The Plan

"So how can I help?" Yoona asked. She leaned her head against the couch. "How exactly will we take down the infamous Moon group?"

Minhyun fixed his position on the couch to face towards her. "I think before I tell you the plan, we should lay out some rules for your safety."

Minhyun lifted up his index finger. "First, I don't want you to interact with the Moon siblings or their friends at all unless I'm around. Though I'm positive they won't approach you after today."

After hearing about Jaemin and Yoona, Minhyun sent an email to the Moon group head with a warning. It was fairly straight-forward saying that the Moon siblings were not allowed to talk to Yoona again without his permission.

Minhyun was the powerful one and was the one able to make the calls. Therefore, by knowing this information, the head would definitely reprehend the two. After all, making Chae Minhyun your enemy was the worst that could possibly happen.

He could've done this the moment he entered Korea. He could've prevented the whole restaurant situation from happening, but, life was all about timing. For him to use this card too early would've been a waste. If he were to have sent the warning beforehand, the mole would've found out (bringing on another enemy early on), they wouldn't have gotten more information about the past, and it would've given the Moon siblings more time to figure out another plan.

You can't use your trump card right off the bat. To win, you have to corner them little by little, bringing tension or else you will be the one losing.

She nodded. "Okay, I wasn't going to talk to them anyways."

"On that note, because we don't know when they are going to strike again, there is going to be a secret bodyguard on you on all times. Knowing Moon Jaemin, they are going to try to hurt you in a way that doesn't lead back to them."

Yoona's eyes widened. A bodyguard? If it was any other situation she would say no but right now, having an extra shield was wonderful. She'd feel a lot more safe at school with the extra protection. This would help her out so much.

"T-that's fine with me," she nervously said.

Minhyun let out a light smile. "Fantastic. He will be watching you from the shadows while you are outside. I'll handle that aspect so don't worry about it."

It was a small white lie since she already had one, but either way he had her current permission.

"Now for the plan," he began. "As I've said before, we have to first ruin their mental state. When we use our physical cards I want them to be so shaken with emotion and frustration, to the point where they cannot think anymore. After we bring them to the corner, that is when I use my sword and kill them."

Yoona nodded. That made sense. By making them break down, it would be harder for them to retaliate. As a smart battle commander would say 'bring down the enemy's morale'.

"In fact as if god is on our side, there is a gala this weekend for a charity. All the top families in Korea will be there including all members within the Moon group. Originally, I wasn't going to bother with this event but I thought this may be a good opportunity for us. This will be a second warning to the Moon group."

Jaeun had a jealousy complex against Yoona. Jaemin had a weird love obsession with her. If he were to showcase Yoona in the most beautiful way, making everyone believe that she was "his women" and living her best life - wouldn't that be a win? Jaeun would be jealous beyond repair knowing that Yoona was winning against her in beauty, power, and money while Jaemin's situation would be self-explanatory.

The reason to why the Moon siblings were able to act the way they could was because they were advantageous over Yoona. However, now they needed to show that she was reigning. Their appearance would pierce their hearts, ingraining Yoona's happiness in their minds.

Besides, Moon siblings or not, he wanted to enjoy this event with Yoona. His chest rumbled with excitement.

She gulped. The Moon siblings? Not going to lie, after today, she found it hard to confront them again. Her pounding heart quickened.

"I- I'm kind of scared seeing them again." Confessing her fears was hard. Yoona didn't want to sound like a scaredy-cat. But she really couldn't see those two again.

Minhyun places her hand on her shoulder. "Are you scared that they will hurt you?"

She shook her head. "I know they're not going to hurt me with you by my side, but it's just that I'm slightly traumatized by their existence," she said honestly. "They are set on hurting me."

He nodded. After such a traumatic event, there was no doubt that psychological damage has been created in regards to those siblings. It must've been hard for her to confess.

However, running away from your fears wasn't going to help. It's going to make everything worse for her. Minhyun has first-hand experienced this sheer reality.

"If you can't confront them with me by your side, then how will you face going to school?"

"I-," Yoona began. Then she let out a frustrated sigh. "That's true."

The logical side of things and her emotions didn't align. Eventually everything would backfire on her.

He leaned forward. "This event will be a great way for you to build your resilience to their presence. Remember. With me by your side they can't do anything. The Moon siblings are powerless and can't hurt you."

Like always, he was right. Even though fear was in her heart, she couldn't let herself stay in this manner for long. Change was needed to be made.

When Minhyun saw the determination in her eyes, a small smile lifted on his face. It was time.

"So Yoona," he began. His eyes glistened with humour. "Would you be my date for the South Korea Elite Gala?"

Date? The word rang in her ears but she ignored it.

She let a laugh; the sound ringing through the room. She swallowed all the negative deep within and decided to trust the boy in front of her. "Yes, I would love too. When is it?"

There was a pause. "This Sunday."

Yoona placed her index finger on her chin. "This Sunday..." Suddenly her eyes widened. "Wait a minute? That's like only three days from today?!? How am I supposed to prepare?"

Minhyun chuckled. When it came to last minute preparations, having connections was a blessing to have. "I know a few people. You can visit them Friday or Saturday to have your dress choosing alterations. Send your schedule to Secretary Kim and he'll arrange everything to accommodate to you."

Wow. Life was very simple for the rich. Yoona was in awe.

"The designer owes me a few favors," he said as if he was reading her mind.

She placed her hand on her chest. "Okay, thank god. Well, I haven't been to a gala yet but I guess this will be another exciting experience."

Minhyun suddenly bit his lip slightly. "A warning. Since you would be the first female I would have ever brought to a public event, it will cause quite a commotion."

"What do you me-," she began. Suddenly everything clicked in her head. "Oh I see."

A small blush appeared on her cheeks. A handsome and sought-out bachelor like Minhyun would definitely catch the attention of many. For him to bring her out to a luxurious event would only make others assume that they had romantic relations.

She felt a bit awkward and embarrassed pulling off a stunt like this but she still wanted to do it. For Minhyun to allow a girl like her to pose as his lover was more sacrificial on his side. She needed to do her load of work.

By being his date, her enemies would also assume the two childhood friends were dating...

So this was what he meant by mentally sabotaging the siblings. By using his name, she was also taking a share of power. And since Jaemin was her ex-boyfriend, he would be erupting with jealousy.

It took her a while to realize the meaning behind his words, but now she was in awe.

Chae Minhyun lived up to his name. No wonder he was a prodigy. He was calculative and manipulative.

"It's okay!" She squeaked. Then she cleared her throat. "Let's do this."

She put her trust in him. With Minhyun by her side, she felt invincible. He was sacrificing so much for her, how could she not?

"Good," he said with a laugh. "I can't wait."