A Grand Entrance [2]

While Jaeun was consumed by jealousy and anger, a different set of emotions overtook Jaemin.

At first, when he saw Yoona walking through those doors, he couldn't help but widened his eyes. His heart pulsated quickly; the sound of the beat echoing in his eardrums. The girl walking through those doors couldn't possibly be his Yoona right? Yet, despite the disbelief, there was no doubt that the girl was her. After all, they had been dating for a year, he was bound to recognize her.

Everything around of him silenced, his whole world freezing with them present. Nobody else mattered. It was just him and her.

An angel from heaven. Everything about her was absolutely perfect.

Sparkles glistened around her creating a celestial illusion. And the smile on her face. Oh that beautiful smile. Made him melt into happiness. Right now, he just wanted to run up and embrace her in his arms. Keep her in his vision at all times. To NEVER let her go.

The angel was back. And she was better than he ever dreamed of. He wanted her. Every single part; her mind, heart, body, he wanted it all.

Yet, once reality hit him, he realized that his desires were out of reach.

The person she was happy with. The spot that he should be standing in. Was taken by Chae Minhyun.

The uncontrollable anger rose up within him again. He tightened his fists, his knuckles whitening from the lack of blood flow. His mind was clouded with hate. Everything blackened.

Yet, the last bit of sanity that he had was telling him to rush out of there. Since this was the South Korea Elite Gala, he couldn't show his anger in front of all these important people. He needed to get out. NOW.

Between his gritted teeth, he somehow spoke, saying that he was going to the washroom, before rushing out another door. The people around didn't pay to much attention to his words since their focus was on Yoona.

He ran down the hallway, rushing down an unfamiliar set of stairs before reaching an isolated area. Once there was no beating heart in sight, he immediately punched the wall. There was a slight dent and the skin on his knuckles ripped, drips of blood seeping out. All the emotions contained in his body was condensed in that punch.

"I'm... Going... To... Kill... Him..."

A small line of blood splattered beautiful painting to his right across the bottom. He stared at the sight, his eyes fixated at the stain.

Everything about Yoona was beautiful, except for that single stain that will never disappear. Minhyun. With this imperfection, just like this painting which lowered in value the minute the red liquid touched its surface, she was the same way. Without a way to remove Minhyun, the perfection was erased into nothingness.

He walked over to the painting slowly, his hand reaching out. If he did not act soon, the blood splatter would dry up. With the handkerchief in his right pocket, he gently pressed it against the blood drop but all it did was create a bigger mess.

His grit his teeth and cried out. Fuck. Despite the pain in his hand, he continuously slammed it against the wall.

After their last conversation when he confronted her, everything spiraled down. He had calculated Yoona wrong as he didn't realize the importance of Minhyun's placement in her life. To think that she feared him. He didn't give her a reason to.

He concluded that it must've been his anger and perhaps, his inability to control himself when he met eyes with her the time she went into Minhyun's car.

After that, he made sure to find ways to control his anger better for he didn't want her to be in fear again.

Yet, he was too late. Everything was breaking apart.

The blood seeped through the cracks of his skin, covering his fingers.

All he was doing was hurting himself.

He grabbed the handkerchief and placed it against the wound.

"Jaemin. Are you here?" A deep voice echoed into the room.

Jaemin recognized its owner and quickly wrapped the cloth around his hand, tying it up using his free hand and mouth, before placing them in his pockets.

"Uncle," he said. The two faced each other.

Every trace of anger disappeared and it was replaced by his usual smile. Minhyun had sharpened his fangs against him, so Jaemin did the same as well. By transferring his mental pain to physical, he was a lot calmer than he would've without. The black in his mind lingered but it wasn't uncontrollable.

"You're sister is making a fool out of herself. She's going crazy right now. Calm that bitch down."

Jaemin nodded. If it was this hard for him to control his fury, he couldn't even think about how ugly the look on his sister's face would be. Stupid girl. This wasn't the place to get angry. She would lose all her marriage prospects that way and become the garbage of the Moon group, thrown away from the family tree. Her riches wouldn't last forever unless she found someone to marry.

None of the family actually cared for her. She was a piece that would be thrown away if she didn't show any use.

He let out a chilly smile. "I'm on my way."'

His uncle eyed him. There was something off about the young boy. A chilling feeling crept up his spine. A slight sinister aura came from the young master.

"You too."

Jaemin cocked his head. "Pardon me? What did you say?"

"Calm yourself down. You're true colors are showing."

Ah so his weakness was spotted. Knowing how snake his uncle was, Jaemin was sure he would use this information to their disadvantage. After all, he wanted his own son to become the heir of the company.

There was nobody in the family to trust. It was a pity uncle was the one that found him out.

Jaemin bowed his head slightly. The action hiding his gritting teeth. "Thank you for the advice dear Uncle."

"My pleasure."