The World Of MSG

After finalizing all the documents, Minhyun left Secretary Kim and White Mask to converse. They were deeply engaged in the whole Moon Jihee conspiracy. Well, it was mostly White Mask babbling on about his assumptions anyways, but still, engaged to an extent.

Since Minhyun had all the information he needed in regards to the Moon Group, there was no point in lingering. Time was precious.

However, he decided to make Secretary Kim stay because White Mask's skills may end up useful in the future. It was good to leave each other on a positive note, especially after Minhyun was close to blowing the boy's head off.

Besides, there was something else on his mind. Something much more important than this whole project altogether.

The security guards followed Minhyun as he walked out of the room and down the halls. However, halfway to the entrance, he lifted up his hand, signalling them to stop.

"Stay with Secretary Kim. He has important documents that need to be secured. I am going to go somewhere private so do not follow me."

His words were the law. Therefore, the security guards had no choice but to stay behind.

Before reaching the outside, Minhyun took out a pair of dark sunglasses from his face to conceal a part of his identity. In these parts, he didn't want to be recognized by anyone else in the upper-class. Their meeting was top secret, nobody else had the right to know about what went down.

He sat at the backseat of his car, the driver at the front waiting for his instructions. Since he always used the same personal driver, when Minhyun said Yoona's apartment, he knew exactly where to go.

As time passed by, the urge to see the young girl grew.

Minhyun didn't want to admit it, but White Mask's baseless statements about the Moon siblings had triggered a protective instinct within him. He needed to see her. To make sure she was okay. Of course, he knew that Yoona was probably in her room, lounging around with no harm done, but he could not control how he felt. He had to see it for himself.

Was he going crazy? He wasn't sure what feelings were controlling him.

Despite his busy schedule and the pile of work he had to complete for tomorrow, he couldn't resist seeing her face.

When they arrived in front of her apartment complex, he dialed her number. After a few rings, the sound of Yoona's soft voice rang through the speakers.

"Hello, Minhyun? I didn't expect for you to call me."

He let out a small smile. Of course she was alright. His heart began to relax. "I wanted to see you. I'm in front of your house. Is it alright if I come in?"

There was a pause. "In front of my house? Right now? How come your here?"

"Because I wanted to see you."

There was a laugh. "Okay. Give me a moment then..."

From the speakers he could hear loud footsteps and crashes. He let out a chuckle. What the heck was that girl doing?


Yoona had been cooking some instant noodles when her phone began to buzz against her table. At first, she was curious to who could be calling her. When she realized the caller ID was Minhyun, she immediately picked up.

She never expected for him to be at her house. Why was he here? Didn't he say that he was going to be very busy?

Oh god, and she was in her home-clothes too, much worse than anything she wore in public. In comparison to Minhyun who was probably wearing an over-priced suit like all occasions, she was wearing an over-sized university shirt and a pair of baggy sweats. Not the greatest attire to wear in front of a CEO.

Well - he was a friend, so did it matter what she wore? He probably won't judge right? There was no point in dressing up if she wasn't going outside. She let out a sigh of relief.

Wait a minute... Her house was a complete mess too! Just showing her space to anyone would be embarrassing.

This was a greater mess than her attire.

Looking at all the clothes on the ground, while the phone call was still ongoing, she continuously began to hide the filth in places that could not be seen. Moving like the flash, her eyes spotted all dirty aspects of the room before making the area spotless. The clean up was very fast, around thirty seconds, before her room became decent enough to look at. Everything was behind her closet, underneath her bed, or in her trashcan.

Perfect. He'll never know.

She placed the phone back against her ear before wearing her slippers to go out the door. "Hey, sorry about that. I'm coming right now to get you."

"No rush," Minhyun answered. "I came without notice so it's fine."

When Yoona reached the her destination, she pressed a button to allow Minhyun to come in. Just like she predicted, he was in his fancy suit. How many outfits did he have?

She sent him a shy wave. "Uh, my apartment is a mess and it's kinda shit but still welcome."

"It's fine. I won't judge. Sorry for coming on such a late notice."

Yoona shook her head. From what she knew about Minhyun so far, he wouldn't have come so suddenly like this without a reason. "It's fine, I was alone anyways. Company is always good to have."

Minhyun's eyes sparkled. Seeing her happy and well in front of him was a gift he treasured so much. Thank god there was no harm done.

Fucking hell, these Moon Siblings were making him worry too much.

Just like the exterior, the inside of the building was humble. The walls plain with a few aging stains in the corners. Since the people living in the building were mostly broke students [cough, cough Yoona], the living conditions weren't the best. Nonetheless, Minhyun didn't change his expression as they made their way into the cigarette smelling elevator.

"It's gross here right?" Yoona said while pressing the buttons.

Minhyun glanced at the security camera, then the red, carpet-like walls. "I have to admit, it's not the best but it's livable. How much is your rent?"

"Four hundred thousand won [around 400 usd] a month."

"Ah makes sense," he said. In the city, four hundred was considered very cheap.

Yoona sent him a glare. "You're judging me aren't you."

He raised an eyebrow. "You're the one who said it was gross here not me."

"Ah touché."

The colorful string of beeps echoed through the musky hallway before Yoona opened the door to her abode. Compared to the outside, the room was much nicer. There was not much furniture, only a kitchen, a table, desk, and a bed; but that was all she needed. When Minhyun stepped inside, the aroma of spicy food seeped into his nose. The smell was foreign to him, he was unable to pinpoint what she was making.

"Don't mind the instant ramen smell. I was cooking dinner."

Minhyun sent her a troubled expression. "Ramen can be instant?"

Yoona furrowed her eyes, trying to comprehend his words. What did he just say? Did he really not know what shin ramen was? Who in this entire world, a Korean to add, doesn't know what instant noodles are? Did he live in another world?

He did. After all, the man in front of him was Chae Minhyun, but Yoona did not care about that fact.

"How do you not know this! What planet are you from?" She exclaimed.

Minhyun sent her an annoyed gaze. "Earth Yoona earth."

She grabbed his wrist. "No your not. This won't do. If you want to be my friend you are going to have to try ramen. I shall introduce you to the wonderful world of MSG [1]."

It didn't sound appealing to Minhyun, especially with his expensive pallet, but he didn't object and went with the flow.

Without even trying, like always, Yoona washed away all his troubles. He forgot about all the worry he had in the car. Right now, all he could think about was the girl in front of him.


[1] MSG: Mono-sodium glutamate which is a flavor enhancer found in many foods.