Chapter 3

Cera finally looked at MinYue after her father gave the short introduction. She smiled at him, which caused his heart to race again. His palms started to sweat. He may of looked calm on the outside, but inside he was a mess of feelings he didn't know how to handle. He desperately wanted to get away, but at the same time he wanted to swoop her up, and take her with. He wiped his hand on his pant leg and extended it out to her for a handshake. She raised her hand, he was prepared for one of those girly handshakes that he hated so much, but to his surprise she took his hand and gave one quick firm shake, and then released his hand. Straight to the point, and business like. That's the way he operated. So he couldn't hide his smile, "Nice to meet you Ms. Lu."

"Nice to meet you too, MinYue," then she turned to Ming-Fa, "And you as well Mr. Park," she then repeated the handshake with his father and Richard as well, "Nice to see you again Mr. Song."

Richard Song was impressed with how she went from the cute daughter of a business man to a poise young lady in an instant, "No wonder why you're so popular lately. I have to thank you for all your hard work Ms. Lu."

"Thank you." Cera's lashes fluttered lightly as she accepted Richards compliment.

"So how was your graduation ceremony last weekend?"

"Great! I graduated at the top of my class!" MinYue was standing there quietly next to his father just watching Cera interact with Richard.

Ming-Fa on the other hand wanted to know more about this girl, "Ms. Lu, may I ask what you went to school for?"

"Business management as well as Interior Design."

"And she did this all while working at my company! I am very impressed with her talents." Richard chimed in.

"Yes." Leo rubbed Cera's shoulder pulling her into a hug, "I am very proud of my little Cera."

"Dad..." Cera's cheeks had turned slightly red since all the attention was on her.

"And you have every reason to be. She is one of a kind." Ming-Fa added and he turned to look at his son with a beaming smile, "My son here could use someone like you at work." Ming-Fa patted MinYue's back snapping him out of his daze, "With your talents I am sure you will be an amazing assistant!"

"That's a great idea!" Leo spreads his arms up in the air with a large grin after he hears what Ming-Fa said. "Cera has been bugging us constantly to let her into the business world since she graduated."

Richard was about to butt in and say that he wasn't ready to part with such a great star, but his wife called him from behind. He reluctantly excused himself from the conversation.

MinYue on the other hand was in the highlight of his life when he reprocessed everything that was just said. His heartbeat increased when the words his father spoke repeated in his head, and he ended up repeating the word, "Assistant" outloud.

Leo, Ming-Fa, and Cera all turned to face MinYue since it was the first time he had spoken in a few minutes. Ming-Fa smiled, and then turned to face Cera, "Ms. Lu would you be interested in coming to the office on Monday for a tour. See if Park Industries would be the right place for you to start your business career?"