One Day, But Not Yet...

There was a moment of silence, not created by awkwardness but by pure sadness. There was something different about his tone; the raw hurt etching in his rasp. Under every word was a painful memory.

Would Yoona be able to help him?

She let out a light smile. "Then why don't you tell me?"

Minhyun closed his eyes. Should he tell her? In this moment of time, after telling each other their true feelings, he felt obliged to tell her about her past. He had to be honest. However, as the memories swirled in his mind, suffocating his heart, speaking would only add fire to the pain.

A change of heart came to play.

When he opened his eyes, he could see the worried face of his companion. Yoona's eyes were widened as she leaned forward towards him while biting her lip.

Not before long, his deep voice rang in the air again. "That'll be a story for another day."

This time, he was not lying to her. Minhyun was going to tell her sooner or later about the demons of his past. What exactly happened after she left. But at the moment, he couldn't bring himself to talk about the subject yet. He hadn't told anyone about what happened that dreadful time...

Minhyun wanted to tell her, but he needed time. The step of opening up to Yoona was enough for today.

Realizing that Minhyun's past was deeper than she originally thought, Yoona placed her hand above his as a method of comforting. She intertwined their fingers. "You don't need to tell me right now. It's fine."

The warmth of her hand clashed with his cold body, racing heat down his arm. It's been a long time since he'd held hands with someone. Very long. There was something soothing about her touch that brought him to ease.

Minhyun took a deep breath. After years of being in the public eye, he mastered the art of compressing his feelings in an instant. All the sorrows in his eyes vanished, replaced by his normal expression.

"That is enough for today. Let us eat. The food is almost here."

Minhyun gestured for the lady to come over. In her hands was a large black tray was their dishes. Slices of fish and other seafood were neatly placed on different white plates, alongside some original sauces.

Since Minhyun did not want to linger on the topic any longer, Yoona focused her attention to the food laid in front of her. When time would come, she would be there to listen to him.

Yoona clapped her hands together and licked her lips. Excitement to eat filled her body as she was very hungry. Her stomach was dying to be replenished.

Yoona picked up a piece with her chopsticks before sticking it into her mouth. The fish and the spicy dipping paired so well with one another that she couldn't help but shiver in happiness. "This is heaven."

Minhyun chuckled. He could always count of Yoona to alleviate the mood. "Does it taste that good?"

"Very good," she replied. After picking up another piece and dipping it into the red sauce, she directed the food towards him. "Try it."

Since he was very unfamiliar with these affectionate actions, he paused at first. There was something awkward about being fed food. As a grown man, who was avidly running a company, this was not an image anyone would dare imagine. However, after looking at Yoona's bright expression, he couldn't help but waver.

He took a bite. A small smile lifted on his lips. "Tastes very good."

"Of course, I was the one that fed it to you," Yoona jokingly replied. She placed another piece in her mouth, letting the meat melt over her tongue. "Crazy good. Let's come here again."

Minhyun leaned back on his chair with his arms crossed. He calculated the days he would be free; however, from what he could remember, it would take a while before he would have the time to drive all the way down here and spend time with her. "When I have free time again, we can come here again."

Life as a CEO must be hard. After all, as the head of the company, his job wasn't restricted from nine to six like most. Yoona took a drink out of her water before speaking.

"I hope so. Although life was hard while I was in my youth, the seaside is a place full of good memories for me. The water would calm me down."

She faced him and let out a giggle. "Perhaps, the seaside could become a place of good memories for you as well."

Minhyun glanced out the window. The view of families playing alongside the water came in view. Since it was dinner time, the sun was starting to fade, painting the sky into beautiful yellows.

Once he placed attention back on Yoona, he let out a small smile. "It already is."