he formed another small lance in front of his face and aimed at the girl, he launched the lance with fast speed that Anna didn't get the time to dodge it, but she used her crystal shield this time and managed to avoid a fatal blow to her heart.

'She doesn't use the shield to defend the attacks from the earth lances, but only used it when she can't avoid. A limited amount of crystal maybe?' He thought, Ace was analyzing the girl's movement, she is swift in avoiding his earth attacks, he can see that she is using her five senses correctly to feel the vibration of the earth below her and her ears to feel which attack is faster to reach her ' Not bad, Not bad.' He thought.

Ace sent the girl another wave of small lance from his side. She managed to block the first wave and second too but at the third wave, a few lances managed to scratch her as she avoided them.

'As I thought, she can't keep using the shield too much.' Ace stopped his attacks and stood up from the ground, the night sky was dark but they can see thanks to the moon and their sharp eyes reinforced with the Titans' powers.

Anna was panting, she was too busy and exhausted herself by his attacks. While he was just sitting there watching the show ' Too strong!!' she thought, she started fearing Ace a little ' If only the sun was up, I could use my titan form' but unfortunately there are 3 hours until the sunrise.

"The first person I used all of these attacks on and you managed to survive for half an hour!" Ace was truly impressed, the girl exhausted herself to not get killed by his attacks earlier, now he could just attack her with his powers again, he doesn't need to worry about his defense as his natural hard skin will protect him for the most part but he wanted to see how strong this girl is. If it's possible he can get her to abandon her friends and work with him.

She wasn't the source of his anger but the person she named Julius, the user of the mind powers who tried to mess with his girls.

"If you have any tricks, this is it, i'm not holding back." Ace took a fighting stance as he declared making Anna tense.

'Just from the first exchange of attacks he was able to overpower me, later he made me go exhausted from the series of attacks, he is still at his top...I can't keep hiding my powers, if he used any other powers i'm done for.' Anna calculated her possibilities and found that Ace is overpowering her physically, he has more skills more stamina and more powers.

His crystal shield is stronger than hers, his skin is so though that even her Crystal sword didn't do much even if it wasn't hardened enough. 'No choice...' Anna touched the shallow water making Ace curious that he halted his sprint at her.

Anna swung her hand forward and a giant wave of Ice came cruising at Ace

"WHAT?!! ICE!!!" Ace quickly used his crystal lances and directed their tips at the Ice Wave in front of him, he launched them at it to break it, he wasn't able to crush them all but he was able to protect himself from being frozen.

But the attack wasn't over, the wall of Ice in front of him was broken revealing Anna with a lance in her hand 'Again with those, they don't work on my though sk--" Ace couldn't finish his words when he saw the spear being coated with fire.

Anna launched the spear at him with a huge force that it melted through Ace's crystal shield and though skin.

With the force of Anna thurst being big Ace was thrown back with a giant burning hole in his chest.

"Phew..." Anna let a deep breath out as she saw Ace cruising against the Canyon's giant wall