An Unwanted Appearance [Part 1]

Despite trying to keep up a confident image, there was something about the stares of the high class that gave Yoona shivers.

"I didn't realize this much people would be paying attention to us," she commented. "It's interesting and sort of creepy at the same time."

"I'm used to this but the reaction is definitely bigger than I thought it would be," Minhyun admitted. Then he leaned in towards her ear. "But the greater the response, the better the outcome. It's something we must get through."

Minhyun glanced around, trying to find the two individuals that they came here for. They should be in front row seats for Yoona's show. His gaze passed the other prestigious families, not caring about their determined and awed expressions, before spotting the Moon group on the side. The corners of his lip lifted slightly. "Ah I found them."

Jaeun was reacting wonderfully. Jealousy overtook her being, breaking down the princess image she tried so hard to obtain, revealing an ugly witch. Within her mind, a hurricane was overturning, sweeping all her logic away. Of course, this wasn't enough for him since he needed her to be completely broken, but it was a nice foundation for the night to come.

Now. He narrowed his eyes. Where did that Jaemin bastard disappear to? Did he miss the grand show or was he so angry that he needed to step aside?

Minhyun let out a smirk. It was clear to him that the latter had happened. Unlike Jaeun, Jaemin knew that his emotions needed to be controlled. He wouldn't show his true face in front of the crowd. He was smarter than that.

But the smarter the opponent, the greater the fall. Minhyun's chest arose with excitement.

Yoona turned her head frantically. "You found who? The siblings? I need to see their reactions!"

Knowing that Yoona may react severely to the twins presence, especially after her last meeting with Jaemin, Minhyun decided to ease her heart with some physical reassurance.

He unraveled their arms and held her hand instead, squeezing it tightly. "Jaeun looks like a tomato doesn't she? Look. She's going to erupt any second now."

Yoona glanced over to see that indeed, her ex-best friend was going crazy. Her face morphed into an ugly gremlin's, everything scrunched up in fury. All the beauty in the world couldn't save the ugly personality present within Jaeun's body. The hate that Yoona felt from Jaeun during the restaurant situation returned again, but on a larger scale.

Some of the people around noticed and spared her pitiful glances. Others with disgust.

This was supposed to be Jaeun's world, yet she was taking it over.

It sort of felt good. Really good.

With Minhyun by her side she didn't feel as terrible as she thought she would. In fact, a sense of accomplishment erupted in her chest. Now she was personally dealing with things into her hands.

Take that bitch. This is for all the girls that you ruined. Every person forced into your twisted games. The tears that shed from the innocent girls who only met with bad fate.

A pair of gentle fingers lifted Yoona's chin slightly. Minhyun looked straight into her eyes, trying to decipher the young girl in front of him. He didn't expect to see such a mischievous smile on her face. "You look quite happy. Too happy."

She had tried her best not to have a change of expression. Did her face fail to do so? Ah, her body's betrayal.

Yoona giggled. "I feel good. This revenge was long due."

She playfully flipped her hair. "Call me karma from now on."

Minhyun rolled his eyes. Over-dramatic as always. Yoona never let that part of her rest. He was amused, annoyed, and quite fond of that trait of hers. It took many heartbreaks and hesitation for her to reach this stage. So to see how ecstatic she was to take revenge was... Interesting.

"You're getting ahead of yourself," he commented. "If you're just satisfied with this, just you wait. The night is just getting started."

Minhyun had something else up his sleeve didn't he? Yoona raised an eyebrow. When it came to some emotions, it was very easy to read Minhyun. Yet, when it came to his playing field, manipulation, it was a lot harder for her to grasp what could be happening in his mind.

"Ah," Minhyun suddenly said while squeezing Yoona's hand again. Perfect timing. "There is our other target."

Jaemin had entered the room with his uncle in tow. There was a calm expression on his face as if Yoona's presence didn't affect him at all. He quickly walked to his sister and grabbed her wrist, whispering some words into her ear, before towing her away.

Yoona cocked her head. There was something wrong. Why wasn't Jaemin giving off any reaction? She expected for him to be the most affected, especially after seeing her as Minhyun's date. Plus, she had dressed up for the occasion.

