Not So Sweet Dreams

That night, they decided to sleep in the same bed.

After washing up and changing into a pair of cute pink pajamas, Yoona made her way to Minhyun's room. When she arrived, he was already sitting on his bed. In his hands, he was scrolling through a tablet, probably looking at work-related materials.

She slowly crept into the bed and sat beside of him. While leaning her head against his shoulder, she snaked her arm around his. God. She just loved cuddling with him.

However, when she looked down to see what he was working on, it was different from what she'd imagined. Her heart suddenly felt heavy.

"Is that…"

He glanced over. "Yup, I'm planning Ji-ho's funeral."

On his screen, he was confirming the location and invitation.

"Who are you inviting?" Yoona asked. From Ji-ho's story, it seemed as though he wasn't close with many people. It would be tricky thinking of a list.