A Grand Entrance [1]

"Are you ready?"

Yoona let out a deep sigh. "Will I ever be?"

"With me by your side, you are prepared more than enough. Trust me," he reassured.

"Okay." If there was one person in this world that she could trust to protect her, it would be the man beside of her.

After Minhyun sent the doormen a nod, they opened the doors to the ballroom.

Minhyun linked his arms with hers, he leaned in towards her ear. "Don't worry. Just relax and let's have fun."

Once they entered, the light reflecting against the diamond chandeliers blinded her. All she could see was pure white. However, although her vision was impaired, her hearing was clear. The sound of chatter disappeared, replaced their footsteps. The people silenced.

Everyone was staring, taken aback by their arrival. The King has come.

This was an expected reaction considering Chae Minhyun's status. Without doing anything, it was clear that he was the star of the night. He was too god-tier to be linked with everyone else. All the participants, no matter what status they were, had goosebumps rising on their skin.

The level of the gala heightened to new heights. Excitement rang in their chests as they watched him walk to the middle of the room.

Just as rumors said, Minhyun was more handsome in person. His striking sharp eyes and tall build made him the recipient of many loving stares. From married women to the young ladies, everyone was moved by the bachelor. He was, after all, the most sought-out man in all of Asia.

However, upon seeing how he had a young woman as his date, their happiness did not last long. The fact that he even had a female by his side meant that she held a special place in his heart. He was known to being a complete rock to girls - unmoved no matter how hard they tried.

Minhyun did have a rare amount of girlfriends back in high school and university, but the society knew that none of them were really of importance to him. They were mainly used to keep his father off of his back before he became CEO.

When their attention shifted to Yoona, they couldn't help but gasp. Was it possible for Chae Minhyun to be overshadowed by a girl? With beautiful, curled brown hair and glistening eyes, she had the power to capture the hearts of many without uttering a word. Every person in the room was hypnotized.

Many of the men couldn't even help but bulge their eyes in awe. No person in the room could compare to Minhyun's date. Not only was her looks high-tier but her dress and styling was luxurious as well. No wonder Minhyun had picked this lovely lady!

Who was she and where did she come from?

A few of the older high officials couldn't help but stare with lustful glances. Their hearts were tainted in black, so a young girl like her would be a great snack to them. With their money, they were able to obtain anything in the world. Their reactions weren't surprising.

Minhyun noticed the unwanted attention towards Yoona and his aura froze. He had a dark look on his face, ready to kill anyone who dared to stare for too long. Although he expected the attention, the moment it came true, he realized that the sharp feeling in his chest could not be controlled.

When the atmosphere around him darkened, everyone realized the severity of the situation. With only one look anyone could tell that his eyes were yelling not to dare try to touch his girl. If they did, that would ensue death.

Not wanting to be caught staring by the CEO, many hid their true expressions or looked away. Their hearts screeched in fear.

Now this was the Minhyun they were used to. The tyrant which ruled the business world.

Minhyun curled his fists. Dirty fucking bastards. Desire did way too good of a job. He started to regret his actions for he knew how terrible some of the people here were.

"Hey," Yoona said while tapping his shoulder. "You look like you're going to murder someone. Calm down."

Only Yoona would talk to him whilst he was angry.

"I will if this stops."

She cocked her head. "What. You mean the males in the room staring?"

So she was aware. Yet, there was little changes in her actions.

"Yes, the staring."

Yoona giggled. "Oh that? Don't worry I'm use to it. They don't call me a campus beauty for nothing. I've had many admirers in the past. Even if I wear a rag it happens. The problems with being a women in today's society."

"Fucking hell," he swore. There was a pause. "I'm going to have to have a little chat with the head of your university then."

She rolled her eyes. "The girls are looking at you too you know."

"I know."

Shameless, just shameless. Can't he see the slight hypocrisy in the situation.

"Okay then," she drawled. A playful smile rang on her lips. "You can stop being jealous now."

Minhyun avoided eye-contact. "Not jealous."

Yoona raised her eyebrows. "Yeah okay Mr. Jealous."

"... Not jealous."

Nobody could hear the conversation except for the two. Looking at them, everyone assumed that they were talking about important matters. Little did they know that the conversation between Yoona and Minhyun conversation was this childish.

It was their little secret.


Now, while the two childhood friends were teasing each other, there was another set of individuals who were shocked to the core. Their faces were pale, unable to take in the scene in front of them.

The Moon siblings.

For they thought Yoona wouldn't be able to step a foot inside this building.

The moment Jaeun saw the two enter the room, her heart dropped. At first, she thought she was hallucinating. It wasn't the first time she had this type of experience. However, as the crowd silence and the two stepped closer, she realized that this was indeed reality and that her worst nightmare became true.

Holy fuck. Yoona was in the room, beautiful beyond comprehension with the man of her dreams by her side.

Jaeun wanted to grab the ice statue on her right and shatter that whole thing against the floor! What the fuck? What the actual FUCK? How could this have happened? Why? Did the heavens hate her this much? Was this her karma for her grave past sins? After her brother's explanation she was sure that Yoona wouldn't be able to take a step into this place yet here she was.


A shriek was caught in her throat and it took all her strength to keep it down. Her face was red in anger and she couldn't control the erupting fire in her heart. Tonight was supposed to be her time to shine. She had practiced dancing for the past year to the point of her feet bleeding, yet this bitch was trying to steal the spotlight? Again?

In the depths of her heart, Jaeun knew that Yoona was prettier than her. Even without grooming herself and the expensive skin treatments, she was blessed with perfect genetics. Many of the males in the school liked her as well, calling her a 'natural angelic beauty'. She could feel everyone's gaze shift to Yoona as time passed on due to her pure heart.

Jaeun still won at school. Her clothes and makeup made up for everything she lacked. But the line between them was getting smaller and by the end of the year, it would become a close race.

However, now that Yoona was dolled up, her true perfection came to light. Even Jaeun could not compare. Nobody was paying attention to her while Yoona was present. This made tears coil in her eyes.

It was not fair. Why the was she the one always with the short end of the stick? Every. Fucking. Single. Time.

First... Her ... And now Yoona. It made her shake with anger thinking about how these two were perfect without the struggles she faced.

The Gods were cruel. So fucking cruel.

The only thing keeping her sane at school her was the fact that she had power and money. She was able to torture Yoona without getting in trouble. It was a perfect plan.

However, the appearance of Chae Minhyun ruined that plan. Therefore, her and Jaemin planned to place a secret attack to ruin Yoona once and for all.

Never did she expect for this to happen.

Before, Yoona was acquainted with Minhyun, meeting again for the first time in years. Now, everything was different.

Chae Minhyun brought her to the South Korea Elite Gala. The fact that he bought a nobody to an event like this showed how serious he was. His power was now hers and that meant that Yoona had reached the perfection Jaeun had desperately tried to achieve.

Now Yoona beat her in all three categories; beauty, power, and money.

Her heart cried with jealousy, every cell in her body in pain.

The way Minhyun looked at her was disgusting as well. It was all love. Every last bit of emotion within him was genuine. He never looked at anybody that way before.

Why was Yoona the one with all the love?

Why wasn't SHE the recipient of it.

Blood-thirst coursed through Jaeun's veins. The urge to run over and strangle Yoona was creeping up her chest.

However, she tried to control her anger by breathing rhythmically, telling herself again and again that it will get better. This was not the time to display her anger. Image was important at the gala.

Just she wait, in this jungle, Yoona would not be able to survive. Jaeun was sure of it.

There was going to be a downfall to this perfection... Right?