Are You Okay?

Her heart fell out of her chest.

Yoona took a step back, her eyes widened with fear.

"I-I'm going to leave now. I don't feel comfortable being in the same room with you knowing this information."

This was too much to handle. To think that she resembles Jihee in some sort of matter was unexplainably painful. She needed to get out of here. Now.

"Wait, don't leave!" In panic, Jaemin grabbed her wrist but she violently moved his hand away.

He wanted to scare her a bit, but he didn't expect this type of reaction.

"Don't touch me!"

Yoona pried the door wide open before running out of the room. She could hear her heart pumping in her ears, too loud and fast to be normal. Not caring the other student who were in the vicinity, she whizzed through the hallways, just wanting to get as far as possible.

Fuck him. Fuck the both of them.

Normally she wasn't this impulsive but his last few words were too impactful. They really freaked her out.

At first she thought her entanglement with the Moon siblings was purely based on jealousy and perhaps another materialistic factor. Everything was supposed to be just a petty game. She thought that she was just another small piece in their lives and they would move on. A regular case of bullying. However, Jaemin's words confirmed that there was a deeper meaning behind her relations with the two. This wasn't just a petty game. This was dangerous. She was going to be forever ingrained in their hearts as long as she and them were alive.

Life had quickly turned into a horror movie. Two potential murderers were emotionally attached to her. She reminded them of the person who made them twisted to begin with.

The person that they killed.

Her tendrils curled in terror. Fuck. Holy fuck.

This was really serious.

When she found Wooyoung's car parked in front of the school, she quickly made her way to the door.

"Yoona wait!"

From the loudness of Jaemin's voice, he was clearly close.

She squeezed her body in the back seat before hurriedly closing the door.

"Please, let's hurry back to Mini's place. I don't feel safe here."

Wooyoung, very concerned with the young miss, swerved the car out of the university grounds to the main road.

"Are you okay Miss? Do you need me to call Master Chae?"

Yoona took a deep breathe. She didn't want to bother him with her emotional swings. He was a busy man. "No don't bother him, please just quickly get me out of here."

Wooyoung, although reluctant, nodded before focusing back onto the road. Whatever the Miss said was the law, he had to follow. Minhyun specifically told him that the Miss was his number one priority.

After putting on her seatbelt, Yoona looked back. She could see Jaemin on the sidewalk with a dejected expression on his face. He was clearly angry about how everything went down.

She let out a sigh. Hopefully she wouldn't see him again.

But of course, that was impossible.


When Yoona arrived at Cleraria, she was immediately greeted by the security guard on the first floor. Knowing that there was so much measures put for the safety of the tenants, made her feel a lot more safe.

In fact, she was so glad that Minhyun offered to let her stay. He must've figured that this situation would've happened.

"Are you okay miss? You look quite pale," he commented worriedly.

Yoona shook her head. She let a small smile. "I'm fine. Just a little sick."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "If you need anything please let me know."

"Thank you very much."

After riding the elevator and arriving on the top floor, she opened the grand doors to Minhyun's home like she remembered. She carefully put her thumb where the scanner was before pulling it wide open.

"Welcome Miss Yoona."

She jumped slightly in her spot. For a moment, she totally forgot about Gloria.

"Oh god," she said while putting her hand on her chest. "That scared me."

Paranoia was amplifying all the noises around her. Her heartbeat still hadn't decreased.

Okay. Let's breathe in and out slowly.

Yoona knew that her mind right now was jumbled up and she needed to get everything together. The Yoona right now was in a mental breakdown. She had to calm herself down.

In all honesty, she didn't need to exit the room so quickly. Jaemin wasn't going to hurt her. Logically, it was a bad move on her part to run away after hearing his words. She let her emotions take the best of out of her. But the fear that stung her heart made her run away; a fight or flight response. There was no way she could've stayed. It was her body's instinct for survival to get out.

She never knew someone could be that scary.

But now what was she supposed to do? Just seeing Jaemin made her shake and Jaeun was going to come back to school sometime this week or next week. She was bound to see those two sooner or later.

Plus, from Jaemin's expression when she left, it was obvious that he would search to talk to her again. The bad thing was that he knew her school schedule so he could wait outside her door.

She let out a frustrated groan. What has she done? Maybe this was a bad idea, she began to regret her actions.

There was one thing she knew for sure though. The possibility that the Moon siblings were murderers increased by a huge percentage and that they had some information to work from. Although Yoona almost lost her sanity for a few seconds, she reminded herself that it was all worth it.

This was the only thing she could do to help him.

While she was walking around the room thinking, the sound of the door opening echoed through the room. Someone was coming inside.

Although she knew that the only other people with access was Minhyun and the maid, paranoia still instilled in her heart. She took a step back. The fear hadn't subsided, no matter how safe she was in this room.

Besides, it couldn't be Mini because he had work.

"Master Chae Minhyun, welcome back home."

What? Why was he here? Didn't he have schedules to tend? He specifically said he was coming back at six.

Her head whipped to the door and to her surprise, the CEO was indeed standing at the entrance.

The two stared at each other, his eyes melting with worry, before he breathed out one word.


Not caring about his shoes, Minhyun ran towards her before bringing her to an embrace. His arms wrapped around her body and she was overwhelmed by his warmth.

Yoona's heart skipped a beat. His actions came so unexpected.

His voice gently whispered into her ear. "Are you okay? I'm sorry. I should've stopped you from talking to him."

After hearing about her sudden departure, Minhyun knew that Yoona wasn't in the right state of mind. She was too freaked out. Despite the schedules he had, he immediately decided to go home. There was no hesitation. The most important thing right now was making sure Yoona had someone by her side.

"I'm okay," Yoona said while laughing awkwardly. "Besides, it's not like he hit me or something. I'm not hurt."

Minhyun gently cupped her cheeks, his large palms covering most of her skin while his thumbs gently caressed her cheekbones.

His eyes watched hers.

"Yoona. Being hurt doesn't only equate to physical pain. Please be honest. Is your heart okay? That is what is most important to me."

Her breathe hitched at the back of her throat. Tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes.

Was her heart okay?

Minhyun didn't need her to answer, he could tell just from the expression on her face. Throughout that conversation she had suffered a lot.

No matter how strong she was, hearing the same words Jaemin spoke and being in a position of vulnerability was dangerous. She had all the right to act this way.

Anyone else would be screaming or panicking. Who would be sane knowing that a psychopath was emotionally connected to them? However, after running away, Yoona was still trying her hardest to swallow her fears. She didn't want Minhyun to worry about her.

That was what made her strong.

He pulled her into his embrace once more.

"Don't worry Yoona. You are safe here with me. And with all my power, I will make sure that you will feel safe even after today."

Yoona grabbed onto his suit with her tiny hands and slowly the tears began to fall.