A New Plan for Revenge

Jaemin knew Chae Minhyun well. In fact, there was no one in the rich circle who didn't know him. As the CEO of the biggest country in Korea and one of the best in the world, he had a god-like reputation among them.

Jaemin didn't know how the two people could possible be related, but he knew that Minhyun was bad news. His interference could potentially ruin everything Jaemin had built.

But Jaeun couldn't be possibly telling the truth. Right? Chae Minhyun and Yoona? They had no chance of even seeing each other, much less being acquainted. Perhaps, his sister hallucinated or was lying.

Although his face was calm, his eyebrow twitched slightly in anger. "What do you mean Chae Minhyun? Those two can't possibly be acquainted. They are on the opposite spectrum's of society."

Jaeun could sense her brother's anger. She subconsciously huddled her body into the sheets. "He protected her today when I visited the restaurant. Apparently, they are childhood friends."

Silence filled the air.

He cracked his delicate fingers ones by one, the sound echoing in the air. His eyes were closed and he hummed slightly trying to relieve the fire in his heart.

This could not be true. It can't be. Out of all the people in the world, Yoona was childhood friends with Chae Minhyun? That would mean they were personally close, not just on name basis.

That fucking slut wasn't allowed to be close to other men.

Right now, Jaemin was fighting the strong urge to slice Minhyun's throat.

Jaemin let out a light laugh. Gradually however, the laughter turned heavy, resembling a villain's before the kill. He dropped to the floor with a loud thud and rolled around on the floor with his hands around his stomach.

There was nothing funny about the matter, but to Jaemin, everything was hilarious. To think that those two thought that they had won the battle using Minhyun's power. Powered by both anger and disbelief, his laughter wouldn't stop.

Finally, with tears in his eyes, he stood up. He wiped the water from his eyes before staring back to his sister.

"I apologize for my words earlier," Jaemin said while patting Jaeun's head. He made sure to avoid her disgusting skin. "You did well for your capabilities little sister. Luckily, now you have a handsome brother to help you get your revenge. Leave everything to me."

"How?" Jaeun asked. With Minhyun by Yoona's side, it was impossible for them to make a move. Her plans of ruining Yoona's life was ruined in one strike. If they were to attack, it would only lead them to death. Anyone who disobeyed Chae Minhyun would suffer severe consequences.

He shook his head. "Oh sister. You are so naive. There are plenty of other ways to attack."

Unlike his sister who had to pay the school for her grades, Jaemin's perfect average was due to his brains. After taking a few moments to think, it was easy to think of other routes to take.

"First off," he began. "Chae Minhyun is only one person. He can't be involved in every aspect of Yoona's life. He has a company and other deeds to tend, there is no doubt he has little time on his hands."

He put two fingers up. "Secondly, who says he has to know we took revenge? If the evidence doesn't trace back to us, that is all that matters. If we strike right now, sure he would know that it is us, but what about in the future? If we lay low for a couple of weeks and something bad happens to Yoona, he won't know it is us. He has many enemies as well, after finding out their relationship, they could all be potential suspects of harming Yoona."

He smirked. "It all plays out perfectly. A few weeks will give us the perfect amount of time to plan every single action to take for your revenge."

Jaeun widened her eyes. Her heart quickly paced happily. Her brother was right. Even with Minhyun by her side, there was other ways to hurt her. Everything pieced together perfectly.

She giggled. "I'm so excited now. This better be amazing."

"Don't worry," Jaemin said. "I'll make sure she falls into despair, just like how you wanted."

Jaeun suddenly cocked her head.

"I have my clear reasons for bringing her down, but why are you helping me Jaemin?" She asked with crossed arms. She looked at her brother suspiciously.

Her brother rarely helped her out. He didn't care enough to meddle in her affairs other than when it came to the bets. Inside of their house, the two siblings rarely talked. So why was Jaemin suddenly acting like an older brother? In fact, the whole Yoona situation got him worked up. When it came to previous bet victims, Jaemin had never acted this way.

He turned his head to look out the window. The luminous rays reflected against his porcelain skin. "I have my own reasons as well."

What Jaeun didn't know was that she too, was part of Jaemin's plan. His grand scheme was almost shattered but luckily, his quick thinking saved the day. He was going to make Yoona break down into misery, to the point of making her crawl to him for help.

A small smirk played on his lips.

Chae Minhyun may have the power, but in the end, Jaemin was the one who was going to have the girl.


As many of you can see, the cover of this novel has changed. I know there are several of you who will miss the old cover however, there are reasons for the change. The original cover picture was found on google and I just put some font over it with some other tweaks. I know webnovel has a culture where a lot of the covers online are used but I personally didn't want to profit off of someone else's work. Before, I was just writing for free but now, I am able to get gifts and donations for my book. Therefore, I just felt weird and thought that I should invest in my own cover.

Luckily, an AMAZINGLY talented friend of mine drew the characters for me. With the help of my Photoshop skills, the present photo was made! Please give Becca some love in the comments <3 She's the BEST.