Chapter 4

"That would be fantastic! I have been itching to get out of modeling for a while now, but my mother is a hard one to convince. Thank you!" her quiet voice had a bit of excitement as she spoke, "Thank you father!" she then hugs Leo, and then takes a bow in front of Ming-Fa and MinYue, "I will see you on Monday!" She then turned on her heels, excited. She couldn't wait to tell May that her father just allowed her to step into the business world that her mother so desperately wanted to keep her out of.

After she left MinYue grew impatient, he didn't want to continue the conversation with Leo or his father. He excused himself, "I need to use the restroom." Both His father and Leo nodded, and then went on talking.

MinYue wandered the hall looking for a her. Just a glance would be enough, but couldn't find her. So he went to the restroom with a slight frown.

When he finished using the toilet he was making his way back to the ballroom when he heard a familiar soft voice ringing through the hall. His spirits lifted, but then he heard a man's voice that he also recognized. That voice made his feelings instantly go sour. 'What is that kid doing talking to my woman!'

He picked up his pace as he was heading in the direction of the two voices. He could hear her trying to turn him down, but Chen was showing no signs of giving up. MinYue turned the corner to see Chen grabbing at Cera and trying to pull her into his embrace. Loosing all rational being MinYue ran towards them, and got in-between Cera and Chen. He ruffly pushed Chen away, "What do you think you're doing?" his sudden appearance and chilly voice caused both Cera and Chen to startle.

Chen snapped back at MinYue, "This conversation is between us. This has nothing to do with you." MinYue quickly turned around to meet eyes with Cera, completely ignoring what Chen had said to him.

"Chen, I have no interest in continuing this conversation, I made it clear that I have no interest in you." she coldly spat out the words while rubbing the wrist Chen had a grip on earlier.

When MinYue noticed her rubbing her wrist, and his blood started to boil. 'I am going to kill this man for touching her!' He turned back around to face Chen, "You heard the lady, the conversation is over, now leave!"

Chen made an angry grunting sound and then turned on his heel and stomped off.

MinYue turned back around to see Cera staring at him. It caught him off guard once again. Her eyes were a very light blue, but at that moment they seemed to show determination, "Mr. Park, I had a handle on that. There was no need for you to step in." He was surprised at her words. 'She clearly didn't have any control over the situation. What did she mean by those words. Did she just not want me to step in?' He was completely speechless so Cera spoke up again, "Mr. Park? Why did you help me?"

He remained silent for another minute before speaking, "I am not sure."

She looked him in the eyes, deep in thought. 'Does he want something from me in return, all men are like that. They always want my body, or to step in to look like the hero! I hate that about men!'

"Well then I better head back, May is waiting for me." she didn't wait for a response, she just turned and headed back to the ballroom. MinYue remained there for a few minutes not moving. He didn't realize that people were staring at him. He didn't care, he was busy with his thoughts. He didn't want her to leave, but oh how he enjoyed watching her walk away. Her hips swayed with such sass that it made him totally okay with watching her backside become further and further away from him. 'She will be mine!' he said to himself before heading in the same direction back to the ballroom.

Once he was back inside the ballroom he could hear his brother MinHe and Lisa talking while standing on the stage on the lower level thanking everyone for coming, and for the guests to enjoy the rest of the evening with some music and drinks. Lisa even joked about them drinking one for her as well. He blocked out their voices as he was searching for "His Woman". When he did manage to spot her, he frowned slightly. She was standing next to May Lin, but there were two men as well standing to her right. Tyler Feng, Lisa's younger brother and a man he didn't recognize. He wanted to go by her and question who this man was, and why he was by her. He didn't have any right to do so though. He just continued to walk forward until he was stopped by his younger brother MinFeng, and his sisters Aleaha and Anna, "Brother, what's got you so out of it that you didn't even answer our calls?" Anna questions as she places her arm on his shoulder and leans over to catch her breath after chasing him through the crowd of people.

"Yeah?" MinFeng adds as he stands next to Anna who was using MinYue as a perch to rest on.

"Nothing, I just didn't hear you."

"Seriously?" Aleaha says in a half laughing tone as she casually leans on MinFeng's side, "What's up with you?" she blurts out this question while tossing her eyes up at MinYue.

MinYue thinks for a second and then points to were Cera is, and says, "Who's that man? I have never seen him before."

"Oh, that's Tyler's friend. They went to school together in Rine. He is visiting for the fall. His name is Sampson Lee." Anna says in a proud voice.

"I see."

"Why do you want to know who that is? And Anna why do you know so much about that man?" MinFeng questions.

"Business reasons."

"Of course it's for that, MinYue never wants to know anyone unless it's for business. Also MinFeng, the reason Anna knows so much is because we talked to them awhile ago." Aleaha was getting annoyed with all the questions. MinYue didn't say anything, he just stood there while his three younger siblings chatted.