Chapter 2

While they were talking business a young lady in a pale blue dress with a slit up the right side walked in the lower level of the ballroom. She had long black hair with a three inch streak of white hair going down the left side. It was a hereditary trait she inherited from her Father. She walked slowly towards the group of women, and greeted her best friend May Lin, "May, how is your evening so far?"

May turned around with wide eyes, "Cera, is that really you? You never attend these things! Why now?"

"My mother insisted that I come, she said it would be best for me to make an appearance from time to time." Cera says as she grabs a glass of wine from the waiter that was walking past them. As Cera was about to continue talking a few guys had come down from the upper level, and were walking past them to get to the food table. One of them was Chen Song, the son of her boss Richard Song at RS Entertainment He noticed her right away.

"Cera?" he looked her up and down, "What brings you here?"

"I was invited." Cera didn't want to bother with this "Kid" who has been trying to "Put the moves" on her since last year.

"I have invited you out multiple times, and you never agree to come."

"My mother insisted."

"I see…."

Chen wanted to continue but May noticed that Cera wasn't interested in talking to him any longer so she cut in, "I haven't seen Cera in a while, and I would like to catch up. So if you don't mind."

"My apologies." Chen did a slight bow towards May before turning back to Cera, "I will catch you later." He raised the corner of his lips in a half smile before turning towards the food table where his friends were.

After he was out of sight May pulled Cera to the side, "Who was that?"

"That is Richard Song's son, Chen. He is very persistent."

"Why don't you try it? He is very attractive."

"He may be good looking, but something about him rubs me the wrong way."

Upstairs at the same time a man with a similar hair color as Cera's notices her downstairs with a smile creeping up on his face. Ming-Fa noticed his smile, "Leo Lu, may I ask what has caused you to smile like that?"

Leo turns to look Ming-Fa in the face, "My daughter actually showed up for once." he says as he points towards the backside of a young lady in a pale blue dress and black hair. As if she sensed his finger pointing and all the stares, she turned to face the group above. When MinYue's eyes met hers he felt something ignite in his heart that he had never felt before. He raised his free hand to his chest, and felt like he couldn't remove his gaze from hers. If he did, he feared that he would stop breathing. His ears slightly reddened as he was staring down at her. Only when her eyes left his, and met her fathers, did MinYue regain his normal facial expression, and turned to look at the other men standing there. He thought that no one noticed his strange movements, but his father did. Ming-Fa was smiling from ear to ear while he started to cook up a plan. He definitely couldn't wait to get Leo alone to talk about his plan.

Leo noticed that Cera was giving him the evil eye, so he rotated his wrist and used the finger that was pointing at her to motion her to come by him. When she nodded to his motion Leo couldn't help but smile. She excused herself from May, and made her way to the stairs. The whole time MinYue had one eye on her. He couldn't help himself but to watch every step she took that brought her closer to him. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until she was standing next to her father. She wrapped her arm around Leo's and her soft voice hit his ears as a sweet melody, "Father dearest, may I ask why you summoned me?" She then leaned into her father's side, blinking sweetly. MinYue let out a silent sigh, and looked Cera in the eyes, but she was busy looking up at her father, waiting for his response.

"Cera, I would like you to meet a few good friends of mine. You already know Richard Song, but this is my friend Ming-Fa Park, and his son MinYue. Ming-Fa here owns several different companies, and his son MinYue is the CEO or Park Industries."