Chapter 1

As MinYue and his father were entering through the main entrance to the ballroom, Ming-Fa wanted to bring up the subject of marriage once again, "Son, you're nearing your thirties, it's about time you get married and have children of your own."

"Father, I am currently busy with work. I have no time." MinYue's voice sounded calm, but had a hint of irritation. He skimmed the ballroom at the various blue and white decorations throughout the room without changing his expression.

"Do you want me to pick out a few suitable candidates, and send their info over? I will if that is what it takes?" MinYue was silent so his father continued, "Son, I really want the best for you. I think having someone by your side will greatly improve your life. What about May Lin, or Elizabeth Xia?"

"Father, we are here for MinHe and Lisa." MinYue's voice started to turn cold. He was getting annoyed with his old man's persistance. MinYue had no interest in anyone his whole life. No one grabbed his attention. He even started to give up because everyone he attempted to date, or talk to were boring in his eyes. No spark whatsoever.

When his father caught MinYue's annoyance he spoke softer, "Okay son. We will talk about this later." Ming-Fa placed his arm on his son's shoulder as they turned to their right, and headed up the navy blue carpeted staircase to the second level of the ballroom where the bar was. There were small round tables with stools, and a large fireplace near the side wall. Straight ahead of them was the bar, and to the left was the ledge to the open ballroom below. Ming-Fa nodded his head and patted MinYue's back twice before heading towards the bar.

MinYue didn't even want to attend this stupid party because of that reason. He just wanted to go home. He went to the ledge and began to scan the room below out of boredom. He spotted a few of the regulars that attended these kind of parties, and a few of the ones he didn't recognize he assumed where friends or family of his sister-in-law Lisa.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a waiter walking on his left with drinks. He quickly turned to stop the waiter, and grabbed a glass of scotch. He may as well enjoy a drink or two since he was here.

Returning his gaze to the people below he saw his sister-in-law with a somewhat large belly in the middle of a group of women all laughing about something he presumed was gossip. He let out a large sigh and leaned further against the ledge. Just as he was starting to get lost in his own mind, he felt a hand land on his back. Without showing the person that startled him that they had succeeded, he lazily turned to his right to see his elder brother smiling from ear to ear. In his monotone voice MinYue asked, "Excited to be a dad soon?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Ever since I married Lisa my life has improved so much. She brings so much joy into my world, and now she is bringing me a son!" MinHe said as he continued to pat MinYue's back. MinYue didn't say anything else. He just turned back to stare out in a haze. He loves his brothers and sisters very much, but he always had a hard way of expressing his feelings. He didn't understand why, but this is the way he has always been.

MinHe accepted his brother's silence as the fact that he would listen to him so he continued to talk, "Father told me he wants you to marry? He said that it will help you get out of this slump you're in, but I laughed and told him that you're not in a slump. This is the way you are, but I do want to thank you for attending. Means a lot to me little brother."

MinYue just remained silent and turned towards his brother with a straight face. MinHe smiled brightly, and MinYue was slightly jealous. He wanted to smile like his elder brother, but couldn't. His lips only raised slightly in the corners as he looked at his brother. MinHe patted MinYue's shoulder two more times, "Brother, someday I hope you find someone who makes you feel the way I do when I look at Lisa." MinHe then turned around and headed off towards a group of his buddies that were talking.

MinYue continued to stand there lost in thought once more when he noticed his father walk over with Leo Lu and Richard Song. MinYue's brow slightly creased as he thought to himself, 'Now this should be interesting!'