A Phone Call

The bottles came and the trio drank while chatting. It had been a while since they came together to the pocha. After talking about Minhyun, they moved onto other topics such as the new design project Eunha was doing for her fashion course or Lucas's search for a new apartment.

Unfortunately, while Yoona and Lucas were distracted, Eunha sneakily drank a bit more than expected. By the end of three hours, she was already stumbling around. From what they could tell, she had stole some of Lucas's liquor. Sneaky fool.

"N-no," Eunha whined. She tried to reach her hands out to grab a green soju bottle. "I want m-more!"

Lucas grabbed her arms and placed them back to her sides. He rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you. Why are you so irresponsible when it comes to drinking."

She giggled before letting out a pout. The area from her neck to her face was bright red. "Luky don't get mad. You look ugly when you get mad."

He let out a distasteful grunt. "I can't believe you get more annoying when your drunk. Didn't know it was fucking possible."

She stuck out her tongue. "Just kidding, you're very handsome."

Lucas didn't even bother to respond to that. From those words, it was obvious that she was not in the right mindset. He made eye-contact with Yoona and let out a deep sigh. "I guess we have to separate now. Eunha is a mess."

Yoona nodded. "Are you sure you don't need any help taking her back?"

Although Yoona did live in the opposite direction, it didn't hurt for her to help out. Besides, she felt bad for leaving Lucas with the role of caretaker every time they went out to drink. He was never able to have as much fun since he had responsibilities. Of course, due to his personality, he just shrugged it off and said it was fine, using the excuse that he didn't like getting drunk anyways. But she didn't believe in that white lie.

"Nah. You live farther from us anyways. It'll be a hassle. Besides don't worry, I can handle her," Lucas replied. He turned around and bent down to place himself in a position to carry Eunha. He raised an eyebrow as he gestured towards the drunk girl. "Can you help me piggy-back her though?"

Yoona smiled. "Yeah sure."

She walked around and placed her arms around Eunha's shoulder. "Let's get on Eunha."

When Lucas was low enough, Yoona guided Eunha to lay on his back. Unfortunately, their plan didn't go as smoothly as they hoped for it to.

"No, I want to drink more! I d-don't want to leave," Eunha slurred. Her hands kept slapping his back.

Lucas let out a frustrated grunt.

Yoona laughed. The whole picture of Eunha attacking him was funny. Her arms were moving very sloppily and she could tell that Lucas was desperately annoyed.

"Don't laugh at my misery," he mumbled.

"I can't help it," she said between chuckles. "Y'all are so cute."

"Ew no."

They attempted one more time to push Eunha on Lucas's back. Luckily, this time she listened to what they said and wrapped her arms around Lucas's neck.

Eunha snuggled her nose into his shirt. "Mmm you smell good."

Lucas let out an annoyed sigh. He looked over at Yoona. "I think you can leave now. Thank you for helping me."

"No problem," she said while picking up her bag from the seat. She placed the strap on her shoulder. "I just hope that you don't get throw up on you like last time."

"Oh god. I would die."

They laughed.

Suddenly, Lucas's eyes softened as he watched Yoona getting ready to leave.

Just then, he remembered overhearing the two girls talk about creepy strangers after leaving work. Since it was pretty late, he didn't want her to get into trouble. "Be careful okay? There's a lot of creepers out there. If anything happens scream out loud yelling help and don't be afraid to punch them. Bastards like that don't deserve an explanation."

She sent him a salute. "Yes sir."

He let out a low chuckle. "Okay, then I hope to see you later. Whenever that is."

After their long goodbyes, the three quickly separated. Yoona watched as her two friends walked away. She could still hear bickering despite being a few meters apart.

Yoona began to make her way home.

Although it was only ten, the sky was quickly turning black. Yoona walked out of the area full of neon-lit signs and reached her neighbourhood. Unlike the bright urban area, her residential was a lot more quiet. The only lights present was from the windows of buildings and the street lamps.

