
Being in Minhyun's embrace did wonders to Yoona. For once, she finally felt safe. Although the building had enough safety measures for her to be okay, for some reason, Minhyun's arms were the final wall that brought security to her heart.

Time ticked and she didn't know how much time passed. She just stayed in his arms until she was ready to speak again.

Once she was teady, Yoona pushed him back slightly. She began to clean her tears using her sleeves.

"Sorry," she said between sniffles. "I didn't mean to cry like this, I don't know what overtook me."

"It's okay," he said. His right hand gently pat the top of her head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Yoona weakly nodded. She meant to tell him everything. "Sure."

They sat on the black leather couches and she began to recount her story, not missing a single detail. Since she also had recorded evidence, she played the conversation to further prove what had gone on behind the doors.

Minhyun listened carefully with his fingers folded together. Technically, he already knew everything that went down because he was listening to the recording Xen had taken while the two were talking. There was no need for Yoona to explain the situation. However, despite hearing everything for a second time, he calmly listened to her story.

"Moon Jihee..." Minhyun began. "I'm going to have to do a full on background check on her."

White Mask may have been onto something. Now that Yoona was fully involved in the situation, it was clear that there was sinister intent towards the young girl. The fact that she reminded the twins of their deceased younger sister was enough to bring even him, chills down his spine.

He quickly texted Secretary Kim to contact White Mask to obtain more information about Moon Jihee and to schedule a meeting.

"Can you please? I want to also know what the big deal about her is and how similar I am to her."

Minhyun glanced over at Yoona, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. Should he give her this information and involve her further into the investigation or let her stay blind-sighted? The reason to why he let her talk to Jaemin was to get more insight on the young boy, however, this quickly turned into something much more serious. A psychopath obsession on a personal level.

It wasn't only his job to protect her physically, but to make sure mentally that she was alright. In the end, the scary part of life was not the bruises, but the mental scars and the demons that clenched your soul.

Although Yoona had lived a tiring life, sacrificing her youth to earn money for her family, she hadn't fully suffered in the hands of people. This was just the beginning. Minhyun, knowing how much pain others can inflict didn't want her to suffer the same way he did.

He grabbed her hands, placing them within his. "Yoona. I want you to listen carefully okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

"The psychological analysis of the Moon siblings and more information about the death of Moon Jihee could be easily found with time using my power," he explained. He took a deep breath. "However, if I were to be totally honest. I don't think you'd be able to handle all this information."

She gulped. "What do you mean?"

"If I gave you more information about Moon Jihee and you find out how much more deadly the Moon siblings and their family could be, as the victim, would you be able to handle it? Mentally? Please be honest."

Minhyun's words made Yoona stop in her tracks. At first, she couldn't help but feel insulted. Due to living in this misogynistic world, she felt like he might be putting her on a princess pedestal, trying to prevent her from all dangers. She could handle as much as the other person too. However, while thinking she realized that Minhyun was only putting her best interests in heart. After seeing her freak out over the fact that she reminded Jaemin of Jihee, it was clear that her heart wasn't ready to handle any dark secrets soon.

She wanted to be strong, but in reality, wouldn't anyone be freaking out in this situation? Her life might be in danger!

She needed time. He was offering her the chance to opt out and leave everything to him. He was giving her an option.

Could she have asked for a better friend?

She purses her lips, still shacking from the fear. "Okay, I'm going to be honest. At first I thought I'd be able to handle it but now after my little freak out, I'm not sure if I can handle knowing how sinister the Moon siblings truly are. It's my life that is in danger. Knowing that these types of people are after me is terrifying to begin with."

Then she raised her palm. "But I still want to help you somehow."

Minhyun let out a smile. For most people, it would be hard for them to clearly outline their weaknesses and to admit that they are not able to do something. However, throughout the time they spent together, Yoona had developed enough trust in him to say these words.

His heart was warm.

"Leave the investigation behind Moon Jihee to me," he said. "Besides, there are other things I need help with in concerns to the Moon family."

Yoona cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"We can't just let the Moon siblings play around like this forever. You can't be in fear for the rest of their life. They must be stopped. This is why I propose the plan of officially bringing the Moon group to the grounds and making sure the Moon siblings will not be able to touch you ever again."

Yoona closed her eyes. Minhyun was right. She couldn't stay scared forever. As a powerful entity, even if she ran away, the Moon group was bound to find her sooner or later. Unless she faced them head to head, she'd have to live in fear for the rest of her life.

She wasn't the type to seek revenge, but there was no other method. Besides, for the sake of the other girls who suffered in their hands, the Moon siblings had to get karma back.

But the Moon Group? How was that supposed to work?

Yoona played with the strands of her hair with her fingers. "Please explain."

Minhyun nodded. "In all honesty, after finding out you got hurt, I got very angry. Therefore as someone who cared for you, I had already done background checks on the Moon group. There is enough information in my hands to bring the whole family down. Prostitution. Embezzling. Disregarding human rights when it came to their workers and their workplace. And so much more. Even though you might feel bad for bringing a whole family down for two Sibling's actions, in the end, they have a dirty record. They need to be stopped anyways."

"However, if I just ruin the family, it isn't going to stop the Moon siblings. Ruining someone is not just taking away their riches and dignity. Even though the evidence could serve to bring the Moon siblings to poverty, it was not enough. The two had connections and Jaemin had business knowledge. They could climb back up the social latter little by little, creating their own enterprise. Knowing his attachment to you, the harassment is not going to stop," he explained.

Yoona nodded. Everything made sense. She was surprised at how thorough Minhyun has thought this through.

He continued: "What they need is deep emotional damage. Something to ruin their mental state forever, just like how they tried to do with you. To make them understand they can never touch you ever again."

Minhyun looked up to her eyes and let out a smirk. "This is why I am asking you. I want to help you take down the Moon group for once and for all. Would you allow me to?"

Yoona suddenly felt her heart skip a beat. There was something different about Minhyun once he said those words.

She gulped. Nonetheless, despite the strange feelings brewing up in her chest, she answered.

"Yes," she firmly said. "Let's do this thing."

Minhyun gently placed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Then lets do this together."

She let out a smile. "Together."