The Funeral

On the day of the funeral, the sun was shining so brightly. The weather was perfect; not too hot or too cold. There were no clouds in the sky, revealing the pure blue sky.

Yoona, carefully stepped out of her car. She thanked her driver before taking a step forward towards the bleak funeral building. The wind gently flowed with her simple black dress.

She could always see the building from the hospital window and dreaded coming. But to think that she was finally here. It was heart-wrenching.

She took a deep breath, trying to gather all her emotions, before finally walking through the open doors.

Upon arriving to the designated room, wreaths of flowers with messages written beside them lined up alongside the hallway, all dedicated to the young boy.

'Dedicated to the white-haired angel'

'A tribute to the genius whose influence will live on forever'

And the largest one, whom she could see was from Minhyun said: 'To an irreplaceable brother'.