Yoona let out a shiver. She always hated staying out late due to the walks back home. There was always a lingering feeling that someone was following her, even if she was hallucinating.

As a waitress who worked late hours, she had actually encountered a few creepy men during her walks back home. Although it was pretty rare, there was definitely times when she felt like she was in danger. Some would stalk her till home, others would grab her arms and try to sweet talk her into doing dirty deeds. In those situations, most of the time, what she did was engage in a phone call, threaten to scream, or go into a public building full of other people. Luckily, she hadn't been hurt yet.

But the future was unknown. Who knows what could happen.

The sound of feint footsteps trailing behind her entered her ears.

She ignored them at first, but the footsteps seemed to quicken. The sound getting louder.

But when she turned around, there was nobody to be seen. Creepy.

Although there was no guarantee that whoever was behind of her was someone with ill intentions, she wasn't going to take the risk. She quickened her pace, walking faster than before. All she wanted to do was lay in her wonderful bed and not worry about the dark.

Luckily her plan seemed to work as the footsteps stopped.

However, when she met the five minute mark from home a sudden loud thud entered her ears, followed by a few muffling sounds.

"Oh my god," she shrieked before turning around. Like before, there was nothing to be seen behind of her.

Her eyes shifted everywhere, trying to find the origin of those noises. Yet it was too dark to see anything. The street lights only covered so much ground.

She quickly tried to find her phone, fumbling around to grasp it tightly. Everything felt a lot safer when there was someone on the phone with her.

"Come on," she mumbled while trying to press her fingers against the screen to open up her contacts. However, her shaky fingers wouldn't let her do anything.

Of course, the sounds coming from behind of her could be nothing. But she had a gut feeling that it was best to get away in case there was a bad situation going on.

As if the heavens heard her calling, her phone suddenly lit up and she could see Minhyun's name on the screen. Although it was a bit of a struggle, she succeeded in pressing accept. She had never been happier to get a call.

"Minhyun! Thank god you called," she exclaimed.

There was a pause. "What's wrong? Are you okay? What is happening. You sound scared."

"I - I, well, I just heard strange sounds behind me. There is probably nothing bad going on but I just got a bit frightened that's all."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yes. I just need someone to talk to for five minutes."

"Okay, just making sure. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about," he reassured. "I'm here. If anything goes wrong I will alert the police but I promise nothing is going to happen to you."

Since his tone made his words sound so factual, Yoona couldn't help but believe him. The serious way he talked made everything sound like the truth.

She was going to be okay.

"Okay," she said with a shaky tone. "I believe you."

She could almost hear him smile from the speakers. "Good girl. Now let's talk about something else to keep you distracted."

"Like what?"

He hummed. "How about talking about tomorrow? Are you free after class?"

She widened her mouth in surprise. "Yes... Why?"

"I felt really bad not contacting you since last night. I've just been really busy with work. Thankfully I have time available tomorrow and I want to spent that time with you."

If he had asked this morning, she would've said no. She was emotional and quite weary of him.

What stopped her from declining was today's conversation she had at the pocha. Although she felt sort of scared to open her heart again, her friends had urged to give him a chance. He didn't seem like he would hurt her. Plus, she couldn't reject him just because she was traumatized by her past. He did nothing wrong.

Besides, they had a past with each other, one that was full of warmth. The Mini she knew was a very kind child. With a light sigh, not loud enough for him to hear, she replied.

"Sure. Why not?"

She could hear him chuckled through the speakers. "Fantastic. Will pick you up after your class. When does it end?"

"Around four, it's a two hour lecture. Since the building is quite far, I won't be able to make it to the entrance or the parking lot t'ill four ten though. Is that alright?"

"Perfect," Minhyun replied.

After conversing a bit more, the conversation mainly him asking questions about her school life. Luckily in a short amount of time, she finally reached the entrance of her building.

He was right. Nothing happened to her.

Perhaps, she was really deluding herself with past experiences. Just like her situation with the footsteps today.