The White-haired fellow

White Mask was not who they expected him to be.

He was small boy, looking to be around the age of fourteen with strange white-hair that could not possibly be natural. Compared to kids his age, he was quite scrawny, bones that could be easily broken with the snap of Minhyun's fingers. On his lips lingered a playful smile as if he had something planned up his sleeve. Just like many youths, his outfit was inspired after hip hop and was wearing an over-sized fit.

When he first walked into the room, Minhyun couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The hacker who'd been rising in ranks and penetrating through million dollar firewalls was this kid? If the kid was truly White Mask then he was most definitely a prodigy. No one else could defeat the code to the Moon Group's security except for him. This was a big deal.

In the small private room at the restaurant, this was a sight to behold. The tall, intimidating CEO greeting a child formally. Normally, most business men would not act with professionalism like Minhyun, but as a former child genius as well, he knew not to underestimate the youth.

"My name is White Mask, nice to meet you Chae Minhyun," the boy greeted. His large, innocent eyes met his.

Minhyun shook his hand, firmly gripping his palm. "Likewise."

Before sitting down, Minhyun glanced over at the other persons in the room. In total, there were only three people in the room, including him. One of them was Secretary Kim and the other a guard. The rest of the security was outside guarding the entrance of the door and the streets. They were on the look out in case of spies or other suspicious activity.

Even though White Mask was a child, Minhyun still took extra caution. No hacker revealed their face so easily to their clients, unless there was a underhanded motive. They had to hide behind the screen due to their illegal activities.

The question remained. Why did White Mask come to great him?

"I knew my customer was going to be a high executive at MH, but I didn't expect it to be you," White Mask exclaimed. He leaped onto his chair without hesitation. "It's a nice surprise to see the CEO in front of me."

White Mask came in expecting to see an old, ugly man like most clients. But to see the MH CEO was quite surprising. Of course, he didn't need to come in blind, but he was confident enough to trust the person behind the scenes.

Minhyun ignored his childish remarks and ushered the waiter to take his order. While taking a sip of his drink, he observed the boy in front of him. Childish. Reeking innocence at first glance. And quite dangerous. The little boy wasn't as dumb as he led on.

He leaned back against his chair. "I don't need this type of talk. Tell me what you know."

To deal with these types of personalities, one had to be strict or else nothing would be done.

White Mask wasn't bothered by Minhyun's strict tone. Instead, unlike how most people would react, his grin only enlarged. Of course, he knew he was trifling with someone with the power to kill him off silently. He was aware of the difference in their status's. But due to his personal circumstances and values, he didn't mind at all. "Straight to the point. I wanted to talk a little bit more and get to know you but whatever... Now, where do I begin..."

Then White Mask stuck out his tongue. An urge to flow around fooling around him. "Actually, first. Let's eat." He placed his hands on top of his stomach. "I'm very hungry."

Minhyun narrowed his eyes. The boy was trying to play a game with him; stall him from obtaining the information sooner. For what purpose? He was not sure. However, one thing he was certain on was that he wasn't going to play along. "Either you give the information or we are finished. You have five seconds."

He was the one with the money. Therefore, he was going to force White Mask to comply.

After his sharp words, White Mask could feel a sense of danger overwhelm him. Something switched within the President. A darker presence immersed in front of him. Although Minhyun did not explicitly say these words, White Mask could understand the message behind his expression. Either you comply or I kill you.

For the first time, he gulped, before letting out a nervous laugh while raising his hands up in defense. "Wow there. Okay. Okay. I will."

Maybe fooling around wasn't a great idea. He still wanted to live a few more years. Especially in this handsome physical state of his.

"Anyways Mr. Impatient, when I got my first initial invitation to take part in the project I was quite interested. The Moon Group is one of the biggest families in Korea, who wouldn't be shocked to see someone genuinely want to take them down. I was."

Ah, was it Saturday? While White Mask was watching some kick-ass anime, he obtained their email. After reading the contents, he was very intrigued by the mission. Since the Moon Group was popular, there was no doubt that he heard about them, especially with their affiliation with the underground. Nothing good came out of that group. Therefore, to see someone taking a heroic stance against the evil was a role he wanted to take part in.

White Mask let out a childish smile. "So I began inspecting right away. Their personal security for initial documents at home and stuff was quite tough to break, but who am I? White Mask! After constant hard work with no breaks taken I was able to take a glimpse of the other side of that wall."

The hours spent on this project was enormous. After looking at the code, he could easily tell that only him and a few selected individuals in this world would be able to bypass the high-grade security.

Minhyun cracked a single finger, letting the sound echo through the air. The boy's explanation was taking too long. The sound was a signal that he was getting impatient and that if White Mask did not comply sooner, there would be consequences.

White Mask pretended not to hear the noise and continued to speak. "And while going through my search, I found something really interesting..." He let out a giggle. There was also a pause laid for suspense. "You see, the Moon siblings weren't always just a sister and brother duo. Moon Jaeun had a twin sister as well."

"Moon Jihee," White Mask whistled. "The perfect twelve year old child of the Moon Group who unfortunately passed away from a car accident. Sound familiar? At a young age, she already perfected many arts such as dance, instruments such as the violin, piano, cello, and the harp, and had a knack for painting. She was the Moon Group treasure, that is, until her death."

Now the conversation was getting somewhere. Minhyun knew who Jihee was. This incident happened a long time ago while he was at school in New York so he didn't hear it during the time, but after researching about the Moon group recently, he had come to read about it. But why was this great news? Was there more to her death?

"Now I caught your interest!" White Mask teased. His eyes brightening with amusement. "You see, after skimming through hidden documents about her death, there was something that made me dig in deeper. I don't know why, it was a gut feeling, but I'm glad I did."

With his amazing gut, he was able to swerve around countless incidents that could've almost have gotten him caught in action.

"The documents were almost perfect, the injuries on her body perfectly aligned with the car crash. However, unlike most cases there was no pictures of her corpse and injuries. Of course, I can skim over that but that was a red flag which arose my suspicion. I also checked the driver who killed them. It was a 40 year old man with no family members and limited records. Not so interesting right? But after finding out his name and identity, I found out that he was released from prison four years after the incident. Why? Well I'm sure you'd get what I'm hinting at by now."

If what White Mask was saying had proof then this was an odd situation. There was no way, a murderer of a famous family's daughter would get out of prison easily. They would rot there for the rest of their life. He also had a limited amount of records that could mean that they were fake or he was someone working for the underground. So how could he get out so fast?

The answer was simple. The man got help from a higher up. He was paid to be released.

Of course, there was a chance that the people who initiated the bail was not the Moon Group. Why would the family cover up the death of their perfect daughter? It was more likely for a competitor to kill the child and bail out the man. Everything was in a grey, murky area. Without solid or testimonial proof it was impossible to know.

While watching the CEO think deeply, the boy acted giddily in his seat. "Then I hacked into the hospital documents about the Moon group and I found that Jaemin and Jaeun were admitted to the hospital for psychological treatment. However, I noticed something very peculiar. Since the Moon Group owns a technology company and they are affiliated with the hospital, all their doctor's notes were in digital format. Although files on the hospital server were deleted, I did extra work and hacked into the psychologist's computer and lookie here. Turns out he kept his documents secretly."

White Mask raised his tone slowly, getting more excited as time passed by. "After looking at his reports, everything became so clear."

"One of the Moon siblings murdered their sister. Now, which one was it?"