The Real Deal

"Secretary Kim," Minhyun announced. He stood up from his seat.


"Let's leave."

White Mask widened his eyes before scrambling to take out his documents. He expected for Minhyun to be excited like him. After all, the boy tried so hard to build suspense for the final reveal. So why was the CEO leaving? "Wait!"

Minhyun didn't bother to spare a glance. Perhaps, the information given by White Mask would be interesting to the average person. However, in his situation, these assumptions were absolutely useless. There was no full proof in regards to the 'murder of Jihee' and from what he could see, White Mask was playing around like a little kid. The reason to why White Mask came to meet him was clear. He wanted to play detective in this murder case.

Minhyun wasn't here for these types of games. He was here for business. There was no time to play whodunits. If there was actual evidence, then this whole 'murder' statement would be helpful, but there was none.

Minhyun was pissed. He could feel the anger rile up within him. To think that this hacker wasted his precious time for a petty game of cat and mouse. If it was anyone else, they would be compromised on the spot, but since White Mask was a child, he decided to contain himself.

When he stood up, White Mask quickly grabbed some documents and waved them in his directions. "The documents are right here! Don't leave without looking at the evidence!"

After hearing his statement, Minhyun exploded. Evidence? Fucking hell right. Just hearing the boy's squeaky voice was enough to make his blood boil. Minhyun grit his teeth and slammed his fist against the table. The loud bang echoed through the room and the boy jumped back in surprise.

No matter how much computers you search, a case that happened years ago would not have enough digital evidence to be used for court. This is why Minhyun did not trust whatever was in his hands.

"Kill him."

The guard beside Secretary Kim swiftly nodded before grabbing a metal object at his hip. White Mask widened his eyes and raised his hands up in defense. Was that a gun?

He pushed the papers back and scrambled into the floor. "Wait! No don't kill me!"

Minhyun didn't bother to look back. He continued to make his way to the door.

White Mask let out a frustrated sigh while taking a cautious step back from the guard. "Oh for fuck's sake, I have other documents too that pertain to the Moon group! Let me live! I have a few more years left!"

Minhyun stopped in his tracks. His fists were white and the urge to choke the boy was very real. If he were to waste his time once more, then there was no prediction of what would happen next. Minhyun was not forgiving.

Yet, seeing how much time passed, Minhyun wanted evidence now. Since he was already in the room, there was no harm in staying to see if the other documents were worthy. This was White Mask's last chance.

The boy let out a sigh. This meeting was a lot more boring than he expected. What he wanted was to uncover the murder. To be the genius who found the true reason for the young girl's death. Yet, now they were going to focus on the yawn-worthy content. "I have evidence of embezzlement, illegal tradings, and black mail."

Now this was the information he needed. Straight up proof. Minhyun placed his palm against the table. "Show me."

Once White Mask was threatened, he cooperated quite well. In a few moments, documents of these illegal acts that were actually useful to Minhyun were in his hands.

Evidence of the family committing embezzlement, tax invasion, illegal stock trading.

Evidence of the Moon Group partaking in activities in regards to the black market using gangs to do their bidding, involving themselves in prostitution, and bribing officials.

How dirty were these fuckers? Of course, with the personalities that the Moon siblings had, Minhyun expected for the family to have some flaws with the legal system. But all of this from a single group? A smile crept up on Minhyun's face. They were going to fall. Hard.

Everything here could serve as proof to put the Moon Group into jail and ultimately ruin their business. More information that he could ever ask for. Minhyun was quite surprised - did the young boy get all this information in a few days? Although annoying, he had a very good talent in computers. Perhaps, there was some use keeping him alive.

In fact, if White Mask wasn't this annoying, Minhyun may have used him as an alley.

While Minhyun was looking through the documents, White Mask let out a sigh. "The true story behind the death of Jihee is much more interesting."

Minhyun stood up, not caring for his words. "The money will be given to you after I leave. Pleasure doing business with you."

White Mask scoffed. Pleasure my ass. There was nothing pleasurable about their meeting. For once, he thought he found someone who could be his sidekick in this wonderful world of mysteries. But to think he was wrong. Chae Minhyun was just like the rumors said. He was a total boring blockhead.

White Mask crossed his arms. "Whatever."

"You know," the boy began. He wanted to try one more time to gain Minhyun's interest in this topic. "I'm not sure why you wanted me to research information about the Moon Group since your companies aren't the the biggest rivals, but I just wanted to let you know that you should be careful. You still didn't see what the doctor said about Moon siblings... They are a lot more scary than you think."

When he looked at the doctor's examination files, White Mask couldn't help but get shivers all over his body. The emotions within the siblings dreams were quite frightening. A tale that could be used for a horror story.

Minhyun didn't bother to look up or answer. He just continued to look through the documents with Secretary Kim by his side. They wanted to make sure everything was clear.

White Mask pouted. He hated being ignored. "Fine. Do what you want."

Minhyun let out a sigh. The boy was too noisy. "Secretary Kim."

"Yes sir?"

"Listen to what the little boy has to say."

Secretary Kim pushed his glasses up his noes. He didn't really want to meddle with a kid, but since it was an order, there was no use. "Ah, I shall try my best sir."

Of course, Minhyun wasn't completely uninterested in the murder happening within the family. Knowing that there was a possibility that Jaemin or Jaeun may be a murderer was frightening to know, especially since they attended the same school as Yoona. However, there was not enough evidence in the case for it to be of use. What White Mask was missing was the evidence or else he was just pointing fingers. Besides, Yoona couldn't have been friendly with a murderer for the past three years... Right?

An itching feeling crept on his heart. Now he was slowly going berserk. Although his actions said otherwise, why did he feel the need to check up on Yoona to make sure she was okay? Everything was fine until White Mask talked about the Moon sibling's bizarre doctor's evaluations. Murderer or not, the Moon siblings were unstable. Yoona was treading deep waters.

He cracked his fingers. If White Mask was going to play detective then he was going to let him. After all, since his job was already done, gaining more information on this murder case only benefited him.

As for Yoona's safety, well, he was going to place extra measures just in case.

The only problem was at night. Although Xen watched Yoona during the day, at night, he needed time to rest as well.

Due to his father's interference with the mole and his clear opposition against the girl, Minhyun didn't trust to put her security in the hands of the company. Even if they got rid of the betrayer.

What could be another method of getting her to be safe?