
After their dinner, the pair decided to go out and walk alongside the shore.

The pale sand crunched under their feet as they admired the horizon. As the sun set, watercolors of yellow, orange, and red covered the sky. Underneath, the sunlight beamed over the water making it glisten like diamonds.

"It's so pretty," Yoona commented. The lights reflected against her brown pupils, adding a sparkling affect to her complexion.

Minhyun watched her admiring the sunset, his eyes lingering on her face for a few seconds, before looking back at the sky. "Very beautiful."

Yoona turned around, her brown hair flowing graciously with her movements. She let out a large smile. "Since everyone left, the experience is a lot better isn't it? Other than a few people, we're pretty isolated on this beach."

When Minhyun looked around, he could only see around a dozen people in their proximity. None close enough to hear their conversation.

"I agree."

Since Minhyun preferred being in quiet places rather than crowds, he enjoyed this much more than he expected to. Plus, nobody would recognize him here.

"I prefer the seaside compared to the city. Sometimes the amount of people walking around you in that bustling place can be overwhelming and don't forget the subway..." Yoona said. The image of her struggling to breath in the crowded train made her shudder. "It's quite hectic."

Minhyun nodded. He hadn't experienced the super crowded life since he lived a richer lifestyle but he knew how it felt to be surrounded my many. "Sometimes, simplicity is the best in life."


While Yoon talking, her eyes began to fixate at a certain point at the beach.

Not before long, Minhyun felt a hand grab his wrist. The sudden pull brought him to surprise, his eyes widening as he searched for the perpetrator. When he realized it was Yoona's hand, he did not dare to move it away. She pointed to a rocky area at the shore. "Let's go sit on the rocks!"

As the orange sunlight warmed their skin, they jogged to their destination. While Yoona was excitedly pulling him forward, Minhyun was more casual. Although his lips were grim, there was slight amusement in his eyes, signaling that he didn't mind.

When they arrived to the rocks, Yoona quickly found a smooth surface on one of the rubbles. She sat down gestured for Minhyun to come beside of her.

"Are you okay with getting your suit dirty?"

From what she could see, Minhyun's outfit looked very expensive and from his status, it was highly possible that it was.

He nodded before sitting down. For an average person, his suit was considered very expensive; however, for him, money wasn't a problem. He didn't mind. "It's okay. The suit is always replaceable."

Yoona narrowed her eyes, looking at him suspiciously. "How much did the suit cost?"

Minhyun pretended not to hear. If Yoona found out about the answer, she'd make him stand up again. This was a limited edition style, handcrafted in Italy.


He didn't reply.

"Cost. Now." This time, her voice was more stern and her eyebrows were furrowed. Although she was joking, he could tell that there was some serious undertone.

"It costs as much as you think," he finally answered. "I will get it washed back home. I promise. Now, instead of worrying about my suit, how about watching the beautiful view?"

Yoona's curiosity would not subside, but she decided to head to his words. The pair sat side by side, with their feet hanging down from the rock. Minhyun was leaning back with his arms to support him while Yoona had her hands in her lap. Her feet went up and down like a little child's.

Yoona let out a happy sigh. "You know, whenever I was stressed, I would always sit on the rocks. It's nice right? You get a great view and its quite relaxing."


"Yeah, I would come much at night though, when the moon was shining. It's nice to come out when nobody is around."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

Yoona shook her head. "No. My neighborhood was quite safe. Since it was a small town everyone already knew each other."

Minhyun nodded. "Must've been nice."

"Well, in that aspect I guess you could say it was quite nice."

Minhyun closed his eyes. "Mhm."

The boy beside of her loosened his muscles and became calm.

When Yoona saw that Minhyun was basking himself in the warmth and relaxing, she let out a small chuckle before doing the same. She didn't want to bother him as he meditated. With all the stress and work in his life, he deserved some time to rest.

Now that she thought about it, when was she this stress-free? Everything had fallen beautifully together. The Moon siblings was solved to an extent, the Minhyun situation was solved, and now, she could focus on school. Of course, finances was a bit of a problem but with Lucas's new restaurant project, there would be no further worry.

Her mental state was pretty great too. Really. Everyone had taken a huge part to her current happiness.

Yoona let out a happy breathe out. The fact that everything was going so well, scared her slightly, but at the moment, she chose to enjoy it.

"I wish I could stay here forever."

Surprised by the sudden confession, Yoona opened her eyes and faced Minhyun. His head was slightly tilted up yet his eyes were still shut. She took the time to observe his face from his dark, voluminous eyelashes, the bridge of his noes, to the beauty of his lips. The whole picture looked as if she was in front of a photo shoot. Against the warmth of the sunlight, he looked so peaceful.

Yoona brought her legs back up against her chest. She wrapped her arms around them before clasping her hands together. "Me too."

Minhyun fluttered his eyes open. "It has been a while since I've been this relaxed. It's nice to focus on myself sometimes."

Yoona slightly nudged his side. "We should do this often."

If only he could.

Tomorrow Minhyun knew that he would be back into the office. There was a long day of work ahead. Other than the business project involving the trio, he wouldn't have that much time alone with Yoona.

"We can't. But I'll try to make time for you."

Yoona immediately shook her hands. She didn't want to burden him "Oh no, you don't need to. It was just a suggestion."

Minhyun grabbed her hands to stop them from moving, before bringing them down.

"No. It's because I want to."