Story Time!

Ace was doing some stretching to his muscles and spinning his arm and twisting his neck, he was waiting for the girl to get up and continue fighting.

He could just go to her now and end this but since the girl is powerful enough, he decided to use as a practice doll to test how powerful he is without his titan form.

Anna got out from the wall after her crash, her naked body is soaked in water and dust. She struggled to stand up for a little but she mustered the strength and she bolted at Ace with all her strength.

She arrived at his steps in an instance and slashed with a lance in her hand coated in fire, Ace blocked her attack with coating his arm in a harder crystal and countered with a side punch to her face, she rolled to the side, she didn't lose momentum and a wave of Ice was launched at him.

This Time Ace jumped up and avoided the wave of Ice, Ana used this chance to throw fireballs at him, Ace didn't evade them and just let them hit him. They didn't do much damage as he assembled a group of lances behind him. He ordered them to go down at her.

With more than 50 lances aimed at her, Anna couldn't evade them all and 5 hit her on her shoulders, 2 on her legs and 1 on her left feet.

She fell down and grunted from pain. Ace got down from his earlier jump, in front of Anna and formed a sword, he slashed at her chest and made a giant cut that gushed blood out.

Steam began to rise from her body but Anna was shaking from pain and exhaustion, it's a miracle that she was still conscious at this point.

Ace looked down at her and smiled " Now, do you care to continue your little story?" He made four lances and pushed Anna back on the water.

He implanted two lances on her hand and two on her feet. She was basically crucified on the wet ground.

She looked at Ace with a pained expression, little red eyes and steam healing her body.

"..." She wanted to speak, but she just closed her eyes and said: " You win, Kill me now."

By the time Anna decided to show her full power of Ice and Fire, she was too exhausted and her stamina was low. All of her attacks take too much stamina that she trained for as long as she can remember. She only had a little stamina to fight until now.

The moment Ace struck her with lightning her stamina was at 1%, she couldn't even heal her burns probably.

Now, she gave up knowing she can't defeat the man in front of her and waited for her destiny.

"Didn't I say, tell me your little mystery?" Ace frowned, he pouted and looked up with an angry face " Why does everyone ignore my words?!" Anna looked at how ridiculous the boy is. Just a moment ago he was killing her and now he is pouting like a cute boy.

Anna hit the back of her head on the ground and asked" Fine. What do you want to know about?"

Ace looked at her like she gave him candy "Tell me how did you come here and why. I'm still confused at the balance thing." He said. he squatted near Anna's face who looked at his bare chest and felt disappointed that she couldn't even give him one scar.

"Well, listen carefully." She said, she closed her eyes like she was going to tell the longest tail in history which alarmed Ace.

"Keep it short...If you will?"

Anna sighed and continued "Let's start by how I saw everything...Unlike you who died, I and the others didn't die, we were still alive but we were brought here against our will. The white cloaked people who summoned us called themselves gods but i'm sure they weren't. Besides me, they brought in 8 other people between them was my biological sister from my world into a black space with nothing but darkness but we still could see each other clearly--"

"Wait, 8?!... I only noticed 5!" Ace frowned, he scratched his head and thought 'Am I getting Dull?'

"Yes, 8 but only 5 remained, the other 3 are dead." Anna's voice turned sad when she remembered those three. Two of them were just unfortunate to be manipulated by that guy. But the third. The third is her sour point, the third person is her little sister. Her death left a huge mental trauma on her, She still dreams of her little sister being eaten by Julius' Titan. She was so sad and angry that she ended up isolating herself from everything after the fight was over.

Ace, of course, didn't ignore the sorrow in her eyes and realized that something was up. " Continue.." Only one way to find out, he thought.

"Those people were saying that someone gave something called the [God's Last Blood] to someone and sent him to this world, they informed us that you were an assassin before your death and you were supposed to go the blank space for eternity. With you being here, a lot of things were missed up. Not only you got op powers but your existence here will destroy this world and all the parallel worlds linked to it and any other universe that has a link with him thus killing trillions of innocent people." Anna looked at Ace with serious eyes, she was half telling the story and half blaming him. Ace just shrugged her off with a face that says 'Not my problem.'

Anna didn't waste too much time and continued " The cloaked people gave us a task. They gifted us with powers. The 8 of us got diffrent powers based on their personality.."

"What was your power?" Asked Ace in interest

"The Crystal, I was the only one with that, the others some got the earth powers, some got water, fire and even thunder." At this time, Anna's cut chest was healed as she regained some of her stamina. Ace noticed that and with a snap of his finger, he made a bunch of lances on top of her body ready to come down at any moment.

Anna looked up with cold sweat going on her cheeks. She closed her eyes and sighed, she decided to continue the story first " They said that the only solution to solve that problem is to send people with somehow equal and opposite power to balance this world's power and prevent the series of deaths. They promised to give us good living conditions away from the trouble of this world for some time. After getting our powers, most of us were eager to reincarnate already. the last person to accept the reincarnation deal is me, I stayed behind because I had a very important question to ask."

