To Protect

Only a single desk lamp lit the darkness.

After Minhyun finished the call with Yoona, he placed his phone down. He let out a sigh of relief. Thank god Yoona was alright. He knew she wouldn't get hurt because he put measures for her safety, but nonetheless the confirmation that she was at home calmed his heart.

Upon waiting a few minutes, the call request he was waiting for rang from his phone. The caller was the guard he put in place to watch over Yoona. Someone who could protect her from all harm that comes her way.

He had assigned the guard yesterday, right after the dinner.

Picking a guard to protect Yoona was a very hard task since he did not trust anyone. It was perhaps one of the most difficult decisions of his life. After all, a corrupt guard could work under one of Minhyun's enemies and harm Yoona's life. In an average person's life, they would not need to worry about this problem but Minhyun's environment was on another scale.

The rich circle was a lot dirtier than people believed it to be. Everyone was not afraid of the consequences. They all had the power to get away with anything.

A weak mind could not survive in this tough environment. In the case of Minhyun, caring about someone had its consequences.

This was why Minhyun had to choose wisely.

In the end, the best way of choosing someone was finding a person with the right background. A person with similar morals and a disadvantage Minhyun could hold against them.

In his case, the guard he chose bore the nickame Xen. Since Minhyun didn't trust anyone from the company, Xen was secretly hired through a series of questionable connections. He was someone Minhyun specifically picked out.

There were two reasons for this. First, it was impossible for Xen to have connections with any higher ups for he had gotten out of jail a month ago. Second, Xen, as one would guess, has a criminal record. Most people would be wary to hire someone with a criminal record, but Minhyun specifically embraced it. Why? That was because of the type of record it was.

Severe battery against the bullies who physically and mentally assaulted his sister to the point of putting her in a coma. To get revenge, the group was found with the same treatment given to them, bleeding on the pavement floor.

Perhaps, to the government Xen's morals were wrong. But to Minhyun, it was perfect for the protection of Yoona.

Xen was the type of person who disregarded the law to protect those he cared about; not worrying about the consequences. He hated people who picked on the innocent, similar to Yoona's situation. Not only did his morals align with what Minhyun wanted, but Xen's sister was also around Yoona's age. This only meant that Xen would be the perfect person to care for her.

Xen's biggest weakness was also his sister.

This is why Xen wouldn't be able to betray Minhyun, for to pay for his sister's hospital bills, he needed the money and resources. Minhyun was the perfect person to turn to. After signing the contract, the CEO offered the best treatment and doctors for his sister, making the man drop to his knees. Xen was grateful for him for taking pity on his situation.

This also meant that Minhyun had the sister under captive if situations went out of hand.

Of course, using Xen's sister against him was last resource in case of betrayal. But this power system allowed Minhyun to be at ease when it came to Yoona's safety. Having an upper-hand was the only way he felt safe.

Besides, no matter what actions it took - Minhyun would protect Yoona with all he got. Even if it meant hurting anyone innocent. She was that special to him.

Therefore, since she was so important to him, he had no choice but to assign Xen for her safety. Both for himself and for her.

Of course, in respect to Yoona, Minhyun really didn't want to go to these measures. In fact, he knew how much Yoona would hate being followed. However, he had to keep an eye on her because he felt uneasy if she was unprotected in the next few months. Enemies were everywhere, from strangers to the people she may be close with. The Moon Siblings were also always a possible threat.

It didn't help that today they had caught a suspicious persons following Yoona right after she walked back from the pocha. She could have been in grave danger.

The whole reason to why he called her was not only to ask her for her time, but to distract her from the fight going on in the back. When Xen noticed a middle-aged man following her for three blocks, he immediately alerted Minhyun the update.

After tranquilizing the middle-aged man to hopefully investigate him further, the guard found items that should not be kept no a unstable persons.

"There was a knife and some pills on him sir. Since the pills were in a clear plastic bag, I couldn't identify them but from what I can see, they are Rohypnol. They are used for the purpose of knocking out someone."

Minhyun was silent. His index finger tapping against the desk rhythmically.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

His head was completely white as he boiled with anger.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"His identity?" He asked in a low growl. No sense of mercy strung in his heart. In fact, all he could think of was blood thirst. To think that if the guard wasn't in place, Yoona could've been in a dire situation. He did not want to even think about it.

"His name is Ju Sung-woon, forty-three year old male, with three offences for sexual assault, one in concern to a minor, and one offence of rape. Got out of prison after seven years due to good behavior," Xen said through his gritted teeth.

The legal system was a wreck. Minhyun could not believe that this bastard could've gotten out of prison so quickly. It was sickening.

"What should we do sir?" Xen asked. Due to Minhyun's status, they could get away with anything. It was not hard to snap the assailant's neck.