"Do you see the hand continuously in his pocket," Minhyun said. "I have a feeling he targeted all his emotions physically. Don't worry. He's putting up a face."

He really knew exactly what she was thinking. Could he be telepathic? Sometimes it made her taken aback with how accurate he was.

"I didn't notice," she admitted. "How in the world did you catch that?"

Minhyun shrugged. He was very perceptive when it came to analyzing others. It was one of his strong suits which helped him with business.

"I'm not Chae Minhyun for nothing."

She nodded. "That's true."

Jaemin. In the past, he would beg her to dress up in fancy clothes and to wear makeup like those rich girls. He failed miserably of course. However, upon seeing her now, he must feel something in her chest.

After all, Minhyun accomplished something he couldn't.

He's the one that let her go and treated her terribly, this was his consequence. Yoona was satisfied.

While she was thinking, Yoona's thoughts were then interrupted by a sudden high-pitched voice.

"Ah, the couple of the night! I get to finally meet Yoona! So beautiful! Mesmerizing! A lady who I would be grateful to be even look at!"

They didn't expect for someone to talk to them this quickly. Everyone should be scared of Chae Minhyun's status so who could this be?

Minhyun, unfortunately, knew exactly who the speaker was. He let out a grunt, before sending a glare at the white-haired kid.

He stepped between Yoona and the young boy. "What are you doing here Ji-ho?"

White Mask let out a chuckle. Seeing how Minhyun knew his name, made it clear that a background check was made. Though it didn't matter to him since Minhyun and him and equal amount of things to hide. His identity would be kept safe.

"I wanted to join in the fun too," he said with a playful pout. He wanted front row seats the the revenge. And he also wanted to spike things up. "Plus getting tickets was really easy for me. The system was too easy to hack into."

With the amount of high profile individuals in the room, it was clear that White Mask was just bragging. The security would've been very high and for a normal person, impossible for them to get a ticket.

If it was anyone else, Minhyun would've gotten them thrown out of the room. He didn't need Ji-ho here to mess things up. However, knowing the boy's backstory and after digging into his life, Minhyun let it slide.

The boy had his own secrets as well.

Yoona tugged Minhyun's sleeve. "Who is he? And why does he know my name?"

She was very taken aback that Minhyun was talking decently normal to someone so young. Although there was annoyance in his eyes, he was holding his tongue back. Who was this kid? And... Was that his true hair color? She'd never seen natural white hair before.

Minhyun didn't want to introduce the two.

From Ji-ho's mischievous smile, it was clear that he had something big plan for tonight.

Minhyun let out a sigh before leaning in against Yoona's ear. "He's someone who I hired to hack the Moon Group's files," he said. "He knows a lot about the situation."

She widened her eyes. The hacker was this kid? He didn't even look like he passed the age of fifteen! How could a small boy possess such knowledge? She was truly surrounded by geniuses.

Ji-ho grabbed her hand, kissing the back of her hand... Quite intimately. It lingered for a few seconds before he let go.

Yoona awkwardly stood there, unable to process what was happening. Well, he was a kid. It wasn't that deep.

"Yes my beautiful lady," Ji-ho said curtly. "I am the knight that helped you obtain the evidence to take down the two devils."

Minhyun slapped Ji-ho's hand away and placed his on the white-haired boy's shoulder. "Anything else?"

It was clear that this was a warning for him to leave and not to touch Yoona. This boy was lucky that he was young and pitiful or else Minhyun would've been in rage.

Ji-ho let out a charming smile. If he didn't know better, He would be scared shitless by Minhyun's advance. After all, he was almost killed last time they met.

However, knowing that Minhyun knew his past, he knew that the CEO wouldn't do anything.

After all, Minhyun didn't need to kill him. He was going to die soon anyways.

Ji-ho stuck out his tongue. "Why yes! Actually, I came to tell you something very important."

He lifted up a USB from his pocket. His secret weapon. While researching the Moon group, he decided to delve deeper into the sibling's lives since he was intrigued by them.

As someone who wanted to gain justice for Jihee and watch the Moon siblings suffer, he found some great files.

"On a scale of one to ten, how cool would it be if I released very terrible evidence of Jaeun and Jaemin bullying and terrorizing others, making it viral by the end of the night while the gala is happening?"