"After reincarnating, we discovered that we were living in the same place together, under an orphanage that is built by my former family, the former Noble house, the Truman Family. I was born to them as a twin with my little sister Sara."

Ace was smiling from ear to ear, it's pretty interesting to hear stories like this for him. As if he was reading manga. He swayed his head in a playful manner as he listened to her like a child listening to his bedtime story...Well, it's night time now.

"The 8 of us lived together and became friends, as we grow we revealed our powers to each other. The most outstanding one was my sister's ability and Julius'. My sister had Ability field where all types of powers don't work on her, meaning no titan shifter can transform or use any kind of power. Julius had Memory Rewriter. He had the ability to Rewrite one single memory of one person."

"HOOooo!!!" Ace was amazed at this declaration.

*Rumble⚡* *Rumble⚡*

The two looked up and saw the sky started to rain, it was caused by all that thunder Ace was summoning earlier. It started to rain on the both of them but Ace didn't mind. It's not like he was gonna get sick or anything.

"Continue..." Although his voice was mixed with the sound of the raindrops hitting the river's water he could still be heard clearly.

Anna decided to continue, she doesn't have much of a choice, she gave him her word and Also...those lances up there are scary!

She cleared her throat and spoke again " Now that I think about it, I should've realized what Julius' looks meant that day, he was eying my sister like she had something of high value and he wanted to get it for himself. At first, I thought he was in love with her as the others were going about the two liking each other but after we hit 11 years old, Julius transformed to his Titan form in the middle of the village with another two guys. The started killing the villagers and anyone. Raven and his two friends were outside of the village at that time. So it was only me and my sister, She was so terrified that she couldn't move. I transformed too and fought Julius' two helpers while he went to my sister" At this, Anna's tears started falling and her voice becomes weaker from the sadness that assaulted her heart.

"I was busy fighting the two guys and at the same time watched Julius as he eats my sister. Her terrified eye still hunts me in my sleep, I couldn't even save my little sister. After getting her powers, Julius ran away while telling the other two to follow him. At that time I was so enraged that I went berserk and killed the two of them. Julis was already out of my reach by the time I regained my consciousness. My Ice and Fire powers came from those two that I killed."

Ace was really going through a rollercoaster of emotions, sometimes bored, sometimes excited, angry and even sad. Poor Sara, he thought.

"After that Raven and his group came back and they found the village ruined. With them, I spent a good years before that guy returned to tell us to join him, he even proposed to make me his sex slave. I wanted to kill him but he had the Ability field, we couldn't fight him equally as he had freedom in using his abilities. After we refused him he just left, as he said He didn't come to kill us "

Ace was listening with anger, he really didn't like this guy, Maybe he should start with hi---Fuck!! That guy is the one who tried to play tricks on Mikasa and Krista!

"I'll fucking torture you, you worm.' Ace was so angry that the lances above them started doubling in the size and gaining more sharpness scaring Anna even more.

Once he returned to his sense he smiled awkwardly at Anna and apologized. He still needs to hear the full story " What happened after that?" he asked.

"Nothing much, I separated my self from Raven and his two friends and came down to the wall of Rose. I waited for the military training to begin so I can locate the first reincarnation which is you and it seems like the others had the same thought, not sure if they had the same reason as me but they joined the training regardless." Anna sighed and took a deep breath "And that's it, short without leaving many details." Anna looked at the lances waiting for them to come down.

"But wait, how did you guys figure out that I was the guy you were looking for. A reincarnator will cause a big butterfly effect, and there was 10 of us, at this rate my existence shouldn't be a surprise or one that deserves noting," he said, he was pretty confident that there weren't many clues given so they can figure him out if they had the butterfly effect in their minds.

"I thought about that, and they surely did too. But the most obvious fact is you getting all the girls. and a small book of the game of thrones published by your father's company and you being a friend of Eren and the rest..." Anna gave Ace a mocking look as she said " A generic reincarnator behavior." Ace's face twitched at her words. He didn't like the idea of him being made fun off.

He stood up and made a long and sharp crystal lance "Prepare your last words." Anna closed her eyes as the rain fell on her body, Ace put strength in his arm and went down to strike her head.

Everything played in slow motion for Anna, her final moments made her remember her sister again, she remembered her smile and her cheerful personality...She remembered...Her...Death too.

At that scene, Anna's hatred grows again as she shot her eyes open and shouted: " WAIT!!!"

Her sudden shout made Ace stop his lance although it went inside her head for a few millimeters. A little amount of blood came out from her forehead. She breathed heavily as she was almost dead. Her chest rose up and down

"What, I need to kill you fast, if you hadn't finished your prayers, then do it fast. I'm a busy man with a wife at home and Fiancé to marry."

Anna swallowed her saliva and said with a shaky voice "D-Don't kill me."

Ace prepared to resumed his attack as he raised his lance up again.

"Wait!!! I'll do anything!!" She shouted, " I have information to give you." She said.

"I don't need it, I can get the rest from the others," he said with a grin and readied his lance.

"NO!!! You need me. You'll end up dead soon if you killed me now!!!"


one more chapter on pat reon, more will be posted soon.

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