A Blessing in Disguise


Oblivious to the Moon siblings and their schemes, Yoona made her way back home. Finally, after the long day she was able to rest.

When she entered her room, she immediately flung her bag down to the floor. Then she ran forward and jumped into her bed with a big smile on her face. The tingles in her heart wouldn't disappear. Everything was so surreal. Suddenly, all the worry involving the Moon siblings disappeared, replaced by happiness. They would not be able to hurt her anymore.

Today was a bliss.

It was crazy how the worst possible situation could suddenly turn into light. When she saw Jaeun walked through the doors, Yoona knew that tonight was going to end terribly. She acted calm but she was slightly scared for the events to come. She calculated the worst possible scenarios in her head and embraced for the worst.

Yet, nothing bad happened to her like at school. Instead, everything was going really well. She was shocked. Everything started with Lucas's courage to ignore Jaeun. Then soon her friends began to support her when no one else did. Everyone at school stayed at the sides, helping Jaeun unintentionally. She finally had someone by her side.

She cuddled into her blankets.

Not only did she have two amazing friends backing her up, but all of a sudden, another figure reentered her life. How crazy was that?

Minhyun was a variable she had never dreamed of showing up.

It was still shocking for her to find out that the cold man who gave her the ten thousand dollar tip was her childhood friend. But then again, she did think that Minhyun was dead, courtesy to her mother.

To think he cared enough to offer his help - she was absolutely touched. After all, he was a CEO, he shouldn't even be bothering with her. Plus, it wasn't any company he was in charge of; MH was one of the greatest business in the world, everyone knew its name. He was someone who had millions people wanting to have the chance to talk to him, even for only a second.

But to think Minhyun would choose to protect her in the midst of troubles. It was like a dream. Now, with his warning, there was little chance that the Moon siblings could hurt her again.

A giggle escaped her lips. Take that Jaeun.

Minhyun really was a blessing in disguise wasn't he?

Even Lucas couldn't protest against him.

Since she had just met her long-time friend, Yoona began to feel curious about his life. He knew a lot of things about her like the Moon situation, but she knew nothing of him. During the meal, Minhyun barely talked about himself and listened to the three speak.

Although he was occasional playful, most of the time he was quite reserved.

She wanted to know more about who the young boy had become.

Yoona quickly took out her phone and began to search Minhyun's name on the search engine. Since he was pretty famous, she assumed that there must be lots of information about him online. Once she pressed enter, piles of websites and pictures came up.

Her eyes widened as she scrolled down. She didn't expect this much results to pop up. There were over a million results!

"Child prodigy, admitted in Harvard at the age of sixteen!"

"Chae Minhyun, crowned the new CEO of MH Conglomerate. Will he be able to fill in his father's shoes?"

"MH brought to greater heights becoming one of the greatest companies in the world!"

She couldn't believe the great man all the articles talked about was her silly friend Mini. She always knew the young boy was smart but who would've thought he would grow into such a capable man?

And Harvard at the age of sixteen? Was he crazy? If she only had a forth of his brain, she wouldn't need to be studying so much. Was the person joking around in the past hour really the man all these articles were praising?

For some reason, it felt like Minhyun was so far away from her. He was just too amazing of a person while she was just an average girl. She was completely flabbergasted.

The Moon siblings were also great in the eyes of others, but Minhyun was on another level.

However, after reading the headlines, suddenly something snapped in the girl.

Throughout the whole day, she was in this surreal world as if she was living a dream. All the hecticness did not allow her to think straight. She was flying on cloud nine after finding out about Minhyun's identity but now she was back on earth. And reality hit like a bullet. A feeling of insecurity arose in her chest. Oh no. She was second guessing her meeting with Minhyun today.

After all, she knew that they had a past, but why was he even helping her? She was just a girl from his childhood. They had only hung out for a few weeks.

Minhyun was a rich man with great abilities. He couldn't possibly be helping her from the goodness of his heart. Or was he?

When she first went into university, she was the same as right now. Due to her mental vulnerability and loneliness, she had allowed the Moon siblings to enter her life. Now, the same thing was happening with Minhyun. Just like first year, she had put herself in this daydreaming cloud that her life would finally become happy.

Yoona groaned and rolled around in her sheets. No! She shouldn't be thinking this! Minhyun was a good guy, he didn't have any other motives. Why was she framing him when he had done nothing wrong? This is not the types of thoughts she should be having to her savior. She kept repeating these words in her head yet there was an unsettling feeling in her heart.

Although the past Yoona wouldn't have questioned Minhyun's appearance, her current self was different. She had experienced the Moon sibling's betrayal. They had put a great toll on her trust.

When it came to them, she thought that they were also friends with her from the goodness of their hearts. But look at what happened? In the end, she was almost thrown into turmoil.

Sure, Minhyun did help her, but her heart wasn't easily swayed. She didn't know him well enough to trust him at the level she did with her other friends. She had to be cautious with her heart.

It didn't help that everything about Chae Minhyun was a mystery. She only felt like she's unlocked the first layer. Although she knew him at childhood, he couldn't possibly be the same as then. People changed. In fact, their first meeting when she was serving him proved that he was different. The old Minhyun wouldn't be so cold. Why were the two Minhyun's so different? The one she served at the restaurant and then her childhood friend?

She didn't want to be one to question anyone's motives, but her life experiences made it hard for her to give him a shot.

She just hoped he was still the Minhyun she loved as a child.

Scratch that, she was sure he didn't have any hidden motives. Right?