Marry me?

The noodles did not look appetizing. As someone who tasted countless delicacies from all over the world, he was not enticed by the dish. The visuals were off-putting.

Minhyun stared at the red soup with a pair of chopsticks in his hands. The two were sitting at a tiny table with their respective bowls in front of them.

Yoona glanced over before shaking her head. There was no person that she knew that hated ramen. It was the god of all broke college students. "You'll change your mind once you eat it. Trust me."

As much as Minhyun trusted her, when it came to food, there was no doubt he was more proficient. He's possibly eaten at more Michelin restaurants than the reviewers themselves. Therefore, although she was acting as if this five-minute dish was the best thing in the world... He had other thoughts.

"I shall just have a taste."

Just a tiny bit.

When Minhyun brought the stringy noodles up to his lips, he gently chewed, trying to decipher what flavor could possibly make everyone go crazy.

It was... Alright. He could at least understand why people thought that this food was very good. However, it was just a bit too salty for his taste.

The more he chewed, the better it tasted, but not swoon worthy as she made it out to be.

"Not bad."

Yoona shook her head in disbelief. Was he Korean? How could he not like this wonderful dish. She let out a scoff before crossing her arms. "Not bad? You're crazy. I love instant noodles so much that i'd date any guy who offers me a thousand packs of assorted ramen."

Minhyun was confused. Was her love for instant foods that strong? Enough for her to give her love to someone who offers such cheap foods. This was shocking considering how reluctant Yoona was at receiving high-class items. Minhyun could spoil her with all the riches he desired to offer, yet these measly foods were able to pass the test?

Very odd.

"Are you serious?"

She nodded. "For real."

Minhyun raised an eyebrow. An interesting idea forming in his head. "Then if I bought you a million packs would you marry me?"

Yoona choked on her noodles and quickly brought a napkin up to her face. The tips of her ears were red. Did she really just hear him say that?!? To think that the cold president was giving such a flirtatious comment. She was overwhelmed.

"What in the world are you saying?"

A sly smile entered his face. He was humored by her reaction. Quite cute. "It's called a joke."

Then he leaned back against the chair, cocking his head to the side. "Or was it? The future is unknown."

Yoona was done with him. He was totally playing around with her, trying to get her to react. She stuck out her tongue. "Stop fooling around with me loser. You're lucky I don't take your words seriously. You'll get into trouble if you said that to other girls. "

Minhyun's heart slightly stirred. Unsure if her answer was true. Either way, he did not let those words faze him. "You know I only say these types of words to you."

She couldn't even deny the facts. The only person he was comfortable with was her, and she knew this well. But still... This boy was very confusing. "Yeah whatever. Now that I think about it, I like the fake Minhyun better. He wouldn't make these types of jokes."

From her tone, she was clearly teasing him just like he did with her. Therefore, Minhyun didn't shy away to continue the humor. "I miss the overly polite Yoona as well."

The two looked at each other, having a small staring contest, before Yoona burst into laughter. Minhyun followed with some light chuckles, his gaze not leaving her face.

"But anyways, enough talk of this silly teasing. This question hasn't left my mind ever since you called. I need to know why you're here."

Minhyun took another bite of his noodles. He chewed before replying. "I told you already."

"From your face of relief when you saw me at the door, I know there was another reason as well. Don't be shy. Tell me," Yoona said. The man could not hide his true feelings during his vulnerable moment. All his actions were quite obvious.

Minhyun tapped his fingers against the table. Was it a good idea to tell Yoona about the information White Mask had uncovered? The contents of his research may be misleading, but the potential that it could be true was frightening. Of course, Yoona was a lot more stable now with her feelings, but finding out the two individuals you'd been close to for three years could be potential murderers, wasn't the greatest news to deliver. She was a soft-hearted person who cared for others - finding out that these devils were worse than scum may take a toll.

But then again, he could be underestimating her strength. He let out a sigh. He just wanted for her to be happy.

Besides, in this subpar building, there was no doubt security was weak. She was a lot more prone to paranoia in regards to her safety.

Would she be able to live here alone?

Suddenly, an interesting plot formed in his head. One that involved perhaps a bit of manipulation on his part, but was also a method of safety. If this could work, then, all his worries of her apartment would disappear in an instant. It was perfect. Now the problem was, would Yoona agree?

Minhyun stopped all his movements, deeply thinking about his next few words, before looking back straight at Yoona.

"The reason to why I'm so reluctant is because I'm worried that you won't be able to handle this information. Are you still willing to hear?"

Yoona furrowed her eyebrows, analyzing Minhyun's face to see if he was fooling around. However, no signs of humor were evident.

She gulped. "Oh no. What is it? Is there something wrong"

Minhyun's aura darkened. The light mirroring against his eyes disappearing into darkness. There was a eerie expression on his face, like a killer waiting to bite its prey. All their happy feelings fooling around had disappeared, forgotten and left in the past.

"The Moon siblings are worse than you think Yoona."

She knew they were bad. They caused her harm and even tried to hurt her dearest friends. They were spawns of satan. So how could they be worse?

"W-what did they do?"

Minhyun hated spitting out baseless facts, but for this plan, there was no turning back.

"After doing some research on the Moon siblings, one of my intel gave me shocking information."

Yoona bit her lip. What could it be?

"There is a chance that," he began. He watched as her expressions morphed from curiosity to fear. "One of the Moon siblings could be potential murder suspects in regards to their deceased sister."