Minhyun decided that death was too easy. The man could've hurt Yoona. "Don't kill him, but make him pay for his disgusting actions. Both towards Yoona and the other girls. Make him pay for what the government didn't punish him enough for. Also, check to see if he was asked to harm Yoona. This situation might be planned by someone else or by his own impulse."

"Yes sir."

Minhyun thought for a moment. "The MH medical department has failed skin products that caused massive chemical burns and bleeding to the skin. Why don't you use those to start. It's too unfortunate to let those go to waste..."

"Yes sir."

Minhyun let out a smirk. "Afterwards, you can do whatever you want with him. Be the judge of this case."

Knowing Xen, there would be no mercy given.

The phone ended shortly and Minhyun leaned his back against his chair, swaying the chair slightly left to right. His index and thumb was grabbed his chin as he deeply laid himself in thoughts.

After the torture, he wanted to punish the man more. To make sure the criminal wouldn't be able to walk on the streets. He smiled lightly as a genius plan popped in his head. He was going to make sure that the man would be in jail forever. Perfect.

Now, if only he could easily ruin the Moon siblings in the same way, that would be amazing. Those who hurt Yoona should be severely punished. The problem with them, however, was that their rich status was a hassle to deal with. They had protection.

But of course, they did not measure up to him. Minhyun was planning on taking away each of their power sources one by one. Then, he would slowly ruin their lives as well. This was not going to be a short-term downfall, but a plan that would ruin their lives.

But first he just needed to right evidence to do so.

He quickly signaled Secretary Kim to come out the shadows.

"Yes president?"

Minhyun brought himself forward, leaning over his desk with his elbows against the surface with his hands clasped tightly. "What is the status of the Moon group situation?"

"Ah yes, I contacted the hackers like you suggested me to. Some got back to me while others were suspicious of the email. Nonetheless, they have all been going through hard work to dig into some information about the Moon group. I do also believe that some of these hackers would be great candidates for the secret group I wanted to form..." Secretary Kim explained. He sent Minhyun a quick glance to see his facial expression.

Of course, there was no change.

Secretary Kim cleared his throat. "Anyways, in concerns of the group, I shall offer a presentation about that later. Right now though, a hacker known as the White Mask came forward with some interesting information."

Now this was what he was looking for.

"You see sir," Secretary Kim began with a gulp. "Before starting to tackle the Moon group, first I believed finding out who the mole is would be the most important step. After all, we do not want anybody on our trail."

Minhyun nodded. That was true. They needed to cleanse their company before focusing on others.

"The mole was the head of intel," Secretary Kim said. "White Mask uncovered some suspicious email exchanges between the mole and the mastermind behind the plan. They were simple, containing only instructions on how to move on with their plans. Just like we expected, the person behind all this was your father, Chae Seung-bum. The reason being that he knew you were getting involved with Yoona again and wanted to make it harder for you to protect her. He wanted you to use intel for the company, not your personal choices."

Minhyun clenched his fists. Fury riled up within him. He knew from the bottom of his heart that father was the reason for the delay. The old man never learned.

But why did all his main problems stem from his father? What was the point of preventing him from protecting the girl he cared about? Of course, his father was right, he was investigating them for his own personal choices but could he not do that? It was as if his father only wanted him to live for the company. To become an emotionless being living solely for the sake of power.

Seung-bum wanted Minhyun to become him.

The reason for the isolation during his childhood. The reason for his lack of trust in people. The reason for his lack of emotions when it came to all human interactions except for Yoona was due to this man. If it wasn't for her, he would become exact to the mold his father created.

Everything that Seung-bum touched made Minhyun's life worse. The man never gave up.

Minhyun grit his teeth. "Secretary Kim."

"Yes sir."

"In regards to the mole, fire him in front of all the other workers while showing them evidence of his betrayal. Make him a laughing stock to show everyone why betraying me is wrong. However, don't physically harm him. Since he's one of father's workers, I'm sure father will give him the perfect punishment anyways."

Minhyun's father was worse than him when it came to punishments. If one failed their mission, they were asking for death. Especially someone deep inside the system. Minhyun knew that the fate of the fired one would be mental and physical trauma, which is why he didn't bother to give any punishment at all.

He'd suffered from his father's hands. He knew what his father was capable of.

Secretary Kim gulped nervously. "Yes sir."

Finally, the mole was checked off.

"And in regards to father... Assign someone trustworthy to keep an eye on that old man. I'll think of a way to punish him later."

It made him bitter to think that all this time, Seung-bum was the person behind the information delay. How much did that old man hate to see Minhyun happy?

Minhyun was tolerant of his father's actions for the most part, but affecting Yoona was crossing the line. He didn't want their past to repeat again.

Luckily, now that he knew father was still in it for Yoona, he knew what to watch out for. Measures to prevent father from hurting her can be placed. His biggest worry was for when Yoona would enter the company, but under his supervision, nobody would be able to touch her. For despite his father's position, he still held the CEO title.

For once, he had power, and his father could do little against him.