A New Companion!

"What do I need you for?" The Rain was getting heavier by the second, the water level is rising up slowly. Ace looked at the girl under him with curiosity.

"You can't defeat Julius alone." She swallowed her saliva and said with confidence.

"Huh?! Me? Can't defeat just one person?" Ace laughed as if he heard the funniest joke in the world. He scoffed at Anna's words and got ready to kill her.

Seeing him acting like this, Anna shouted again " He can disable your powers and he has more powerful abilities than me, if he disabled your powers then he can kill you easily."

Ace stopped his attack again. He had a blank face as he said "Ah! you said something about Ability field power or something like that."

"Yes, he got that power from my sister. I can help, he can't disable my powers, his powers don't work on me. So, if he got hold of you I can help you by fighting with you." She said. All her hopes were on this, if he was too arrogant with his powers then she will die. All she can hope for is for him to have a functioning brain.

Ace put his hand on his chin to think deeply. He is an immortal being, he may possibly not have the most powerful skills between the reincarnators but His immortality is a fact. Even if his body is destroyed into atoms, it will rebuild itself and appear in a random place. Plus, he got more skills up his sleeve than any of them. It's not assured that the boy can defeat him with all his skills canceled.

[Don't get fooled with your immortality.] The king's voice boomed in Ace's ears, he was shocked to hear him say this. He himself knows all about his skills, and sometimes even better than Ace.

"What're you talking about? Explain." He demanded in his head.

[Your immortality is like a skill, the only things that you were born with are your strong body and long life span. If what she is saying is correct then once all of you're abilities are canceled, you'll die.] Said the king. It is certainly bad. If Ace couldn't match the others without his skills alone, he would be done for and judging by this girl's abilities from earlier, it would be wise to be careful. Better safe than sorry.

[Let her live. If she can help you, later on, it would be a great decision and even if she was of no help, she got more information about the enemy than you. In the end, she was one of them.] That was the last thing the king said before his voice faded away. Ace thought about his words carefully and decided that he nothing to lose.

Anna saw Ace frown and gelt fear of death, his expression wasn't a good omen.

"I see, your words are convincing...But how do I know that you won't betray me?" Ace asked with narrow eyes. He brought his spear to her eyes and demanded an answer.

"I-I want Julius dead too, he killed my sister and I have nothing to lose by joining you." Anna hurried to clear herself. She was happy that he considered her words.

"And the other three, you could join them too. As far as I know, you have no enmity with them, you could just have a 'secret meeting' and plot to run away or kill me." Ace stated the few more possibilities that Anna could take and waited for her reply.

Anna looked at him for a moment silently, the rai reached its max and started to raise the water level more, it's now about to cover Anna's body.

Anna sighed and closed her eyes, she looked at Ace and understood why he was saying all of this, he doesn't know about the others so that's why he thinks that he will betray him. But honestly, if she had to chose which side she should be with, she would choose Ace without hesitation.

"Please don't say things you don't know about..."Anna looked at Ace in the eyes regardless of the spear in front of her " Raven and his group is just a bunch of selfish people, They fear Julius's power and if he demanded their help they will do as long as he doesn't hurt them and leave them alone. Raven is a coward who hides behind his confident mask. I don't feel safe with him And if I could, I would've stayed with him the past months." Anna stated her opinion about Raven and his group with all honesty, Ace couldn't detect any lies from her all this time; He smiled at her and laughed.

"Alright." Ace snapped his finger and all the crystal spears in the sky and in his head disappeared. He got off her body and extended his hand to her "get up before the water cover your face." Anna took his hand and raised up.

The two of them stood in their places awkwardly about their naked bodies " Don't you have any clothes to wear." Said Ace.

"You burned them."

"Oh! I see, let's get out of here anyway. The rain is making me feel cold." Ace looked at the canyon wall and sighed. He shouldn't have brought the fight down here.

"Let's climb." Ace made some crystal lances and shot them at the wall and formed climbing points that they can use.

"You can climb things right?" Ace asked Anna behind him who was has finished healing up finally after that long ass story.

"Yeah...I can."

"Good, because it's a long way up there." Ace pointed at the long wall in front of him as they walked to it.

After climbing the wall, Ace and Anna took cover under a long tree.

"What was that about the boy can't disable your powers?" Ace asked Anna out of the blue, they're planning to wait until it stopped raining so he decided to use this time to understand the girl's power.

Anna thought of a way to explain her powers without sounding complicated. After a while of thinking, she said "Let's start by explaining power in general. Think about point A and B; Point A is the source of power while point B is the body. In order for someone to use their power, they need to connect the two points by a link so the power can be channeled from the source to the body. after the power is used the link will be cut and each time you'll need to use the power forming another link is a must. In this case, this rule applies to anyone except me."

"Why is that?" Ace tilted his head in confusion, that idea was introduced to him before by the king when he was learning how to use his power and master it so he was no stranger to it. But he didn't understand why the girl is an exception.

"It's easy. because I don't need to form a link. My point A and B are always linked and this is wy Julius' power can' work on me. Because his power forms a wall between the source and the body so you can't use any power. While in my case, the wall can't be built because there is no place for it to be built." Anna finished her explanation and Ace nodded in understanding.

It is true, each time Ace wants to use his power he needs to form a link with his soul where all his powers are hidden and being nutritious at all time.

"I see, that seems like a helpful ability you have there." Ace praised her, being able to use your power without those few seconds of channeling your power is very helpful.

"Yes, indeed, That's why i'm the only one Julius is afraid of." Anna extended her hand and the last drop of rain fell on her hand. The sun rose up and the beautiful sight of the Canyon became clear to them.

"Let's go back." Ace and Anna left to get the horse who was still a little far away back and prepare to return back to the camp...

And wear some fucking clothes.


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the only reason that I am late to update this every time is because my supporters demand from me to update My [Food Wars: The Golden Hands] fan fic first.